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Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #114990
12/10/03 02:20 PM
12/10/03 02:20 PM
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bermag45 Offline OP
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I have seen quite a few postings about the various Nancy Drew games but I have always steered clear of them due to the view (probably blinkered) that these games are (a) for teenage girls and (b) not the most difficult of adventure games to solve!

I would be most grateful to hear your views out there because, if I am totally wrong and misguided, there could well be a whole series of adventure games which I have yet to sample?

Best wishes and happy gaming to all!

Bernie happydance

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #114991
12/10/03 02:45 PM
12/10/03 02:45 PM
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Hi Bernie,

I love the Nancy Drew games - in fact am saving the latest two as a treat for Christmas as I usually spend it alone.

Well, as you probably realise, I am relatively new to playing computer games but I find N.D.a very nice way to relax. OK, they are not as difficult as Black Mirror but do have some very good puzzles and near the end of each one has to be very quick or get killed. Think I have died more often in N.D. games than any other!

The graphics are good, the plots make sense, and each new game is more of a challenge than the last.

Having said all that, as I have passed my three score year and.......(well, that's best kept to myself), possibly I need to relax at times. But then again, I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of games such as Black Mirror etc, and the wonderful graphics of Syberia.

Don't know if this helps but don't let the gender put you off. In Black Mirror (nearly finished) I have been playing the part of a male.

I like the Christmas look of Gameboomers, don't you. It is all much more easy to read.

I'll send a letter to Santa perhaps he will leave a Nancy Drew in your stocking this year - oh dear, I doubt if you wear stockings. Only joking! oops

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Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #114992
12/10/03 03:12 PM
12/10/03 03:12 PM
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I'm male going on 40 and I just finished Stay Tune For Danger. The last (timed) puzzle was impossible to beat. I had to download the patch to remove the timer to finish it. That game was better than Secrets Can Kill. I don't have any more Nancy Drew games and don't plan to buy anymore. I got the fist two because they were cheap at Walmart.

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Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #114993
12/10/03 03:46 PM
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The first two are the worst two.
Don't judge the entire series by those.

The Nancy Drew games have an option when you start for a "junior" and a "senior" mode. I've always played them on senior mode.

I don't know about the "gender" issue, but they aren't simple games at the senior level.

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #114994
12/10/03 04:02 PM
12/10/03 04:02 PM
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I don't think they are easy, I needed a walkthrough to every one of them except three.
I am a girl (soon 22 years), but I recently told my mother that if these games was designed for ten year old gils and upward, then american children must be a lot clever than the norwegian. Maybe that just tells how little clever I am? Well, I think you should try one at least, but I recoment one of the latest. Number 6-Scarlett hand and 7-Ghost dogs are very good with a lot of puzzles and things to do. That is in imho.


I haven't lost it, I just can't find it....
Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #114995
12/10/03 04:28 PM
12/10/03 04:28 PM
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bermag45 Offline OP
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Hi Threads and everyone

Thank you all for your input on this and thank you especially Threads for your detailed observations (you're right - I'm not into stockings just at the moment smile )

From what I gather I think I may be wiser to invest in one or two of the later games rather than the earlier games, am I right?

I did not realise there was a junior/senior player mode so, with your good advice I will of course choose the 'massively senior' mode (due to my age and not my skill wink )

Best wishes and happy gaming to you all

Bernie happydance

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #114996
12/10/03 04:47 PM
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I think the ND games are fun & some can be difficult (but then all PC game are a challenge for me as the GB board will attest too, since they have to spoon feed me thru most of the games.

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #114997
12/10/03 04:53 PM
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I really like the ND games. In fact I have all 9 and waiting for # 10 to come out next year. I would recomend you try the newer NDs although I love them all. This is a very young at heart 62 yr.old speaking . LOL Diane

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #114998
12/10/03 05:14 PM
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Bernie, I posted the same question some time back and boy let me tell you, all these boomers set me straight immediately. Since then I have played the last 2 and enjoyed both of them. Have others I bought at discounted prices but havent gotten around to playing them yet. Enjoy!

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Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #114999
12/10/03 06:02 PM
12/10/03 06:02 PM
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I love them, Treasure in the Royal Tower remains my favorite. I play on junior (and am a middle aged mom) and I find them challenging at times.
Also, they are good for either gender...there are plenty of male characters, and the Hardy Boys lend a hand (via the phone) at times.

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115000
12/10/03 06:22 PM
12/10/03 06:22 PM
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A big thank you to each and every one of you - I will most certainly set forth on this series from hereon in wink

Happy gaming everyone!

Bernie happydance

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115001
12/11/03 01:10 PM
12/11/03 01:10 PM
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Hi again Bernie,

Don't think you will regret it. I am looking forward to playing The Haunted Carousal and Danger on Deception Island but, as I remarked, am saving them for as special Christmas Treat - though am sorely tempted every time I sit at the computer.

Ghost Dogs on Moon Lake was a real teaser.

Have fun


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Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115002
12/11/03 01:57 PM
12/11/03 01:57 PM
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bermag45 Offline OP
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Thanks Alice. I will take your advice and the advice of all the other kind respondents and begin on the ND series in 2004 wink

Best wishes and happy gaming!

Bernie happydance

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115003
12/11/03 02:49 PM
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how does The Final Scene compare to the others? would those who have played them consider this one to be a good one, or not?

just curious - i picked it up at a thrift store awhle back and haven't decided if i want to try it or not.


Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115004
12/11/03 04:58 PM
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Hello....I'm now finding that i'm getting interested in the Nancy Drew games after reading the reviews & posts. So just got myself 2 of the games. Of course i decided to start at the beginning & work my way to the most current. i just need to find out how i can juggle BS3 & Syberia in the mix as well!! lol I guess the upcoming xmas weekend will come in handy. laugh



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Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115005
12/11/03 06:18 PM
12/11/03 06:18 PM
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I found that packing in work and retiring gave me a lot more time to do the more interesting things in life eg adventure gaming wink

Thanks again everyone for your input on this subject.

Bernie happydance

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115006
12/11/03 06:47 PM
12/11/03 06:47 PM
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I absolutely LOVE the Nancy Drew games! (Although I totally HATED the first one "secrets can kill"... it is nothing like the rest of them)

I would definitely recommend the last 5 games in the series: Final Scene, Scarlet Hand, Ghost Dogs, Hauntel Carousel, Deception Island (although I haven't played the last one, I am sure it will be as good as the rest of them). Even "Stay Tuned for Danger" and "Haunted Mansion" are pretty good. I got stuck on the Royal Tower game so I can't evaluate that one.

I will keep purchasing the ND games forever!! If they stop making them, maybe they could just do the same type of games but feature the "Hardy Boys" instead.... That could spin off for another whole dozen games!

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115007
12/11/03 11:00 PM
12/11/03 11:00 PM


Hello all I am new to adventure games and my first game was Treasure In The Royal Tower. I really enjoyed it and since I dont know much about games I used a walk through and learned alot. It was really fun. I just started The Final Scene and I want to work a little harder this time to try to figure things out. This is so much fun.
Merry Christmas
Alice W

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115008
12/12/03 01:38 PM
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Hi Fov,

Voting from 1 to 10 I would place it around 6.

I find each new game is better than the last but have enjoyed all of them.

Have a nice holiday Emily.


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Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115009
12/12/03 02:03 PM
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Being a 56 y/o adventure game aficionado, I figured that any game a 10 y/o girl can play, I can have some fun with. Well....I suggest, if you are going to play these games, first go out and find a 10 y/o girl, otherwise, you're gonna need a walkthrough. In any case, they are most enjoyable. And I agree with an earlier post - do not judge later games by earlier ones. Enjoy the evolution of them. I liked Scarlet Hand, Ghost Dogs and Deception Island best. I have to admit I steered clear of Haunted Carousel b/c of comments from this group

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Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115010
12/13/03 12:18 PM
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I've played all but the last N.Drew and can say that all were good. Although I didn't like Haunted Carousal as much as the others.
Play as senior for a real challenge and junior if too challenged.
I was hoping with Hardy Boys mentioned in last few games, that there will soon be some adventures from them..never know
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Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115011
12/13/03 01:44 PM
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I totally agree with Jenny100, the first two games in this series are by far the weakest, so don't be put off by your experience with them.

As for guys playing ND, since you are playing in first person perspective, most of the time it's entirely possible to forget that you are actually playing a girl...

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Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115012
12/13/03 01:56 PM
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Hi again everyone

Brilliant responses from you all.

Welcome Alice! I really do hope you will become immersed in adventure games. I don't know what I would do without them now - excellent for the little grey cells!

Thanks Snowmoon - I have jotted down the five titles which you kindly posted.

Thanks Jenny - of course, if these are first person point and click then gender wouldn't enter into it.

Thanks everyone else for your posts - roll on 2004 when I can make a start on the ND mysteries.

I am delighted that I now have an entirely new series of games to look forward to smile

Happy gaming

Bernie happydance

Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115013
12/15/03 09:34 AM
12/15/03 09:34 AM
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Hi, there all ND fans. I'm 50 something and I found all the games challenging except for the first one (Not my Fav) and they kept getting better; hope they will continue!! I believe that they should change the rating to 15 and UP.
I can't believe that a 10 year old could do some of the puzzles.

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Re: Nancy Drew series - player gender and difficulty? #115014
12/15/03 01:09 PM
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I agree. These are hard even in Junior mode for some of the younger kids. I have nieces and nephews ranging from ages 6-13 that cannot handle them without me being with them-via phone or in person..
And playing as Senior-that's a great challenge for anyone..
Ingie laugh

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