What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 07:19 PM
08/06/03 07:19 PM
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From a collectors point of view. I think mine, right now, would be Bad Day On The Midway. Mint box, all docs, and manual. (Or maybe The Dark Eye?) Rusty
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Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 07:28 PM
08/06/03 07:28 PM
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We don't collect games. As soon as we're done with one, we trade it in to EB or sell it on eBay. That way it stays in circulation and more people get to play it. We both feel that the entire purpose of a computer game... its raison d'etre is to be played. It doesn't do anyone any good sitting on a shelf.
People who write walkthroughs or are game "gurus" have a good reason to hang on to old games. It is sometimes necessary to "fire one up" in order to assist someone else.
But hanging on to a game I will never play again (which includes 90% of games I've played) just so I can say I have it? Seems like it does the genre more good to get those games in the hands of an ever-wider circle of people who can play them and pass them on again.
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Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 07:37 PM
08/06/03 07:37 PM
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I really dont know the value of games so I dont know what game I have that may be rare and valuable. I know I have one hell of a collection and a lot of old stuff I bought over the years at Gametraders. I do have things that I paid a few bucks for selling at 20-30 dollars.
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Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 07:55 PM
08/06/03 07:55 PM
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Well, some people would disagree with you BJ. People collect all kinds of things including computer games. Personally, I really don't see any harm in it. I think that there are enough computer games in the world so that collecting doesn't have to be considered hoarding. Some people get alot of enjoyment out of collecting computer games. To me, that's what it's all about - enjoyment. Playing, collecting, whatever. Rusty
P.s. - BJ, I was just about to do that! LOL!
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Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:08 PM
08/06/03 08:08 PM
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Yes, Syd, I am one of the weird ones... Rusty
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Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:09 PM
08/06/03 08:09 PM
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I think I might have failed miserably with this topic! Rusty
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Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:11 PM
08/06/03 08:11 PM
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I collect everything: books, music, games, children and my personal fave... dustbunnies! (I have some of my favorites in shadow boxes) But PC games - nah I just keep them til I am done playing them. Since I replay all my games and have many others I swear to finish someday, they all sit on various shelves and such - happy as little clams. Laura
Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:14 PM
08/06/03 08:14 PM
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So you are a computer game collector after all, gatorlaw. Rusty
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Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:17 PM
08/06/03 08:17 PM
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{Thought going through Rustys head right now-"I think I have helped to derail my own thread!"} Rusty
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Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:21 PM
08/06/03 08:21 PM
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People give away, sell or trade their games? Well, I can see trading or selling if one has to - it's a way to play games without the infusions of cash it sometimes requires! I can see it. I've never done it, but one day I may have to.
I keep mine - I just do. I don't have that many games, just because I have not been playing as long as many of you. I do hope my games will be mine forever.
I'm a newbie on this, though. Who has the record number in their collection - it's Syd right? Syd is one of the people who has hundreds of games, at least I think I remember reading that. Any others?
What is my most valuable game, from a collector's standpoint. Oh, I don't know, maybe Obsidian - swell game, too.
Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:23 PM
08/06/03 08:23 PM
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The Kings Quest Series they said a while back at E-Bay brought $500.00 I think they said. We collect games too, we have 257 games and most of them we havent even played and we keep adding to it. When we get through we wont get rid of it either we do sometimes loan to friend here in town tho but I am always afraid they will get broke or lost. And how can it be hoarding when we buy them to play for ourselves to start with and only one copy just because we dont get rid of it when were through with it? Josie 
Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:26 PM
08/06/03 08:26 PM
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I guess I just eschew the term "Collector" because that implies I would trade or sell my rat pack stash. I am more of a person who starts accumulating items in a set category and eventually there are so many of them - I suppose they qualify as a "collection". I have boxes of comics, campaign memorabilia, old albums and such. I just liked them and never give or sell my "stuff" so it got to be a whole lot of "stuff". I prefer the term "Rat Packer" or "stuff accumulator". I bought one game a good number of years ago, then went back and bought some more. This continued. I never trade, never sell - I just keep them, buy new ones and replay them all. After a while - I ended up with a bunch of games. I have a limited memory - so after two years they are all new to me again. Senility has some advantages. Laura
Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:33 PM
08/06/03 08:33 PM
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Syd and I decided to count every single CD as a separate game and then mulitply the annoying ones by 3 - as they feel like you play that long to get through them. The good CD's we mulitplied by 10 - cause they are 10's. So between us, we now have a "google" games. Laura
Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:39 PM
08/06/03 08:39 PM
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I suspect, with the ever changing technology, that computers should be "collected" along with the games because I think we're all beginning to realize (since WindowXP came along) that the older games aren't going to play worth a darn (that's d-a-r-n) in the future. I don't colnsider myself a collector but I guess more of a pack-rat with a bent towards collecting. I developed this condition when I went into the service at 18 with the intent that the things I left behind (Mickey Mouse Watch; metal movie projector with a bunch of films; Lionel Train; etc.) would some day go to my kids........when they came along. The first thing to leave home after me was all those things.......given away to relatives who undoubtedly tore them up in no time. Never saw them again. So I figure this set me to hanging onto things of no particular value to anyone but me. I've collected a few old cameras; AM Radios (pocket); certain books; an old (similar to a cassette recorder) portable Dictaphone (yeah, I know that joke!)  ; etc. As for games.......I'm a piker. Only have about 50 but I can't seem to let go of any of them. 
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Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 08:57 PM
08/06/03 08:57 PM
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Won't say am a collector. I just buy what I like and tend to keep it. There are only a couple of games that I would even trade or sell. My oldest games are pre-dos games for the Commodore--only remember Wasteland and Beer Tapper. Have enough paperbacks maybe to qualify for a collection--mostly sci-fi, fantasy, and westerns. On and off with stamp collecting and haven't bothered counting how many games I've got though probably over a hundred. Can't see buying one of everything just so can say you got all of them. To me the enjoyment comes with using things. Won't find any toys, cards, or games unopened very long with me.
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Re: What is your most valuable game?
08/06/03 10:14 PM
08/06/03 10:14 PM
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When I die all the games I collected and played, even Kofun are going into my coffin. LOL
My most valuable game is Riven, I like it the best.
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