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Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117970
11/02/03 12:50 PM
11/02/03 12:50 PM
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popcorneater Offline OP
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For all of those that have finished this game without giving away anything for those that are playing or planning on playing:
How would you rate this game on a Scale of 1-10
10 of course being the best? Be interested to know which you considered the best=10
and which the worst =1

Ingie laugh

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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117971
11/02/03 01:12 PM
11/02/03 01:12 PM
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Hi Ingie....
Having just finished the game and still under its spell, I would give it a rating of 9. bravo

What impressed me the most was the attention to detail...I really loved the little touches like the fireflies at night, the flags waving in the main room of the Wales castle, the leaves moving in the breeze around the Black Mirror castle. I was really impressed by the rendering of those scenes at night--beautifully done. bravo

The only segment of the game I didn't enjoy was that puzzle in Chapter 2 where you had to switch those white and black stones...phew! It took me what seemed like forever to complete that task. <img border="0" alt="cry" title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" />

Aside from that...I LOVED this game and it is definitely a "keeper"! Yeh, I give it a 9. laugh

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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117972
11/02/03 01:21 PM
11/02/03 01:21 PM
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gatorlaw Offline
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No problem here - I loved this game!

What impressed me the most was the attention to detail...I really loved the little touches like the fireflies at night, the flags waving in the main room of the Wales castle, the leaves moving in the breeze around the Black Mirror castle. I was really impressed by the rendering of those scenes at night--beautifully done.
Oh yes. I agree so much. - I will get into all that beautifully crafted detail later in the full review. WOW

Sound - 10 (use headphones and make sure NO ONE puts their hand on your shoulder while playing eek )

Story - 9 (If you miss a plot thread - you missed reading something or didn't listen carefully - It's in there )

Characters - 8 (Would have liked a bit more detail - but very good. Some voices could have been better, but minor quibble )

Puzzles - 8.5 (one or two were a bit obscure - but none stumped or were unfair. Really enjoyed almost all. )

graphics - 10 (looks so good. Shows that you CAN do dark scenes that you can clearly see. Loved the rain and special ambiance factors. BRRRRR )

Total grade 9 + smile

Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117973
11/02/03 01:29 PM
11/02/03 01:29 PM
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I would give it a nine. Agree with most everyone. Lovely to look at and absolutely absorbing.
I hate having to waste time waiting, like waiting for the priest to look up the archives. The ending bothered me a little but as time goes by it bothers me less. wave

Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117974
11/02/03 01:35 PM
11/02/03 01:35 PM


I give the game a 10. I loved it.I am so glad it had sub-titles because I couldnt hear a word that was said when he was talking to the detective in 1 scene. The graphics were great.The story was believable and a little scary. smile

Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117975
11/02/03 02:10 PM
11/02/03 02:10 PM
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Susie07 Offline
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Hi, Ingie!

I'd rate it a 9. The storyline had me hooked from the very beginning. The graphics and music were excellent, especially the rain and thunder. They were so realistic that when I went downstairs for a few minutes, I forgot I left the game on and actually thought it was raining outside. The puzzles were all solvable, even though some took longer than others. The atmosphere was wonderful. There was more than one occasion when I either jumped or let out a scream ... or both :-).

The only negative comment I can think of is that either inventory items didn't show up until they were necessary, or you couldn't take them until they were necessary. That involved a lot of note-taking and a bit of backtracking.

"The Black Mirror" is definitely a keeper, and worth playing again.


Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117976
11/02/03 04:23 PM
11/02/03 04:23 PM
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wow, great to hear this game is getting such good reactions. I just started Journey to the Center of the Earth (it won out in a coin toss over Black Mirror, since I couldn't decide which to play next!), but I'm looking forward to this one!


Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117977
11/02/03 04:28 PM
11/02/03 04:28 PM
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tigger Offline
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Good topic Ingie,

this way those of us waiting to play will have a range of opinions to compare thumbsup

Tig wave

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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117978
11/02/03 04:35 PM
11/02/03 04:35 PM
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I'd give this one a 9+ too--the only thing that bothered me about it (besides that slider!) was what Doreen mentioned, having to wait for people to do something.

Obviously there can't be a sequel, but I hope this company does more games--quickly... laugh

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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117979
11/02/03 04:40 PM
11/02/03 04:40 PM
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popcorneater Offline OP
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I agree with everyone else.
I gave it a 9 rating in my mind-compared it to my favorite scary which would be Dark Fall a 10
I found by going in and turning the sound down and voices up I could hear what was being said.
The graphics were really good and the story line super!
I liked the puzzles; thought they were fun-frustration must go with a puzzle or it's too easy.
I did a bit of jump in a few places-won't mention them here; but I can tell you this as a word of advise-"keep in mind it's only a game"-which I had a hard time doing. I am still thinking about the game-so that shows how good I thought it was.
The last 2 days of play I couldn't quit, I had to get to the "bottom" of the story.
The reason for me that I didn't rate it a 10 was I had it figured out before 1/2 over; but that did not take away from the story at all.
Interesting what we all liked about the game.
The worse game I think I ever played-and here I will catch a lot of grief-was Faust-that game had me confused and I actually disliked the whole concept of the game-Music was nice though.
Ingie laugh

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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117980
11/02/03 04:51 PM
11/02/03 04:51 PM
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manxman Offline
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Pure and simple I would rate Black Mirror a 10. smile Loved everything about it.

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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117981
11/02/03 06:36 PM
11/02/03 06:36 PM
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conmol Offline
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I also think its terrific!

but that slider puzzle would have been the death of me if I didn't get a save from Jenny at GB.

Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117982
11/02/03 06:41 PM
11/02/03 06:41 PM
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Ingie, I didn't care that much for Faust either--it's one of the few games that I sold right after I finished it...

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117983
11/02/03 07:01 PM
11/02/03 07:01 PM
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popcorneater Offline OP
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Not sure what I did with that game-but I know it left my house very soon after I finished it, actually I should have placed a 0 on the list it would have made it for me.

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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117984
11/02/03 08:07 PM
11/02/03 08:07 PM
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sami5901 Offline
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I loved it. It's a 10 for me and a keeper. I was a bit saddened by the ending. Like I really knew Samual. The story was so interesing I could hardly quit playing it. I hope the company will surly make more games. Diane

Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117985
11/03/03 02:51 AM
11/03/03 02:51 AM
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I'm only on Chapter 4 but I would give it a 9 judging by what I have seen so far. However, didn't any you think they needed more keys in this game and a couple more fountains wouldn't have gone amiss. ;-)

Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117986
11/03/03 03:09 AM
11/03/03 03:09 AM
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I would give it a nine also. I loved the game except for the long wait time. It was frustrating to be making progress with the game only to come to a point where you had to wander around endlessly waiting for the right moment that you could go forward again. If that hadn't occurred I would give it a ten.

Its one of those doors that needs a thingy thing.
Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117987
11/03/03 10:25 AM
11/03/03 10:25 AM
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Fantastic game, but I gotta wonder - what the heck was Bates scrubbing off the left side of that fireplace? It seems that was all he ever did downstairs. Oh yeah, he cooked once. Guess all that scrubbing worked up an appetite.

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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117988
11/03/03 11:38 AM
11/03/03 11:38 AM
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popcorneater Offline OP
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Without trying to give anything away-
I was wondering about the cellar chore eek
Ingie lol

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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117989
11/03/03 12:23 PM
11/03/03 12:23 PM
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ramona Offline
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Hey guys, it seems everyone is enjoying the game. Are there any timed puzzles or chances you can die?

Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117990
11/03/03 03:19 PM
11/03/03 03:19 PM
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Hi, Ramona!

If memory serves me correctly, I believe there is one timed sequence, but to compensate for that, there are several chances for you to die <G>! There are ample game save slots, though.

The last game I played that I REALLY enjoyed was "Post Mortem", but I don't think I enjoyed it as much as "The Black Mirror", which grabbed my attention from the very beginning and never let go.


Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117991
11/03/03 06:12 PM
11/03/03 06:12 PM
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I think based on the reviews here that I will have to give this game a try. thumbsup

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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117992
11/03/03 06:44 PM
11/03/03 06:44 PM
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I agree with all you guys who gave it a 9 or higher. I'm only halfway through, but I'm thoroughly hooked.

Popcorneater, I think Bates was sharpening knives in the cellar. Is that the chore you were referring to?

Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117993
11/03/03 08:29 PM
11/03/03 08:29 PM
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Hello all.....I love this game. Right now i've just started the last chapter but i can say that i can rate this game a 9. Knowing that i'm almost at the end kinda makes me sad. This game has all the aspects which i like in an adventure game. The only thing that i wish for this game is that it's alittle longer. about a sequel?? That works for me!! wink



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Re: Black Mirror-Rate it on a Scale #117994
11/03/03 08:31 PM
11/03/03 08:31 PM
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I thought it was the finest adventure game I have ever played. The graphics were superb, the attention to the smallest detail was not overlooked. The story line was intelligent and kept my interest to the end. The voices were believable and well done. The ending was a complete surprise to me and I was sorry when it ended. I would give it a 12. lkgregorio

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