Finished Rhem and loved it!!
07/09/04 11:55 AM
07/09/04 11:55 AM
Joined: Jan 2000
Posts: 88 Pennsylvania
Shy Boomer
Shy Boomer
Joined: Jan 2000
Posts: 88
I just finished Rhem. I loved it. this is the best game that I have played in a long, long time. It took me back to the reasons that I first started playing adventure games.
As background I'll say that I started, as I guess many of us did, with Myst. I generally like first person, mouse-driven, puzzle-oriented games including Myst, Riven, Exile, Qin, the Zork games, Timelapse, etc. There are a few third person games like the Broken Sword games that I've liked a lot. I am not big on character interaction games where you talk to everybody about everything and have to help the conversation along by clicking on the next item. Then, usually, you have to talk to everyone again whenever something else occurs.
But back to Rhem...A huge game world to explore and puzzles that were pretty difficult. I solved what I considered some real toughies but had to go to a walkthrough for some. This is not rare - I probably save enough not buying hint books to pay for my internet access. Most of the puzzles were logical and there were clues although some were obscure. I couldn't believe how many new and huge new areas kept opening up as I solved some of the challenges. This is the first game in a while that I have stayed up late to play because I just had to test a new hypothesis on the solution to a puzzle. I thought the graphics were quite good - maybe not as high-tech with water effects and the like as some new games, but the system reqs. weren't that high either.
I can't wait for Rhem II!!
Ed A
Re: Finished Rhem and loved it!!
07/09/04 12:02 PM
07/09/04 12:02 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 3,506 hunched over my computer
Addicted Boomer
Addicted Boomer
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hunched over my computer
I loved this game, too! And I can't wait for the sequel. But my husband wasn't thrilled and my best friend hated it. It seems to be one of those games that inspired real loyalty or utter revulsion. Or boredom and frustration!
"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"
Re: Finished Rhem and loved it!!
07/09/04 01:38 PM
07/09/04 01:38 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 11,903 The Garden State
Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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The Garden State
Rhem is one of my favorites, too. Most of the puzzles really scoured the old gray matter, and I'm looking forward to Knut's sequel very much.
Wake me when it's spring.
Re: Finished Rhem and loved it!!
07/09/04 05:32 PM
07/09/04 05:32 PM
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 84,163 In the Naughty Corner
The Sassy Admin and PR Liaison
The Sassy Admin and PR Liaison
Sonic Boomer
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In the Naughty Corner
Rhem was the only game I never finished because I hated it that much. Can someone enlighten me in whether or not you actually ever move from the first location and see different scenery? I was stuck even using the walkthrough. I felt totally claustophobic playing. I still own it but I borrowed it to someone and can get it back if I see reason to. Ana
Don't feed the Trolls
Re: Finished Rhem and loved it!!
07/09/04 10:13 PM
07/09/04 10:13 PM
Joined: Mar 2001
Posts: 3,971 Brooklyn, New York
Addicted Boomer
Addicted Boomer
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Brooklyn, New York
Love it and hated it...I love the puzzles, but hated getting lost all the time...but with that I thought it was a great game...
Playing now: Still Life 2..Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir: