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Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: hagatha] #1165469
10/09/18 08:02 PM
10/09/18 08:02 PM
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I'm not aware of any published save game limits. I tend to delete saves after about 4 or 5, because my OCD kicks in if I don't lol

“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: merrick] #1165480
10/09/18 10:55 PM
10/09/18 10:55 PM
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Not sure what happened there but I'm just being super-careful now.

I've finally decided on my party for the remainder of the game, though I'm not ready to leave yet. I am annoyed that the black cat imprinted on the Red Prince for some reason, and I'm not taking him along. I have my rogue, and Ifar, Beast, and Fane. Seems like a good balance, with Beast my main tank/healer, Fane my wizard, and Ifar as my ranged support.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: hagatha] #1165488
10/10/18 01:45 AM
10/10/18 01:45 AM
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That must be a feature specific to the Red Prince, that's my character and the cat imprinted right away.

“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: merrick] #1165531
10/10/18 02:27 PM
10/10/18 02:27 PM
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Apparently the cat is supposed to imprint on your character, but there is a bug that makes it imprint on the first character it sees. There is a discussion about this on GOG. Next time I start a game, I'll be very careful about that.

Interestingly, I managed to select a character that doesn't actually appear as one of the preset characters in the game, although that was my intention. She came from the preset menu, but isn't one of the game's actual characters. Again, there is some discussion about this, on Steam. She won't have a backstory,as a result. Never mind, still fun.

EDIT: This character is a result of the game OPENING in public mode when you first start. Someone out there joined a game, and created this character, who then shows up as one of the pre-existing chars in the game. Other people have had this same problem, with at least one person having her in their party, too, by mistake. Larian was supposed to be looking into this, but so far, nothing. As I say, no big deal, since any character in this game can be leveled up the way you want, but that's quite the glaring boo-boo.

Last edited by hagatha; 10/10/18 02:39 PM.

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Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: hagatha] #1165552
10/10/18 07:22 PM
10/10/18 07:22 PM
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The nice thing is Larian's dedication to the co-op mode of the game. It's nice to have the potential to run a game with friends without doing the MMORPG thing. I did that with NWN 1 for awhile, but had to maintain my own server to do it. I haven't looked deeply into DOS2's capabilities, but I think it's a built in feature now.

“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: merrick] #1165654
10/11/18 11:38 PM
10/11/18 11:38 PM
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I've never played co-op, I have to admit. I guess I'm just not that sociable with my gaming.

I'm now ready to leave the Island and head out with my posse. I have more stuff than I can use, which is always fun.

EDIT: I have to say, after playing this for a few days, its a lot of fun. Lots to do, and I like the character skill system and the ability to have your characters use a wide variety of skills, The game runs smoothly. I have encountered bugs, but so far they are more of an annoyance than anything serious (e.g. my inventory froze, requiring a reload). As with the original DD, the teleportation pyramids come in mighty handy, and there is a veritable shower of gear and money to be had.

I am playing on the lowest difficulty level, since this is a game that will lend itself to multiple replays and I can up the ante next time around.

Last edited by hagatha; 10/13/18 02:26 PM.

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divinity original sin 2 #1166090
10/15/18 05:39 PM
10/15/18 05:39 PM
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I am now on chapter 4 and I have a very common problem. I don't have a scholar in my party and
without a scholar the statues on bloodmoon can't be moved. I tried 2 methods like going back to ship, and reading every book in archive library, but they don't work so I have resorted to changing tags in save file, I managed to convert file to a LSX file and I have tried changing differant lines
but I don't know what tag I am. I am playing as "ifan ben- mezd".
any advice would be welcome

Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: merrick] #1166094
10/15/18 06:22 PM
10/15/18 06:22 PM
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I merged your post/question with the previous thread about this game, merrick.

Hopefully someone will be able to help you out.

Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: merrick] #1166377
10/17/18 09:44 PM
10/17/18 09:44 PM
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Hey Merrick, apologies. I haven't experienced that particular issue, but it looks like you aren't alone in hitting it.

The only solid discussions I could find are at Larian's website:

and then this step by step for changing tags

“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: merrick] #1166450
10/18/18 03:48 PM
10/18/18 03:48 PM
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I've been playing bits of Mooncrash in between Original Sin 2 sessions, and I think it's pretty darned good -- if a trifle intimidating (Erk! No saves!).

I've managed to get one of the players about half way through before death, though that just resets you with some of the gear you already have. I've got to the point where I whack everything in sight to make sure it isn't a Mimic.

EDIT; So...been finding myself getting killed a lot in OS 2 and having such a difficult time navigating the map that finishing quests is quite a challenge. The game is a bit overwhelming, given the sheer number of quests and map locations. Better go back to town and see if I missed any easier quests.

EDIT: Spoke too soon. Ran into a game-ending bug. Nobody else seems to have had this issue, but it renders my game unplayable, unfortunately. Negative status effects cannot be removed from a character, it isn't a curse or cursed item, and basically that's it. Game over.

So in the end I killed my cursed character by having him drink poison and that worked. I did see a couple of other posts about this, and there was a long workaround for it, and someone else said they just kept playing for a while and it went away. Just another odd glitch, I guess.

Last edited by hagatha; 10/22/18 11:36 AM.

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Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: merrick] #1167328
10/26/18 01:16 PM
10/26/18 01:16 PM
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Thats simular to whats happened to me.I hate dead ends in games .I decided to restart the game and as we have been given the definative edition I decided to use this one, that was a bad decision the game keeps freezing, I have tried all the "cures" for it but it makes no differance. when it freezes if you leave it a few minutes it start working again. At the moment I am still undecided about carrying on

Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: merrick] #1167329
10/26/18 02:35 PM
10/26/18 02:35 PM
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The other very annoying glitch I had was the never-ending fire bombs; if I tripped them they never stopped exploding -- just went on ad infinitum. A couple of reloads took care of that, but my poor party went up in flames more than once. At the time I didn't have enough gear to simply disarm them; now I buy every disarming tool I see, just in case.

Still, all in all the game is a lot of fun, and at times you really have think about your next step. I just finished getting the artifact from the Surrey tomb, only to realize
Click to reveal..
that I wasn't getting back out; sheesh, forgot about those handy pyramids. Good thing those clay warriors were laughably easy to kill.

Last edited by hagatha; 10/26/18 02:35 PM.

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Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: merrick] #1266770
02/04/22 01:45 AM
02/04/22 01:45 AM
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This thread deserves to be brought back again because this is a fantastic game and I don't see another thread. DOS1 took me 200 hours to finish, and I would rate it 5/5. I've played DOS2 up to level 13 now, and it looks to be another 200-hour game. The combat in DOS2 is different from the first game: if an enemy is low on magic armor, attack it with magic damage; low on physical armor, use physical damage. That means your party needs to have a balanced physical and magic attack capability. Yes, the early moments at Fort Joy are tough. There is some level-zoning, but you won't know which are low- or high level areas until you go there and possibly die. That's a minor quibble for a game in which everything else is super fun.

I also notice a difference in voice-acting style. DOS1 often has bloated, turgid, exaggerated dialog and voice-acting: e.g. the way that ZigZax imp talks, the way human characters try to sound funny and over the top. But in DOS2, the voice acting and dialog are MUCH more down to earth, realistic, and relatable. This is akin to those cheesy 1950s fantasy films compared to today's fantasy TV shows and movies like Game of Thrones that are more realistic instead of cheesy.

Here is one combat tip I use often: put a good shield in all your characters' inventory. When a character is low in physical and/or magic armor, equip the shield (1 AP), use Shields Up to restore some of your armor (2 AP), equip your original weapon again (1 AP). You lose a turn essentially, but you avoid having empty armor -- which makes you vulnerable to knockdown, charmed, all kinds of nasty statuses.

Last edited by GamingPhreak; 04/19/22 11:20 PM.
Re: divinity original sin 2 [Re: merrick] #1267102
02/09/22 01:21 PM
02/09/22 01:21 PM
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You know, I don"t think I ever finished the game, after all. I wonder if any of my saves are still available?

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