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Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117947
01/05/04 10:47 AM
01/05/04 10:47 AM
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Ordering URU when it came out, only to find out that I had preordered from somewhere else-they arrived the same time. Cannot even remember preordering... slapforehead
Oh well
Ingie laugh

playing DS2, Oblivion and WoW
Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117948
01/05/04 12:25 PM
01/05/04 12:25 PM
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When playing Myst, my very first Adventure Game,(and long before I discovered GameBoomers), I was complaining to my nephew, who had recently completed it, that I had wandered all over the island and thought I had done everything. He asked if I had been to any of the other Ages yet and I repled "What other Ages?"

I have so may other "Duh!" moments, that I'd need a separate board to list them all.

Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117949
01/05/04 12:35 PM
01/05/04 12:35 PM
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I'm actually thinking of starting another thread: "what I have learned from adventure games." Yes, it sounds like one of those inspirational posters, but I mean, a list of all the stupid things I've learned to try when I think I'm stuck. Beginning with:

1. Shut the Door
2. Turn around
3. back out of the scene.

and...what else?


"So then he says it's enough to take aim! What's that supposed to mean?!?"

Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117950
01/05/04 12:39 PM
01/05/04 12:39 PM
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Sounds like a great idea for a thread. wave

How about Click on everything? wink


Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117951
01/05/04 02:02 PM
01/05/04 02:02 PM
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Sometimes a little knowledge is one's downfall. The first time I played Riven, I looked at everything and pushed the button on the fire marble puzzle because it seemed like the thing to do. The last time I played, while looking for Easter eggs, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get the power going. I knew I had those marbles in the right place! Why wasn't it working? Yes, that was a big "duh." smile

How about:
Write it down.
Draw neatly (or take a screen shot).
Look before you leap.
Take a break.

Lady K.

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Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117952
01/05/04 03:19 PM
01/05/04 03:19 PM
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Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117953
01/05/04 07:05 PM
01/05/04 07:05 PM
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Originally posted by flotsam:
There is a door you have to close (after opening it in the first place) to access a passage in Riven right after you get to the frog catching thingy. never thought to close it so wandered for ages wandering what to do next.
It was such a simple puzzle design. I meticulously put switches and levers back the way they were till I was sure I knew what I was doing but just never thought to shut that door.
Taught me a good lesson for future games smile
That was exactly where I learned the most valuable lesson to look around and close doors after passing through them. That lesson has since saved me from similar embarrassing moments.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -- Aristotle
Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117954
01/06/04 12:06 AM
01/06/04 12:06 AM
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Mine was Amerzone.I was on the 3rd disk for awhile and was moving up river to the village when a notice popped up fourth disk.I changed to the fourth disk.Nothing happened.I replayed the game five times to this point with the same results.I ask for help on the hint line..The message was saying fourth chapter Not fourth disk...I almost gave up gaming i felt so stupid.....but here i am........

Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117955
01/06/04 12:20 AM
01/06/04 12:20 AM
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I also fought with that door in Riven. I thought there might be something behind it but somehow I kept opening and closing it on myself as I clicked instead of getting closer and looking..until I finally gave up and checked the strategy guide. THEN I managed it DOH!

Exile: I went up and down the elevator many times in J'nanin before it occurred to me to look down while it was up.

There were probably lots more but thats what I remember right now.

Susan laugh

Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117956
01/06/04 02:54 AM
01/06/04 02:54 AM
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Probably my first "duh" moment was when I tried to use a mouse in a keyboard game - trying to click on game options when I was supposed to use the up/down arrows to highlight them. Some keyboard games actually let you do this. But not all.

The biggest "duh" thing about it was that I kept doing it throughout the game. It was a repetitive "duh."

Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117957
01/06/04 09:32 AM
01/06/04 09:32 AM
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I remember that Ron. laugh I did the same thing and I was the one that told you about it. I think I told you in an email so no one on the board would know how dumb I felt. lol


Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117958
01/06/04 09:48 AM
01/06/04 09:48 AM
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My worst "duh" moment wasn't in a game but when I was over the first or second time to the States. I was driving a US car, stalled it, and couldn't restart it or get the key out of the ignition. Had to leave car with key in and tramp to a garage to find that in the States it matters what gear the car is in for certain operations.

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Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117959
01/06/04 12:04 PM
01/06/04 12:04 PM
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When I started reading this thread, the one that sprang immediately to mind was the same as Peter's about the Fire Marbles.

I've had so many, but another also from Riven - when I got out of the cage at Gehn's, I kept trying to open the door he came through. I searched around that door from top to bottom and all over the floor in front of it looking for a secret panel to press. Walked around that room for hours, clicking on everything and going back to the door to see if anything I'd done had made a difference. At the time I didn't know about walkthroughs and forums like GameBoomers (are there any? laugh ). Finally, I read in someone's review of the game, "Don't bother trying to open that door - you can't!"

wave Jema

Wouldn't that jar your mustard!
Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117960
01/06/04 02:25 PM
01/06/04 02:25 PM
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ron.etti Offline
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Your right Dee,you were the one that set me stright.Just remember you started this topic so now everyone knows how stupid we are Ron.,,

Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117961
01/06/04 02:30 PM
01/06/04 02:30 PM
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In the underground tunnel at the very start of Harvest I kept getting stuck b/c I did not realize that when I turned around I was seeing the door I just came through. I thought there were two doors at one end of the tunnel and the house at the other. Duh!

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Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117962
01/06/04 02:54 PM
01/06/04 02:54 PM
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Well, it said 4, didn't it? lol

Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117963
01/06/04 05:21 PM
01/06/04 05:21 PM
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Trying to use the mouse in a keyboard game was my problem, too. In Journeyman Project 1 (Pegasus Prime in Mac), I couldn't understand why I had no cursor and couldn't select the "start game" bar no matter what I did. All I kept getting was the introductory help section when I clicked, not realizing that I had to scroll down with the arrow keys. I even loaded the game into my laptop with the same results. In my defense, I had never played a keyboard game before, but I finally figured it out.

Lady K.

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Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117964
01/06/04 11:36 PM
01/06/04 11:36 PM
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My biggest duh was the siren/organ puzzle in Shivers, I was not even getting it to where I could do the puzzle. I asked a friend then felt so stupid that I did not even admit to the fact that I was not in the right place. My biggest problem is going back out of the door I just came through and in Riven, that meant disc changing, ugh! My grandson always picks on my about the doors issue, but hey, they all look the same to me. In Grim Fandango I always used the wrong doors, but I loved that game, sprouting, what a term.

What kind of magic spell to use?
Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117965
01/07/04 05:01 PM
01/07/04 05:01 PM
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Lady Kestrel,
I really laughed about your duh. I almost saw you typing and wondering.

Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117966
01/07/04 06:12 PM
01/07/04 06:12 PM
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Now, don't laugh at me, Josefien. I can't help it! lol

Lady K.

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Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117967
01/08/04 05:39 PM
01/08/04 05:39 PM
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i don't laugh at you LadyKestrel. I suppose I'm much dumber myself. My imagination worked for me.

Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117968
01/08/04 08:00 PM
01/08/04 08:00 PM
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It is funny, Josefien! I laugh at it myself. laugh

Lady K.

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Re: What was your "duh" moment? #117969
01/09/04 08:03 AM
01/09/04 08:03 AM
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Syberia! I just couldn't find a way to get somebody to move the old lady in the wheelchair in the end back inside. I tried everything, but didn't realise I had to move the bell closer to the hotell so somebody heard it.
I even asked here! The answer was so simple, but I didn't understood. I had managed the whole game on my own up to then. Maybe I was reaching my limit for imagination?


I haven't lost it, I just can't find it....
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