Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/04/04 07:00 PM
05/04/04 07:00 PM
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Mazes, just mazes.
Everything can potentially be a good gaming experience if done well.
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Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/04/04 07:12 PM
05/04/04 07:12 PM
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Oh mannnnn! I love the cut scenes. What bores me personally would be the game as a whole if it doesn't capture my interest. <img border="0" alt="[yawn]" title="" src="graemlins/yawn.gif" /> "I look to like....if liking looks be..." Shakespeare
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Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/04/04 07:59 PM
05/04/04 07:59 PM
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That's quite a list, Jenny100, and yet I've heard every one of those points being griped about at one time or another.
Having to complete an arcade or card game sequence in order to move on is aggravating rather than boring for me. I'm engaged in the action and getting tenser by the minute, especially when I'm losing! Frequent dying in a game also gets me very uptight.
I think long intro. scenes that can't be skipped and long load times can be rather mind numbing.
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Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/04/04 08:41 PM
05/04/04 08:41 PM
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Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/04/04 08:54 PM
05/04/04 08:54 PM
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I get bored when I already figured out what to do and it won't let you because you haven't talked to someone or been somewhere that would have given you a clue to do exactly what you were trying to do in the first place.
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Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/04/04 09:38 PM
05/04/04 09:38 PM
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Traipsing back and forth across a large gameworld hunting for new inventory or new conversations, even though you know they'd be triggered by your last action?
This soured more than one game for me that otherwise was fun.
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Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/04/04 09:51 PM
05/04/04 09:51 PM
Little or no interaction with the game environment? Jack the Ripper comes to mind. I thought the whole game was kinda boring till the end. I wanted to click on everything I saw on the streets and in the rooms. I couldnt get anything except what was important to the game. I guess I like a good pixel hunt and carrying inventory.(except ladders) 
Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/04/04 10:26 PM
05/04/04 10:26 PM
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Little or no interaction or conversation with characters. I have no interest in Myst or the inumerable clones. I like conversations. I like showing everything in my inventory to characters and getting a funny response.
I like sudden, strange deaths, but then I started adventuring with Sierra's Space Quests. So walking around a jungle maze in which absolutely nothing happening, in Beyond Atlantis had me bored almost to tears.
Action and timed sequences don't bore me, they make me angry.
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Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/05/04 12:19 AM
05/05/04 12:19 AM
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Hi I think practically everything boring has been covered already but it is somehow really satisfying to know that loads of other people besides me get bored by similar stuff 
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Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/05/04 12:52 AM
05/05/04 12:52 AM
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As you said, Jenny, we're all different, but I found several of those items you listed boring, especially games where you wander around looking for stuff that was triggered by something else, except you don't have a clue what or where it is.
One thing that wasn't mentioned: games whose characters are hard to understand, and there are no subtitles...
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Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/05/04 01:37 AM
05/05/04 01:37 AM
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Use the box with the chicken. Nope! Use the box with the wrench. Nope! Use the box with the glove. Yay! A Box-ing Glove! Use the boxing glove with the chicken.... ___________________~Demosthenes~________________
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! OMG! I have played so MANY of those! I actually find those types of inventory puzzles pretty comical!
What bores ME the most are the following:
1. Long load times...yuk...they destroy the immersiveness too (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets comes to mind)
2. Repetitive conversations that you CANNOT skip through if you've heard them before, and characters that repeat themselves word for word TOO MUCH (it's okay once or twice, but EVERY time you talk to them??) This is the case in so MANY games that no one particular comes to mind. It's a tolerable fault, but a bit annoying at times.
3. Gameplay that is SO open-ended that you have no sense of direction or purpose...I don't like just wandering around wondering what to do next (RIVEN comes to mind)...for ME, THIS one is the WORST...I WANT A SENSE OF PURPOSE, dang it!!!
4. Myst and Myst clones (EXILE being the exception)
5. Puzzles that require a degree in bio-physics or space engineering...I am NOT, nor will I ever BE, a rocket (OBSIDIAN and SCHIZM come to mind) please keep it at a bachelor's degree level or less (for THIS adventure/rpg'er anyway)
6. Characters that you control, but that have one gait...S-L-O-W...all characters should be able to run!
7. A clumsy and awkward interface (this will usually bore me so in the length of TIME it takes to figure it OUT...I'll usually just say the heck with it and uninstall the game)
PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/05/04 01:52 AM
05/05/04 01:52 AM
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To generalize, I find the most boring everything, what developers put into the game for the purpose of making the gameplay longer.
You will immediately know it, when you meet it because you usually lose the sense of immersion. It can be puzzle, it can be uninspiring maze, it can be an action scene. I love all of the previous mentioned as long as I feel, that they are integrated in the game. But when I have to walk 10000 screens from point B back to point A, even after I was in A million times and the game didn't allow me to pick item C until I really get to point B where person D tells me to pick C in A I immediately know how it was in developing process.
Writer 1: So I think our game is ready. Programmer: It's ready and implemented. Beta tester: I needed 7.5 hours to finish the game. Programmer: hmmm, we don't have time to invent more puzzles, so what if we just move some triggers far away so player has to walk a really long way. Writer: Ah, this is great idea. Graphic Artist: Oh yes, and they will look at my beautiful graphic again and again and again... mwahahahaha Writer: So the most distant places are A and B so let's move the item C from B back to A Programmer: Ok, back to work. Team leader: And don't forget to take out the map from the game. We don't want them to easily transport from one place to another. Programmer: Ok.
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Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/05/04 04:09 AM
05/05/04 04:09 AM
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I knew that's what was happening - Let's go get them and smack on them for a while I suppose what bores me is awkward interfaced puzzles, inordinate pixel hunts or hot spots right on top of each other which causes endless searching. I like reading if it can be done when you like - as in put the document or a transcript of it in your inventory - or if it is very hint/plot info laden. If it is one long dissertation to wade through - uhmmm I'll wait for the movie. I get bored if there are no people at all or at least "sense of people" in a game. In DarkFall there were no tangible people but lots of delectible voices and characters. In Rhem I found myself running after that guy yelling but "Wait!! Who can I hang out with if you leave....come back!!!" 
Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/05/04 08:10 AM
05/05/04 08:10 AM
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Even in Riven and Shivers, walking, walking, walking to do a task got to me. Titantic had the best idea, a jump map. You didn't have to walk the entire ship, you just went to the map and the map put you where you wanted to be. ;( Any other games like that? ~Dee 
Re: What bores you the most in games?
05/05/04 09:10 AM
05/05/04 09:10 AM
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[kidding mode on] Well, there you are. Everybody hates adventure games. No wonder they don't sell. Let's all go play checkers. [off]
Seriously now, if you were a developer reading this thread, what would you do?
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