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Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114113
09/14/03 01:30 AM
09/14/03 01:30 AM
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I usually stay pretty quiet, but thought I would jump in here! I'm a mom, last name boat(right) and I have 5 kiddos. Thought it was catchy (Mambo #5) but most people don't catch on to that!
Anyway, it's easy to remember and I've used it everywhere so it's original.

Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114114
09/14/03 01:33 AM
09/14/03 01:33 AM
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Aurora Offline
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Aurora .. a name indicating South of the Equator and Southern Skies - Aurora Australis (as opposed to Aurora Borialis .... Northern skies) Aurora was also some sort of Mythological person in Greek History ...... Dawn of Light or something. I have no Greek in me.

Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114115
09/14/03 05:39 PM
09/14/03 05:39 PM
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I can't remember enjoying reading a thread so much in a while, but this has been a real pleasure and some are very touching. When I got here I was so anxious to get on I didn't lurk around and read for days and or weeks I found it and when I got here I just signed on there was already a Karen so I used Karen and NJ for New Jersey of course. After I was here for a while I thought some of the names were so neat I was sorry I didn't lurk and then pick a name but it was too late.

Thanks again bravo for a great thread thumbsup


Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114116
09/14/03 06:37 PM
09/14/03 06:37 PM
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The love of my life is my "special" daughter whose name is Lindsey. We call her Linds for short. When I joined gameboomers it was the first name that came to mind.
Susan wave wave

Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114117
09/14/03 06:37 PM
09/14/03 06:37 PM
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manxman Offline
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Manxman....a person from the Isle of Man where cats have no tails. My avatar is the flag of the Isle of Man and has a picture of "The three legs of Man". The motto is 'whichever way you throw me I will stand'.

Sometimes lost is where you need to be. Just because you don't know your direction doesn't mean you don't have one.
Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114118
09/14/03 10:41 PM
09/14/03 10:41 PM
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How many here played Discworld Noir?? Enough said!! For those that haven't one of my favorite characters in the gameworld is Lewton, the detective from that crazy world in the far out galaxies (sort of a mixed up jumble of those great detectives of film noir, Sam Spade and Philip Marlowe to name a few).

Happy gaming all,
Lewton (yeah I know, this is the correct spelling, LOL)

If the world didn't suck would we all fall off
Now playing Post Mortem, Midnight Nowhere and Still Life
Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114119
09/15/03 12:07 PM
09/15/03 12:07 PM
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My story isn't terribly interesting, but I'll tell it again, because there are a bunch of new people since the last time we had a thread about names.

My real name is Janet, and when I was looking for a user name I picked Jenny because I am approximately 1/2 Scot, and Jenny is the Scottish nickname for Janet...

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114120
09/26/03 03:54 PM
09/26/03 03:54 PM
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The first part is simple I love cats (checkout my new avatar) The second part - because our surname is scarborough(a seaside town in yorkshire) my son got the nickname skeg(a seaside town further down the coast)at school and is still skeg today at 31yrs.
Sylvia(known as skegs mum)

Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114121
09/26/03 04:22 PM
09/26/03 04:22 PM
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popcorneater Offline
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I use the name because as I use the computer for playing games and not wanting to be bothered by my 2 puppies, I pop a bag of popcorn for them the eat, so when joining boomers I just looked down and
Popcorneater was born
Ingie laugh

playing DS2, Oblivion and WoW
Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114122
09/26/03 05:15 PM
09/26/03 05:15 PM
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I summer in Everett WA and winter in Yuma AZ which is where I was when I registered for Gameboomers.I first tried to register as Dolittle and was told that was already taken. I had to make up a name quickly and at that moment there was a major dust storm blowing outside.Thus Duststorm. Yes, the dust does blow in the southwest.

Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114123
09/26/03 05:40 PM
09/26/03 05:40 PM
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gita Offline
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Wow, what a fantastic thread! Thanks for adding your story, catsskeg, and bumping it up, or I might never have seen it. Some of your stories are just great - Laura, yours is hilarious, while Inferno, yours is incredibly touching.

Now, I'll add mine to the mix. It's reeeeally boring laugh Gita's my name. I didn't capitalize the "G" because for years I didn't use capital letters in communication. It wasn't so much laziness as it was that I really just dislike capital letters! I'm not sure what changed - perhaps I felt that it was time to leave my "l33t g33k" days behind - but now I'm writing normally again laugh

I actually have no idea why/how I happened to sign up with it, 'coz I *never* use it to sign up for stuff. Usually, I use justG, because you'd be amazed by just how many people have trouble remembering how to spell and/or pronounce a 4-letter name. Also, many of my friends just call me G (no, not G Money, or G Thang, or any other such silliness). Oh, and by the way, for fans of Will & Grace.. I was using justG WAY before "Just Jack." So hmph.

I forget who suggested it now, but I think a photo thread would be great. I know many of us frequent other forums as well, so the pics may be redundant, but many don't, so they umm... won't.. be. laugh

Life's an adventure...
Anybody have a walkthru?
Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114124
09/27/03 12:33 AM
09/27/03 12:33 AM
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Far as I know I think my username is Tsalagi(Cherokee) or at that is what a friend of mine said and means I believe warrior,as it means in the spirit in how one lives there life,for a warrior is just not one who only fights

Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114125
09/27/03 01:29 AM
09/27/03 01:29 AM
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Demosthenes Offline
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Well, I've avoided answering this one for awhile now, but here goes anyway:

When I first stumbled across this board, I was trying to track down a bug in the demo for Gilbert Goodmate--and sure enough someone had posted on the topic. I felt like replying, but of course I couldn't do so without registering.

But at the time I didn't actually think I'd stick around very long--maybe post once or twice and go. So I didn't really think very hard about my screenname... I tried to come up with the silliest, most ostentatious name I could think of. I happened to be reading Ender's Game at the time, and if you've read the book you probably know what significance Locke and Demosthenes have.

So there was my name, and then for some reason I can't possibly fathom I managed to stick around a little longer than I'd expected. lol

Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114126
09/27/03 09:13 AM
09/27/03 09:13 AM
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spetsia Offline
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I struggled to come up with a name that had a "tongue in cheek" feel to it. I also wanted it to represent a very important part of who I am. I love studying languages and other cultures. So, having studied Russian in the military, I decided that I would choose a Russian word to be my moniker. I finally decided on spetsia. It's derived from the Russian adjective meaning spicy. It symbolizes my love of foreign languages, my food preferences and temperament. I've used it for years. If you see it online, it's probably me. smile So, just say "Hi".

My real name is Tinara. My father came up with it. Believe it or not, it's usually taken! As for capital letters, I guess I was just to lazy to hit the shift key. lol

Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114127
09/27/03 11:44 AM
09/27/03 11:44 AM
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wave My username came from a time my son and I were playing the same game on our only computer. If I remember right one character was named Homer, and since my son chose that name to save his games with, I added the 6 and Homer6 came into being. Now, anytime I sign onto a new site I use Homer6. I sometimes wonder if I didn't add that 6 because that's how I act now and then. lol

If something gets your goat, it just proves you have a goat to get.
Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114128
09/27/03 12:04 PM
09/27/03 12:04 PM
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Hi smile

I'm considered by family and friends to be practical and sensible......Boring or what ?? wink

So my username is just an abreviation of my real name ....Madeleine lol

'Course, THEY don't know I turn into this other crazy person once I escape onto the internet so it IS a very fitting username evil evil


Mad wave

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114129
09/27/03 06:39 PM
09/27/03 06:39 PM
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spetsia, just wanted to say that when I first saw your nick I thought it was Greek - my best friend's last name is Spetsieris smile Your real name is really pretty, by the way. Oh, and I absolutely love the study of languages too smile

Homer6, I was going to ask "why 6?" - but you answered that laugh

LOL @ Mad!

Life's an adventure...
Anybody have a walkthru?
Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? #114130
09/27/03 07:01 PM
09/27/03 07:01 PM
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When I first signed on to Gameboomers, I somehow managed to use a word that I normally use as a password as my user name. I continued with that for quite some time until it began to spook me that my password was now so public.

After Gameboomers indicated I could change it I had to come up with another name. My department at work had become dominated with 30 somethings who considered anyone over 40 as ancient and anyone over 50 as positively decrepit. I was still smarting from having just been denounced in a meeting as a geezer after pointing out the obvious flaws in a proposal, so the choice was easy. (Incidently, my assessment proved correct.)

Re: Ok Lonewolf & Laura. Here Goes-What is the significance of everyones username? [Re: Ramothus] #165979
06/26/07 11:02 PM
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