08/11/18 10:31 PM
08/11/18 10:31 PM
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 84,215 In the Naughty Corner
The Sassy Admin and PR Liaison
The Sassy Admin and PR Liaison
Sonic Boomer
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 84,215
In the Naughty Corner
Welcome to First Look Central! The GameBoomers reviewers take an early peek at certain games, and in this forum you will find our first impressions of currently released and past adventures. First Looks are not official reviews. Often they are written from the game’s beta version or from preview code. The game at that point is not finished – glitches haven’t all been worked out, sometimes cut scenes and voiceovers are missing, etc. Reinforcing their status as partial glimpses or first impressions, First Looks are usually posted in forum format, just like other discussions of upcoming adventures. Each First Look is later followed up with an official GameBoomers review. As soon as a review is written, a link is posted to it in Review Central. 3 Minutes to Midnight, A First Look by flotsam80 Days by Becky A Highland Song, a First Look by flotsam Adam Wolfe by flotsamAER: Memories of Old by flotsam Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None by BeckyAgatha Christie -- Evil Under the Sun by BeckyAgatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The London Case, a First Look by flotsamAmnesia The Bunker, A First Look by flotsamAnacapri: The Dream by InfernoAnkh: Heart of Osiris by BeckyAporia by flotsam Argonus and the Gods of Stone by flotsamArminkrog by flotsamAsylum, A First Look by flotsamAsylum Demo by flotsamAurora: The Lost Medallion - The Cave, a First Look by flotsamAwkward Steve by flotsam The Bad, The Ugly and The Sober by nickieBent Oak Islant, A First Look by flotsamBlack Mirror (2017) by flotsam Bleeding Moons by flotsamBlood Nova, A First Look by flotsamThe Book of Unwritten Tales by gremlinThe Book of Unwritten Tales 2 by gremlinBrok the InvestiGator, a First Look by flotsamBroken Age by gremlinCandle by flotsamChildren of Silentown, A First Look by flotsamChromatic Memories, A First Look by flotsamChronicles of Innsmouth: Moons of Madness by flotsamChrono Jotter, The, A First Look by flotsamCognition: An Erica Reed Thriller -- The Hangman by BeckyConarium by flotsamCreaks by flotsamCreepy Tale 2 by flotsamThe Crow's Eye by flotsamCulpa Innata by BeckyThe Dark Eye: Memoria -- by flotsam Darkwood by flotsamDead Drop, A First Look by flotsam Delaware St. John: The Town with No Name by BeckyDemetrios by oldmarinerDeponia by GremlinDiamon Jones: Amulet of the World by Looney4labsDiscolored by flotsamDiscolored 2, A First Look by flotsamDracula Origin by gremlinDr. Doyle & The Mystery Of The Cloche Hat by flotsamThe Dream Machine by BeckyDreamfall: The Longest Journey by BeckyEko Episode One: Strange New World by BeckyEncodya by flotsamEvidence: The Last Ritual by InfernoExcavation of Hob's Barrow, The, A First Look by flotsamExpelled!, A First Look by flotsamEyes of Ara by flotsamFixfox, A First Look by flotsamFlake, The Legend of Snowblind, A First Look by flotsamFran Bow by flotsamGabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - 20th Anniversary Edition by flotsam Ghost in the Sheet by nickieGlyph by flotsamGrowbot by flotsam(A) Golden Wake by flotsamThe Great Perhaps by flotsamHarold HALIBUT, A First Look by flotsamHermitage: Strange Case Files, A First Look by flotsamHoly Gosh Darn, The, A First Look by flotsamHomebody, A First Look by flotsamHouse of Tesla, The, A First Look by flotsamInhabited Island: The Earthling by nickieJessika by flotsamJourney Down (The): Chapter One by BeckyJ.U.L.I.A. by RushesKarma: The Dark World, A First Look by flotsamKeepsake by BeckyKholat by flotsamLacuna by flotsamLamplight City by venus The Land of the Seazogs by flotsamLayers of Fear, A First Look by flotsam Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry by flotsam Life of Delta, A First Look by flotsam A Long Road Home by flotsamLilly Looking Through by BeckyLimbo of the Lost by infernoLoco Motive, A First Look by flotsamThe :Longing: by flotsamLucius 3 by flotsam Luna by flotsamMage's Initiation by flotsam Maize by flotsamMartin Mystere: Operation Dorian Gray by BeckyMazovian Adventure by flotsamMetamorphosis by flotsamMilkmaid of the Milky Way by flotsamThe Minims by flotsamMoebius by gremlinMoons of Madness by flotsamMr. Smoozles Goes Nutso by gremlinMurder at Tehran Alley by gremlinNairi: Rising Tide, A First Look by flotsamNecrophosis, A First Look by flotsamNelly Cootalot by flotsamNevermind by flotsamThe Night of the Rabbit by gremlinNine Noir by FlotsamNo. 70: Eye of Basir Obduction by flotsamOdyssey: The Next Generation by flotsam Old Skies, A First Look by flotsamOverclocked by nickiePaper Trail, A First Look by flotsamPerception by flotsam PRIM, A First Look by flotsamProminence by gremlinQuest for Infamy by gremlinQuiet Weekend in Capri, (A) by sydRauniot, A First Look by flotsamRe: Turn 2 Runaway, A First Look by flotsamRelics: Dark Hours by RushesRunaway 2 -- The Dream of the Turtle by nickieRosewater, A First Look by flotsamThe Sacred Rings by BeckySally Face by flotsam Scratches by BeckySecret Files: Tunguska by nickie(Reimagined) Shadowgate by flotsamShardlight by flotsamSherlock Holmes: The Awakened by InfernoSilent Footsteps by flotsam SOMA by flotsamSomeday You'll Return by flotsamSong of Horror by flotsamSonority by flotsamStories Untold, A First Look by flotsamSubmerged Hidden Depths, a First Look by flotsamSyberia 2 by gatorlawTails: The Backbone Preludes, a First Look by flotsamTales by flotsamTechnobabylon by flotsamThe Excavation of Hob's Barrow, a First Look by flotsamThe Wardrobe by flotsamThimbleweed PArk by flotsamTwilight Oracle, A First Look by flotsamUnavowed by Dan Peach UNDERCOVER: Operation Wintersun by BeckyUnleaving, A First Look by flotsamUnusual Findings by flotsamViktor: A Steampunk Adventure by flotsamWe Stay Behind Demo, A First Look by flotsamYesterday by BeckyYoomurjak's Ring by BeckyZLY.ii, A First Look by flotsam
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