Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/29/03 01:04 PM
10/29/03 01:04 PM
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Okay, here's my pet peeve: why do so many developers these days seem to feel the need to "spice up" adventure games with nasty incomprehensible action and evil timed sequences?!?! I hate this!! It just really ruins games for me. A certain number of arcade or action sequences is okay if they're done well -- I think I would say like the boar hunt in Atlantis, or the sequences in Sanitarium -- but it just seems as if the whole thing is getting out of hand. I mean, a timed underwater maze (Cameron Files)? What the heck was that? And games like Thorgal's Quest shouldn't even be marketed as Adventure, in my humble opinion.
I could rant about this all day! What does anyone else think?
"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"
Re: Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/29/03 01:24 PM
10/29/03 01:24 PM
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I have a difficult time with many of the action sequences, too. I find myself getting very tense, especially when they're timed. I play adventure games to relax and get enough thrills from walking down a dark corridor to a new area or climbing down a ladder in the dark and getting eaten by a Grue! Lady K.
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Re: Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/29/03 01:40 PM
10/29/03 01:40 PM
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Ohh I Hated that maze!!! I don't like them at the best of times, add in the wicked time factor and I just went to pieces!! At the beginning of Simon 3D, I had to get Al to help me go down the passageway and that was within the first 5 minutes gameplay. Not fun. Tig 
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Re: Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/29/03 02:48 PM
10/29/03 02:48 PM
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why do so many developers these days seem to feel the need to "spice up" adventure games with nasty incomprehensible action and evil timed sequences?!?! it's not just these days... action and timed sequences have been in adventure games from the beginning. Many of the old Sierra games have arcade sequences, mazes, and timed puzzles. they don't really bother me, but I do like that some games give you the option to bypass the sequence if you don't want to play it. -emily
Re: Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/29/03 03:01 PM
10/29/03 03:01 PM
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[/QUOTE]it's not just these days... action and timed sequences have been in adventure games from the beginning. Many of the old Sierra games have arcade sequences, mazes, and timed puzzles.[/QUOTE]
yeah, I know that, but it seems to me that it's been getting worse. I'm always excited to pick up a newer game that doesn't have one!
my husband and I usually play together under the "two brains are better than one" theory, and fortunately he is better at those things than I am. I made him fight the octopus in Atlantis II and he got through it relatively easily. Actually, we got through the infamous underwater maze on the first shot, but that was purely luck. Generally whenever a timed thingie kicks in I get so flustered that my brain shuts off.
I guess some people actually get a kick out of dying over and over again while they figure something out, but I'm not one of them!
"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"
Re: Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/29/03 03:22 PM
10/29/03 03:22 PM
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I must say I surprised myself and managed to do the octopus sequence in BEYOND ATLANTIS after only 3 tries. After I got over my initial panic and learned what needed to be done, I just calmly waited for the light and lopped those limbs right off. If only I could call up that calmness in other situations. Perhaps a little meditation would help before each game. Ooooooohmmmmmmmm! Lady K.
Wake me when it's spring.
Re: Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/29/03 06:15 PM
10/29/03 06:15 PM
I must say I dislike the action and timed sequences too. I always get tense when I have to face those. Some adventure games I just didn't finish because of a timed sequence right at the end - GK3 for example - I just couldn't kill the monster right at the end but got through the earlier hard bits like crossing that "bridge" thing. My trigger finger isn't as quick as it used to be. 
Re: Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/29/03 06:25 PM
10/29/03 06:25 PM
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The time-sequence in Egypt 1 was the worst for me. Running down, finding the right pillar, putting the stone out. I even don't want to remember how many times I had to do that thing beaver
Re: Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/30/03 12:47 AM
10/30/03 12:47 AM
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My feeling is, if you have to die in an adventure game, resurrection should be automatic. SECRETS OF THE LUXOR did that, which made me much more daring. I even walked through doors I knew I shouldn't (No, no! Don't go in there!), just to see what would happen.
Lady K.
Wake me when it's spring.
Re: Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/30/03 01:03 AM
10/30/03 01:03 AM
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As I said in another post, I want them to put warning messages on the box: WARNING This game includes action sequences. So I won't waste my money on a game I won't complete.
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Re: Action Sequences in Adventure Games
10/30/03 09:21 AM
10/30/03 09:21 AM
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I dont mind action sequences but hate it when they are timed. I kept getting fried in Blackstone Chronicles recently not knowing what to do with the thermometer. Finally figured it out after three tries.
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