Re: Spooky!
03/07/03 10:48 AM
03/07/03 10:48 AM
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Gordon- The games that have really creeped my out were Darkfall, Blackstone Chronicles and Amber. Turn out the lights and have some good scary fun! Marion
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Re: Spooky!
03/07/03 10:56 AM
03/07/03 10:56 AM
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Betty Lou
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Without a doubt - DARKFALL! and then next is SHIVERS (1).....Loved them both and made me jumpy, now what was that noise behind me? Oh, it's just the cat.....phew Love, Betty Lou 
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Re: Spooky!
03/07/03 12:02 PM
03/07/03 12:02 PM
Joined: Jun 2002
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For MYSELF, without a doubt, I would say Dark Fall and Amber: Journeys Beyond. Play both in the dark, alone, with head sets. I won't be disappointed! 
PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: Spooky!
03/07/03 12:10 PM
03/07/03 12:10 PM
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I recommemd Dark Fall Ghosts Phantasmagoria Amber: Journeys Beyond Shivers I Shivers II Silent Hill
Where's Mackiee's "Scariest Games Ever?" He did a special list that would answer this question perfectly.
Watching: Dark Shadows Reading: Angelique's Descent Playing: WoW and living in Kil' Jaeden
Re: Spooky!
03/07/03 01:00 PM
03/07/03 01:00 PM
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Grand wizard of high mucky muck
Grand wizard of high mucky muck
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Those are all great. Also, if you don't mind a little action - Realms of the Haunting, terrific game.
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Spooky!
03/07/03 06:51 PM
03/07/03 06:51 PM
Joined: Jun 2002
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OMG....I TOTALLY forgot System Shock 2!!! I would say that is THE scariest game that I've ever played,'s not for people who ONLY love the pure adventure. It's more of an action game with adventure elements and a tad bit of rpg.
PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: Spooky!
03/07/03 07:50 PM
03/07/03 07:50 PM
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I would say SS2 is a shooter with a few twists. it's not your "typical" shooter, where the whole game is just shooting stuff. It's got a FANTASTIC story, it's very scary, and you can approach the "combat" in it from several different have to learn weapons, tech skills, and psi abilities. All 3 come into play, can play the game majoring in any one of the skills. For instance, if you don't like shooting....focus on your psi skills and psyche the enemies out! Kill them with your mind and psionic powers instead!'s a really cool game with elements of several different genres really, so...I would hesitate to call it an FPS, although it IS in first person perspective, which makes it even scarier.
Gee....I think I need to load this one up again! (Thanks alot...all I need is one more game to be playing!)
PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: Spooky!
03/09/03 10:50 AM
03/09/03 10:50 AM
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Great thread - scariest games that I played...
Dark Fall (Have to wait til DarkFall2: Lights Out BRRRR)
Dracula 1 and 2
Black Dahlia
Shivers 1 and 2
The first part of Amber
Blair Witch 1
Inherent Evil
Re: Spooky!
10/13/03 05:14 PM
10/13/03 05:14 PM
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Realms of the Haunting. All about it is incredible.
Are they dead? Yes. Unlike you they have but one life...and they wasted it for your sake!
Re: Spooky!
10/13/03 05:41 PM
10/13/03 05:41 PM
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Blackstone Chronicles Amber Dark Fall Shivers 2 (Much of the game sucks, but the spooky atmosphere around the town is top-notch) The Dark Eye (Really more Interactive Fiction than a "game" but creepy as Hell!) The Lurking Horror (Text adventure)
Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.
Re: Spooky!
10/13/03 08:39 PM
10/13/03 08:39 PM
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I confess! I don't do spooky games (movies or books either) without help.  Only one spooky game have I ever attempted all alone. I have played Darkfall, Amber, Shivers and both Dracula 1 & 2 but only because my son played with me. I did however attempt one on my own a couple of years ago, only got as far as the frozen corpse and that was the end of me.  Morpheus has sat here on my shelf ever since daring me to have the nerve to try it again.  Hugs, Cheryl
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