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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116091
02/22/04 01:30 PM
02/22/04 01:30 PM
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What's a Yahoo
Bob ( made 71 last week)

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116092
02/22/04 01:40 PM
02/22/04 01:40 PM
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Hey Tig, My kids are "Babyboomers" smile I will hit the big "7..oh" in Aug..not too pleased about that but it's better than the alternative!! smile I have played lots of computer games and plan to keep on keeping on! Glynn

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116093
02/23/04 03:30 PM
02/23/04 03:30 PM
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I am over 60 and have played more pc games than most 15yr olds. Started with pong did all King Quest.
and any adventure game I can get my hands on. Just finish WatchMaker.

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116094
02/23/04 03:55 PM
02/23/04 03:55 PM
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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116095
02/24/04 10:17 AM
02/24/04 10:17 AM
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I like the way you think!

Ingie lol

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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116096
02/24/04 01:09 PM
02/24/04 01:09 PM
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uh-oh, some of use may have to become closet gamers! eek I thought it was bad enough that I've been a closet baager for years.... lol

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116097
02/24/04 01:31 PM
02/24/04 01:31 PM
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Alaska, that has me in Stitches!!! lol


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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116098
02/24/04 05:07 PM
02/24/04 05:07 PM
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I think it's clear Yahoo is getting senile.Yahoo has all the symptoms. And you keep on writing angry letters. How dare you all. Why not sending them a nice postcard with a glitter fairy on it?

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116099
02/24/04 09:13 PM
02/24/04 09:13 PM
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Well, at 72 I guess I'm way too far out to play computer games according to Yahoo. Since I've been playing before there was even access to the Internet or a Yahoo, playing Dungeons and Dragons on ARPANET, I guess I've outlived my time according to them.

Well, accordong to me, I enjoy the games, am as good as any at it, and will keep doing it until they plant me, not Yahoo my kids. Keep gaming you old foggys and kick ass.

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116100
02/24/04 10:18 PM
02/24/04 10:18 PM
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welcome to Boomers Kenny!!
Aren't we such a kind and gentle group of folks, until you rile us that is lol
Ingie laugh

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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116101
02/24/04 10:38 PM
02/24/04 10:38 PM
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Magicscroll, Ellie, & Kenny!

I'm as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth oops which puts me around 50.


Sorry, but I've held that tongue long enough regarding this subject.


For my Fellow Boomers

I'd like to share with you my "letter to the editor:


An Open Letter to the Editors at Yahoo/Games Domain

My Dear Sirs or Madams (as the case may be):

I'm writing to you today to strongly object to an opening welcome article, which had been written and published announcing your new merger with Games Domain.

First, let me say: "Congratulations", "All the Best!" and "Many Good Wishes on Your Latest Merger". I truly hope that you do well.

"...To visitors who have just discovered Yahoo! Games Domain, welcome. As everyone under 35 knows and as the mainstream press is discovering, games are now youth's unofficial pastime."

...that said, the scolding will now begin:

Well, pardon me (and the silent many of whom I represent), but I suggest to you that before you claim youth and age “cutoff tallies”, and then publish it for all the gaming world to see ... you should have run better and more accurate surveys to establish your paradigms, else you alienate a growing prominent group: "Adventure Gamers".

We are strong, we are here, we are over the age of 30, we play adventure games (and love it!)...AND we're not leaving any time soon…that is… of course, unless there's a new game out there. One that we simply must have…. even to the point of attacking our poor postmen…as we lie in wait for them to deliver our “treasures” that we’ve carefully awaited with “preorder from the internet”. (And just let me tell you…there’s nothing more hilarious them an old lady like me running down my local mailman with my arms outstretched in the middle of the street shouting “but what do you mean …you don’t have my new issue of Syberia yet? Here, open up! Just let me have another look in the mail truck! I know it’s in there somewhere!!!)

Our group is vast and growing in numbers. We range in age anywhere from our late 20's to 80's… and yes, Virginia, even into our 90's. My older gamer friends have told me time and time again that Adventure/Puzzle games are one of the best ways to exercise their minds and relieve stress. These types of games may not offer dizzying action or visual bloodbath sequences… and “bosses” to destroy at every turn, no… they’re better and more intricate that that…These games require logic, thought and determination. They offer the player a form of entertainment and escape, which many times can only be offered curled up with a mesmerizing book or favorite movie.

If you bothered to look at Games Domain reviews and patches in its entirety, you would have come to realize that there are many types of computer games available, some for purchase in “brick and mortar” stores and still others which one can only order from the internet through independent developers, still other “treasures” which are known as “legacy games” can only be found through exhaustive searches (trust me on this one, gentlemen…I know about these.) of Yahoo Auctions, Ebay, GameTZ, Second Hand Book Stores, your father’s garage…your mother’s garage……and even your local Church’s fire sales.

While it is true that the larger Console and Computer Game Publishers gear there marketing dollars toward males between the ages of 9 – 35, creating those “lets-shoot-and-blow-the-bejesus-out-of-everything-we-can-in-sight-while-we’re-riding-through-dessimated-towns-in-our-stolen-cars-and-maybe-stopping-by-to-play-volleyball-with-thos e-neat-looking-cyber-chicks” type of games. And it is also true, that most “brick and mortar” store clerks who ARE mostly male and under the age of 35 (…ok, come’on, fess up …that’s who you surveyed!) will look at the adult adventure gamer with eyes all askew wondering what the heck they’re talking about when those poor souls (such as myself) wander into their establishments daring to ask for the latest game from TAC only to be told with an attitude of abject boredom,

“Sorry, ma’am but we never carry THOSE games”

“Never heard of it… are you sure there’s a game like that?”

“I’m sure your son wouldn’t like that game!”

“Why don’t you try knitting something?”

You are still missing “the slider puzzle” if you think that theirs is the only type of computer game or computer game player out there today.

I’ve run a small website for the past year providing “Set Up Walkthroughs” on how to get these adventure games to run on Windows XP…some of them can be sticky little buggers! I’ve received over 300 emails per day for the past year (with no let up in sight, may I add) requesting help on various adventure games… those request all come from adults… and most of them are women. There are many other Adventure Gaming Sites as well; far larger and more professional than mine and their members are legion!

My name is Inferno and for far too long I’ve been one of the silent few. Your article has pushed me over the edge into the “twisty little passages all alike” far below. You have discounted us; you have left us out. It’s time I speak out in behalf of my fellow gamers! Adventure Games and Grownup Gamers are NOT dead…. we’re just busy playing our Adventure Games….

Submitted with all due respect:

laugh laugh laugh

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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116102
02/24/04 10:57 PM
02/24/04 10:57 PM
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"ATTA~BOY" Girl!!! Get'em! I love it! You said it the "bestest" smile Glynn

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116103
02/24/04 11:20 PM
02/24/04 11:20 PM
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Good letter to the Editor. smile

Josie smile

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116104
02/24/04 11:35 PM
02/24/04 11:35 PM
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I am also of the opinion that it's not entirely there fault that things are the way they are today in the gaming world. Though our masses are growing ...we are albiet a moderately small piece of the pie, we still are relatively a quiet lot.
The silent minority as it were. I think it's good that responses were sent to the editiors in these regard. How else will they know we're here if we don't tell them? If we don't voice our opinions no matter how small? or large? As long as we are respectful they can't help but hear us... now whether they listen is another matter and not in our control ......but still.

It will be interesting if I get a response. We'll see, won't we?


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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116105
02/28/04 01:22 AM
02/28/04 01:22 AM
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Well......I'm stunned..I recieved a response from them, which at first I thought was just a "form" auto the very bottom there was a reference to something that I had written in the body of my "letter to the editor"

...and I quote:

Re: Gamesdomain - Letter to the editor (KMM10007396V26541L0KM)


Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Games.

Thank you for your feedback. We value your comments and suggestions. We
will review your request and information as we continue to add more new

Our best to you and your postman.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.



Yahoo! Customer Care


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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116106
02/28/04 01:26 AM
02/28/04 01:26 AM
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Bwahahahaha!! bravo I'll bet they've checked your site out, as well as this one. They'd be smart to.


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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116107
02/28/04 02:43 AM
02/28/04 02:43 AM
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Inferno, happydance
My small statement to them did not draw a response other than the standard, nor have I heard anything more from them as they promised I would...I really do not expect to hear more from them. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />
They have tackled a tough bunch when they missed us old ladies&gents...I would defy gravity to get to my games.. lol
Ingie laugh

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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116108
02/28/04 07:10 AM
02/28/04 07:10 AM
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Hi all,

Way to go Inferno !!!!! smile

I agree 100% with everything you said smile

Love Thy Neighbor

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116109
02/28/04 09:08 AM
02/28/04 09:08 AM
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By Yahoo's description, I have less than nine months of gaming left to me! duh


Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116110
02/28/04 09:32 AM
02/28/04 09:32 AM
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Inferno, that is priceless!!! The Good thing is that it Proves they Do read the responses they get and hopefully in the future will address the 'ageist' attitude!!!

Gremlin, I don't think they would change an existing article, but they may look at things in the future... Keep up the good work everyone!! They should check out the Sims site if they think gaming is for the under 35's... I seem to remember when we ran an age poll on the UK site the over 40's category was the biggest!!!!


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Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116111
03/02/04 05:06 PM
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When you get 35, you can start over with one year.Huppetee, take your bottle and the gamee

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116112
03/03/04 01:17 PM
03/03/04 01:17 PM
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Fabulous Inferno, you speak for all of us who love the Adventure genre. I am wondering if we could mention just how many dollars we have sitting on our game shelves (and on preorder).
I can only an approximate figure of 300.00$ and that is without the games I have traded.
I am 77 years old and credit the agility of my mind and fingers to the daily excercise of my game playin. Love you site Inferno and share your admiration of Mr.Bill.

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116113
03/03/04 02:21 PM
03/03/04 02:21 PM
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Virginia's wetland dimension
I'm a week late but I also think you wrote them a great letter! bravo

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116114
08/24/04 02:14 PM
08/24/04 02:14 PM


I'm over fifty and I love computer game too

Re: Yahoo says if you're over 35 you shouldn't be playing computer games #116115
08/24/04 02:48 PM
08/24/04 02:48 PM
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Can I just say, "WTF"? LOL They are screwed to the max, along with our whole culture. You're not allowed to do anything unless you're young and sexy and cute, AND below 25 years of age. I hate this culture sometimes. sigh....

PS I'm 34 and Yahoo can kiss my tush. wink

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