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How old is the oldest gamer? #113918
03/10/04 12:17 PM
03/10/04 12:17 PM
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Have recently got my mother interested in playing adventure games - provided I sit beside her and do all the keyboard and mouse-work, although she's getting pretty quick with the paper and pencil for notetaking! So far, Black Mirror is her favourite, but I have yet to replay Uru, Syberia and Riven with her...
I've shown her this website (and we've just posted for help in JTTCOTE) and she thinks its wonderful how everyone from all over help each other and talk about games.

So... this question is from my mother, who is 85.
Are there others out there of the same age or older who are playing and enjoying games? I think if she gets some positive replies, she'll feel a little less "silly" and less guilty about letting housework go for hours and days at a time.

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113919
03/10/04 12:23 PM
03/10/04 12:23 PM
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Wow Mom is 31 years my superior! Good for her. I hope I am around to be gaming at 84.

I Baag, Therefore I Am. Update: I Don't Baag Anymore, Therefore I Ain't! Update: I'm baaging again but just a little.
Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113920
03/10/04 12:26 PM
03/10/04 12:26 PM
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Said in the voice of Mel Brooks as the Thousand Year Old Man:

The first adventure game was "Find the Rock". Someone would throw a rock and everybody would run to find it. Now this wasn't as easy as it sounds 'cause there were a lot of rocks around back then, so a good game could go on for a couple of days or until someone got hungry...


“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113921
03/10/04 01:06 PM
03/10/04 01:06 PM
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Hooray and good for her. I just turned 68 and "I'm lovin it" as RM says.......
Love, Betty Lou laugh

I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113922
03/10/04 01:11 PM
03/10/04 01:11 PM
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Your mom has 17 years on me and I DEFINITELY plan on being around at that age and playing adventure games. This is a great way to keep your mental faculties alert not to mention hand/ eye coordination. Housework???? Who the heck has time for such a mundane past time. Life is too short. You go girl and forget the housework! Nobody notices anyway.


"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." ...unknown
Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113923
03/10/04 01:20 PM
03/10/04 01:20 PM
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I think its wonderful how you two spend such quality time together!

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113924
03/10/04 02:54 PM
03/10/04 02:54 PM
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tigger Offline
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Hi OAP and Mum,

well we gave my Dad his first puter just before Christmas last year (he's a mere spring chicken at 77 ) and he is loving it!!! My Mum always said No, he can't have one, but she is now all for it as he will go up and play a bit so she can get on with the housework without him being under her feet!!!! Then she gets more time to embroider!!! So far he has played golf and is totally addicted to the windows card games (suprise suprise) as we used to spend hours playing cards, backgammon, chess etc when I was young. I am going to lend him a few adventures, but he hasn't got it hooked up to the net yet as that would be additional cost I don't think they need. I'm giving him Road to India first but maybe I should lend him Black Mirror as he loves spooky stuff!!!

You play your adventures and let the dust bunnies play their own games!!!!


tig wave

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Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113925
03/10/04 03:19 PM
03/10/04 03:19 PM
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OOOPS, I thought the topic said oldest GAME not GAME-R. Thus the reason for my earlier silly post duh

“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113926
03/10/04 03:30 PM
03/10/04 03:30 PM
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lol quick fingers works both ways then lol


Tig wave

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Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113927
03/10/04 03:33 PM
03/10/04 03:33 PM
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In April I'll officially be closer to 60 than to 50 (my how the decades fly). I have a backlog of games that should keep me going for at least another 29 years. As for housework, tell your mother that sweeping the room with a glance counts, so she should sit, relax, and have some fun! laugh

Wake me when it's spring.
Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113928
03/10/04 03:36 PM
03/10/04 03:36 PM
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We thought you were talking about your first game. lol

Wake me when it's spring.
Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113929
03/10/04 03:57 PM
03/10/04 03:57 PM
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OAP, tell your mom to go for it. Age does not have a thing to do with it. My mom is around that age and wants to get a laptop because she wanted to know what this Internet thing is all about. laugh

I have got to get new glasses...

That was also the first form of remote communication related to email. It was called "rMail" meaning "rock mail" . If you wanted to get some one's attention you threw a rock at them. The upgrade was tying a note to the rock and a high priority mail item was when your threw the rock really hard lol lol

“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113930
03/10/04 04:34 PM
03/10/04 04:34 PM
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Hey Y'all...would you just state your "age" and stop making me do the MATH??? smile {trying to figure who is older/younger than me} teehee I, btw, am 69 til Aug. after that I start backin-up!
OAP...tell your Mom that compter gaming keeps you from getting "Senile" The housework is just something to keep you from getting do a better job of that! agree??? Glynn

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113931
03/10/04 04:41 PM
03/10/04 04:41 PM
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Trail_ You beat around the "bush" a couple of time, but never gave us your are we going to send "presents"??? smile C'mon..fess-up! Glynn

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113932
03/11/04 12:15 AM
03/11/04 12:15 AM
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I am going to be 40 in July. Just started with adventure games on a computer in 98. I spent many hours playing the first 3 years. I had played every game I could find easily at that time, so I had to spend a lot of time hunting and buying online. Then I had learned enough about computers to be considered the friend / family techie. A couple of years unboxing, setting up their computers, and teaching them all to use them. They all live in different towns, so it takes a lot of time. This all gets in the way of serious game playing. I enjoy doing it and always learn more, but I am ready to settle into some long days of gaming. My oldest son is getting married in six weeks, and when that is done I hope to settle in for hours of gaming.
As for housework I have given, and put lots of stuff away. I just keep simplifying, so I can play more.

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113933
03/11/04 12:34 AM
03/11/04 12:34 AM
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Hi OAP and your Mom,

I was 76 my last birthday and I don't intend to stop adventure gaming until I've played every game I have at least once, and that's never going to happen because I buy faster than I play. lol

I used to feel guilty doing something for "fun" if there was dust on the furniture. Now I just look at it and think, "You'll still be there later so I'll take care of you later - much later!"

LadyK, I just did your version of "sweeping" so my place is good for at least another week. laugh

wave Jema

Wouldn't that jar your mustard!
Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113934
03/11/04 06:51 AM
03/11/04 06:51 AM
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"Sweeping the room with a glance", that is hysterical happydance happydance

I must remember that for the next snide remark from my Daughter-in-Law about my Dust Dinosaurs. evil

Granny Goodwitch

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Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113935
03/11/04 07:10 AM
03/11/04 07:10 AM
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71 years old here and still play Adventure Games and surf the Internet a whole lot more than my Kids and Grand Kids.
and still have the games that started me off...
Sam and Max...The Day Of The Tentacle...First Monkey Island and...The Dig.
Oldies Rule Yeh.
Who watched "Casablanca" Video last night for about the umpteen time.

If at first you dont suceed, deny you even tried.
Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113936
03/11/04 08:00 AM
03/11/04 08:00 AM
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I don't know, I'm pushing 25, so I'm getting up there with you guys/gals. hehe

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Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113937
03/11/04 08:38 AM
03/11/04 08:38 AM
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Turned, the big 65 last year and everything is falling apart. Nothing works right, anymore. evil LOU

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Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113938
03/11/04 10:32 AM
03/11/04 10:32 AM
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wave Bought my first computer in 2001 at age 60-OK you figure it out! At any rate, was entranced from the beginning and got hooked on card games, scrabble, ect. Then ...tried Myst in 2002-and discovered the WTs and discussion boards for answers to all my questions.
Have now settled into GBers and have been BAAGing away ever since laugh At this rate, I'll never run out of games to play!
Great to see so many others of retirement age playing adv. games, as noone I know my age has even heard of such a thing(they think it's only for the kids and all violence and shooting)
Hope I'm still interested in new things at age 85-that's the only thing that keeps you "young at heart" thumbsup

People do not remember how much you know,only how you make them feel
finished Gray Matter, playing Alice Madness returns and Deponia
Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113939
03/11/04 11:11 AM
03/11/04 11:11 AM
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Originally posted by Glynn:
Trail_ You beat around the "bush" a couple of time, but never gave us your are we going to send "presents"??? smile C'mon..fess-up! Glynn
Well Glynn, I'm actually a young whipper snapper. As I believe I mentioned in one of my earlier posts I will be celebrating my 23rd annual 18th birthday this upcoming April meaning I'm turning 40. Unfortunately, nature has ahem..."blessed" me with certain genetic anomalies that make me feel a fair bit older. Thus my silly signature line about "Current Pains" lol If you can't laugh at your weaknesses how will you ever know your strengths! You can quote me on that wink

“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113940
03/11/04 04:44 PM
03/11/04 04:44 PM
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Everyone in our house likes adventure games from my 9 yr old son to my Mom. And why not? Theirrrr gggrreeaaatt!!! thumbsup

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113941
03/12/04 12:59 AM
03/12/04 12:59 AM
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wow,at 62 this all makes me look like a kid.

Re: How old is the oldest gamer? #113942
03/12/04 10:44 AM
03/12/04 10:44 AM
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I will be 59 in December. I stared gaming at 53. wink


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