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How do you get back into gaming? #115977
07/25/04 08:54 AM
07/25/04 08:54 AM
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MacDee Offline OP
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When you have been away from gaming for a while for whatever reason, how do you get yourself back into it? Do you play an old favorite, or play the latest new game everyone is talking about? think

I'm thinking I may play some Shivers or Riven to get back into the groove. wink I haven't played in a very long time and I think I may have lost my edge. frown


Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115978
07/25/04 09:03 AM
07/25/04 09:03 AM
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Dee, give Aura a shot. I thought it was super. thumbsup

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Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115979
07/25/04 09:13 AM
07/25/04 09:13 AM
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Good question, Dee! I always have at least one game going , but I may put it aside for weeks or longer before I get back to it,

Sometimes, I just don';t feel like playing, or in nice weather I spend more time outside, away from the computer, I almost
always get back to it eventualy. (but there are some games I have abandoned after not playing them for a long time)


Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115980
07/25/04 09:13 AM
07/25/04 09:13 AM
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For ME, I've always had to "jump back in" by playing something very UNUSUAL, and often even from a different genre, to get my interest "re-peaked!"

Have you played any of the really GREAT rpgs? Divine Divinity really got ME back into gaming after a long slump.

Runaway and Black Mirror were two adventures that worked for that too.

RE-playing a game, however, never works for me, as it makes me think I'm going back to the "same old same old."

PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115981
07/25/04 09:21 AM
07/25/04 09:21 AM
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Deedle knowing your game tastes I'd have to agree with JB about Aura. I really think you'd enjoy it and it just might put you back in the groove.

As for me - I switched and tried a different genre to get me back into gaming. I was getting tired of the same old stuff in adventure games which weren't feeling much like an adventure to me anymore. Now that I cross genre evil I am enjoying the whole gaming process much more. Guess variety did it for me, and more importantly, it gives me a whole bunch more games I can buy rotfl

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Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115982
07/25/04 09:35 AM
07/25/04 09:35 AM
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Syd, it appears we are hopelessly devoted to baags! lol

I Baag, Therefore I Am. Update: I Don't Baag Anymore, Therefore I Ain't! Update: I'm baaging again but just a little.
Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115983
07/25/04 10:24 AM
07/25/04 10:24 AM
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I also think Alida will get your Riven-loving game juices flowing again, Dee. The Windows version should be out soon. smile

Wake me when it's spring.
Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115984
07/25/04 10:46 AM
07/25/04 10:46 AM
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I just finished Aura too, I think you will really like it Dee smile

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Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115985
07/25/04 11:52 AM
07/25/04 11:52 AM
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Play Shivers. Riven would be good too.
Play Aura after the patch is ready, which should be some time in the next week. Not everyone gets the nonfunctional cursor problem, but I sure wouldn't want to run into something like that on my first game in a long time.

Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115986
07/25/04 12:25 PM
07/25/04 12:25 PM
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Guess Aura should be my first game out, or maybe Alida. woozy I have it for my poor old Mac but it ran way too slow. I am looking forward to Alida for Win. wink

Thanks Jenny for the heads-up on the patch. It would really frustrate me to no end to run into a problem first time out. I did try to dabble in Uru, but it had too many action bits in it for not playing in a while.

Syd.....admit it. You just switched genre's so you would have more games to buy. :kiss:

I did pop in Shivers while awaiting a reply.


Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115987
07/25/04 03:35 PM
07/25/04 03:35 PM
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Dear Dee, How are you? I have thought of you often these last few months. How is your health? Mine- not so good- a lot of back pain since the car accident I told you about, but am able to work, so that's good, huh? Still praying for your good health.
I usually only get to play very much during the summer months, because of my job, teaching. I have Aura now- finding it a bit difficult as I get bored setting up machinery pretty fast. But am hoping for more exciting stuff soon. Everybody seems to like it.
For you, I was thinking maybe Aura, but the brand-new Nancy Drew "Shadow Ranch", sure sounds good, too.
I Like these because they are so relaxing, I like the character, and they usually have both humor and some tenseness/danger, but are not "scary". Sometimes I like scary and sometimes I don't- I just want fun. smile
My best to you,

Kathy O
Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115988
07/25/04 03:58 PM
07/25/04 03:58 PM
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Hi Dee smile

I certainly can't improve on all this good advice you're gettin' laugh

And hope to hear you are back in the throes very soon thumbsup


Mad wave

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Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115989
07/25/04 04:00 PM
07/25/04 04:00 PM
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Vertex Offline
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Kathyo, we've never "met", but I want to express sympathy in your not feeling up to snuff. I have arthritis; since May it has been giving me fits! But this past week at my regular appointment with the specialist, he gave me a shot that seems to be taming Arthur just a bit.

MacDee, I would suggest SHIVERS I. It shouldn't take you too long to play; sometimes the puzzles are fun just to play by themselves and you can get the old gaming muscles buffed back up slowly and surely!
Happy Gaming! laugh

OF COURSE THOSE CRAZIES ARE HAPPY! And that makes me crazy!
Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115990
07/25/04 04:13 PM
07/25/04 04:13 PM
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This thread is just what I needed. I have been away from gaming for a while too. I am waiting for my new computer to be ready. Until then, I can't play any new games because my old computer can't handle them. So, I put in Crsytal Key to have something to play and to get reacquainted with this game before I play Crystal Key 2. I'm still waiting...

Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115991
07/25/04 04:13 PM
07/25/04 04:13 PM
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Thanks, Vertex, I got it, too, have had since I was in late 20's- due to a car accident. But am used to it.
Shivers is a good one. I don't know much about Alida, but have heard enough good things about it that my curiosity is piqued. There's about 4 games that I'd like to get right now, but I keep hearing this inner voice (how I hate that thing), saying, "It's time to start getting ready for school. No more games 'til you finish this one!" How I hate that voice of reason! smile

Kathy O
Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115992
07/25/04 04:30 PM
07/25/04 04:30 PM
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Hi Dee,
I don't game to much in the summer[to much other things that need done].
I start out with a game i played before,but long enough ago that i can't remember most of the puzzles,
but don't spend alot of time wondering around.
It works for me.This fall it will be Night long..
Hope you get the old spark back for gaming.......
ron.etti happydance

Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115993
07/25/04 05:02 PM
07/25/04 05:02 PM
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So nice to hear from you Kathy, will email you soon. And.....don't listen to that silly voice. laugh

Hi Mad! wave

Vertex....Just finished Shivers. Love the music and colorful graphics not to mention some of the replayable puzzles. Well, maybe not the Chinese Checkers. whistle

Glenna....I have both CK games but haven't played either. I will one of these days though. (I seem to say that about a lot of games. blush )

I hope I can get back into gaming too Ron. wink

Oh, and arthritis is the pits.


Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115994
07/25/04 06:03 PM
07/25/04 06:03 PM
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Dear Dee, re: "that silly voice"- you're funny! Will be looking forward to that, And, yes, it is the pits. smile smile smile

Kathy O
Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115995
07/25/04 06:04 PM
07/25/04 06:04 PM
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MacDee wave Glad to see your back. Well, here is my 2 cents. How about a new game The Arrangement ? I'm planning on this one after I finish with BS3 but I've read that this seems to be a great little game to play. Read that it's slightly better than Michael B. Clark's first game "Harvest".

Anyway good luck in getting that adventure game feel back. laugh


Last edited by looney4labs; 06/20/07 10:37 AM.


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Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115996
07/25/04 06:31 PM
07/25/04 06:31 PM
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Kathy O,
I still hear that silly voice, and I retired from teaching last June! lol

It's funny that you call arthritis Arthur. My sister, who has some speech difficulties, calls it arthurlitis. It's one of those family jokes we use so often that we're in danger of forgetting the correct pronunciation. smile

Wake me when it's spring.
Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115997
07/25/04 06:40 PM
07/25/04 06:40 PM
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Hi Deedle! How ya doin? Since you asked, when I get out of the game mode, for whatever reason...I always end up finding my way back by playing a short online game that I can usually get done in a couple of MOTAS or some such game. It kinda rev's me up to tackle some good juicy puzzles! It helps to have a new game waiting to be unwrapped...ah the joy! happydance After I jump start my gamebrain, I can't wait to start! I've even played little adventures from the cartoon network! lol But it always works for me!

Good luck and I wish you ...
Happy gaming!!! wave

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Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115998
07/25/04 08:01 PM
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Dee, I think you should play Shivers while you are waiting for something better to come along. If anything can get the juices going its that one. IMHO.


Re: How do you get back into gaming? #115999
07/25/04 08:46 PM
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So good to see that Butterfly....dear know you liked Amerzone if I recall and I replayed it the other day cuz nothing sounded good. I really enjoyed it and it was easy and stress...


Re: How do you get back into gaming? #116000
07/25/04 09:00 PM
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Hi Dee,
I just re-played Dracula Resurrection yesterday afternoon. Forgot how good it was. Maybe this would ease you back in.
Happy Gamer has a good suggestion with Amerzone as well.

Rusty smile

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Re: How do you get back into gaming? #116001
07/25/04 09:28 PM
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I just came back, too. I was looking for the latest Nancy Drew game, and found Aura by accident. So far it's an excellent game. I only had the cursor problem once, and I save often. In my opinion, it is a good game to bring back the feeling of being in another Age. Do you think our hiatus was a coincidence? Or was there a drought in quality of adventure games since Syberia II?

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