My pet hate
03/14/05 05:09 PM
03/14/05 05:09 PM
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I'm sure that everyone has little niggling things that annoy them about buying and playing games. Mine is packaging. If I pay upwards of forty dollars for a new game I reckon the least they could do is give me a jewel case so I can keep it in my CD rack. I don't like keeping the game in the box since then they get torn up over time and I have no desire to shuffle through a stack of identical white paper envelopes or deal with a cardboard fold out CD holder. What the heck is so hard about putting a cheap plastic case around the CD?
Okay, now that I vented, what gets your gaming goat?
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Re: My pet hate
03/14/05 05:23 PM
03/14/05 05:23 PM
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Visionism, The jewel case vs. the paper sleeve has been a hot topic here before. I agree, I hate the paper sleeve. I put all my cds in plastic sleeves after I unpack the game, but I do like the jewel case with the front and back insert. It makes it a lot nicer for the collector, as myself.
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Re: My pet hate
03/15/05 03:16 PM
03/15/05 03:16 PM
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Actually, it is usually because of some weird conflict between the game and the video card; at least, in my case. It is frustrating.
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Re: My pet hate
03/15/05 08:40 PM
03/15/05 08:40 PM
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I'm with you Sandy AND Visionism regarding BAAGing a game that was hyped, like Sherlock Holmes Silver Earring, and finding out that not one of our 3 computers will run the darn thing. What gives? And then to see all the negative comments about the quality of the game on top of that makes me sooooooooooooooooo glad I did not pay a lot for it. And, yes I do have one computer with XP on it but the other 2 have WIN98 with different hardware in each of them, different from the other. But still, at $20 for one game that will not run I might just as well have lit a match to a $20 bill! I do like the Sherlock Holmes games and am very disappointed. And I truly hate it when I see that I have to be a Computer Genius to fiddle with all my settings just for one game that is being stubborn/stupid and then those settings mess up everything else I have on my machine......POO! (That's a polite way of saying c..p!) and NUTS! to the 'genius's that do this to us! Thanks for letting me VENT! Love, Betty Lou  "laughter is the best medicine" they say 
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Re: My pet hate
03/16/05 01:42 AM
03/16/05 01:42 AM
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I also hate games that come in a box without jewel cases for the cd's! Talk about cheaping off! It infuriates me to have to put my cd's in the box, search through the documentation for them when I want them, usually hurting the loose manual in the box and the box in the process.
I keep my boxes in a separate place from my cd's also, Visionism. That's definitely one of my pet peeves also.
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Re: My pet hate
03/16/05 03:00 AM
03/16/05 03:00 AM
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I have the paper sleeved ones in a drawer and the manuals stored seperately. It is a pain to go through the stacks to find a game to replay but then thats beacause I'm not organised enough to put em in alphabetical order!!
My pet peeve is when the settings are so dark it makes it very difficult to play certain areas. Surely it wouldn't take much to lighten them up a bit???
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Re: My pet hate
03/16/05 07:39 AM
03/16/05 07:39 AM
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Sandy I think you jinxed me! Last night I came across my first ever "won't run at all" game with Syberia 2. Since it wouldn't get past the splash screen and some CD accessing I thought the copy protection might not like my wife's CDROM drive. Fixed it finally and now we're happily wandering around Romansbourg! Like I said to her at the time, "Who's your favorite geek?" 
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Re: My pet hate
03/16/05 09:14 AM
03/16/05 09:14 AM
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My "hate", for the moment is that I have installed URU: Complete Chronicles and it won't make an AVATAR for me. It just sits there "creating" it but never quite making it. If the darned game can scan my computer and determine all the hardware, etc., that is on it and say it is compatible with the game then WHY is it hanging up at this point? Never had this happen before!
For a regular, always to hate problem, I guess I have to go along with Jenny100. Print too small to read but, even worse, print that is on a background where you can barely see it.....and too small, too (usually)
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Re: My pet hate
03/16/05 11:01 AM
03/16/05 11:01 AM
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Wow, I feel really fortunate. There's only one game I haven't been able to get to run at all, and that was because of a software conflict.
My pet peeve in this area, though, would be games that crash for no apparent reason or games that don't run smoothly (choppy sound, video, etc) eventhough my system meets or exceeds the game requirements. It makes me think they're not being honest about what the requirements really are. Come to think of it, though, I haven't had much of a problem with that since I got my new 'puter.
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Re: My pet hate
03/16/05 11:03 AM
03/16/05 11:03 AM
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my hate is that I can't find any good games around at the moment!
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Re: My pet hate
03/16/05 04:40 PM
03/16/05 04:40 PM
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Guess you must have played them all. Not a happy place to be in!
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Re: My pet hate
03/17/05 01:31 AM
03/17/05 01:31 AM
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Originally posted by tigger: I have the paper sleeved ones in a drawer and the manuals stored seperately. It is a pain to go through the stacks to find a game to replay but then thats beacause I'm not organised enough to put em in alphabetical order!!
I never thought of putting them in a drawer, Tigger. That's a good idea but my drawers are a disaster. I must be more disorganized than you are. I either put them back in the box or if I have lots of empty jewelcases at the moment, I put them on the shelf with the games that came with jewel cases. Melanie
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Re: My pet hate
03/18/05 02:08 AM
03/18/05 02:08 AM
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As far as CD's in paper sleeves are concerned, I simply remove the CD's and put them in plastic jewel cases. Usually the face of the CD identifies the game. However, I don't have the end identification and I use racks for storage, so I have to pull them out to check the CD.
Probably my pet peeve is to find technical gliches which hold up my playing of the game. VISIONEER has guided me on a recent difficulty. Why can't they get a game right without having to resort to patches? Are they in too much of a rush? Cutting back on Beta testers? Whatever, it's annoying.
The last thing I'll mention are puzzles that seem to have no logical solution. That is frustrating to me. I don't like cut and try solutions. There should be some good rationale to any solution. Otherwise its grumble, grumble.
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Re: My pet hate
03/18/05 10:11 AM
03/18/05 10:11 AM
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| personal that are called 'Adventure' and turn out to be Action/Adventure...(w/ridiculous timed puzzles and not a good length of time to solve in, and/or jumping/leaping), games that do not allow you to save when /where you want, games that do not have separate gamesave files for each save...U R U , and you have to wait FOREVER for it to reload ( ummm U R U ) where you have to go back and forth so much you almost think your mouse is going to wear out. It is really a shame (for me anyway) about Myst IV...beautiful game, but i won't replay it...there are 2 puzzles that i cannot do (and believe me i have have no idea how many hours..)but dadguy got me thru, and Uru, same thing...except you are really out of luck there because you cannot even send a save and get help. i just managed to luck out for the jumps...of course i onlyjust finished Uru prime a month or so ago and now blundering in the expansion (been working on whole game for MONTHS) clueless. Again, beautiful , but so frustrating i will never replay. AND even worse, to me, not going to pre-order Myst V ! I loved the Myst series, but this last one has sort of put me off.
Re: My pet hate
03/19/05 11:10 AM
03/19/05 11:10 AM
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i agree with the thing about not being able to get games to run. is nothing simple anymore?
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Re: My pet hate
03/19/05 12:21 PM
03/19/05 12:21 PM
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Gamenut, sorry to say it but you're really going to dislike Path of the Shell if that's how you feel about Uru Prime. I really, really disliked POTS and I *liked* Uru...
"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"
Re: My pet hate
03/19/05 02:22 PM
03/19/05 02:22 PM
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Atlantis evolution was the same way-
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