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Games you've stalled on #120140
02/11/06 02:03 PM
02/11/06 02:03 PM
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Hi all,
I just wondered how many and what games you have that you are stalled on via a real tough puzzle or timed parts.

Still on my computer and stalled, Alantis Evolution, Missing, ND Secret of old Clock (out but will put back in again) just have to see the ending.

Playing Echo, Deleware St John II, and Aura in between time of going back and trying again.


Re: Games you've stalled on #120141
02/11/06 02:21 PM
02/11/06 02:21 PM
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Kudos to you for being able to do so many different games at once! Two are my limit, I think, and even that is pushing it! If I'm stuck on a puzzle I just keep trying and trying, because I'll lose interest if I leave it for another game.

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120142
02/11/06 02:32 PM
02/11/06 02:32 PM
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I stopped playing Divided--I was enjoying it, but came upon a math based problem--not base 10--and was playing several other games at the same time and did not want to spend the time working it out.

One day perhaps I will go to it--when I am feeling math proficient laugh

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120143
02/11/06 03:53 PM
02/11/06 03:53 PM
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Divided has non-base 10 puzzles?
I've got to find time to play that one.

Re: Games you've stalled on #120144
02/11/06 04:51 PM
02/11/06 04:51 PM
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I have so many 'stalled' games that I can probably win the prize for the biggest procrastinator. lol

Let's see: Silver Earring, Beyond Atlantis 2, Riddle MasterLu, UAKM, Escape from Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Riven, Last Half Darkness, Sentinel, Safecracker, Temujin, Discworld 1, Titanic - all started but not finished.

Then there's the installed but not yet played: Reah, Chateau D'or. Just had to have a peak.

Currently playing Divine Divinity demo, Treasure Hunt Demo, MasterLu, Frankenstein and visit Magnetic, Xiama and Peter's Puzzles, Sims 2 - all the time for a break. Shadow of Destiny is also waiting to be replayed differently.

Aren't I terrible?! lol


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Re: Games you've stalled on #120145
02/11/06 04:55 PM
02/11/06 04:55 PM
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Schizm on the bridge puzzle, but I plan on trying that again since I saw the help on that one..... Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban - flying the Hippogryff. Other than that, just major disappointment that I was not able to get The Sacred Amulet to run beyond the opening sequence despite all efforts - it looked good too.



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Re: Games you've stalled on #120146
02/11/06 05:04 PM
02/11/06 05:04 PM
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Myst 4. The vibrating crystal and the monkey puzzle. I have been stalled here two games ago.....

Re: Games you've stalled on #120147
02/11/06 05:04 PM
02/11/06 05:04 PM
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wow melanie1 - i don't know if i even have that many games yet eek i guess i better get busy here !! i do seem to be needing a great deal of help with runaway , but so far i can make progress...guess i better go shopping when i'm done ,tho lol

Re: Games you've stalled on #120148
02/11/06 05:51 PM
02/11/06 05:51 PM
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I don't have any stalled games on my puter'...I only play one game at a time, or I lose my concentration and immersion in the game...the only exception is when two game install together from one DVD. lol

Sue laugh

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120149
02/11/06 06:43 PM
02/11/06 06:43 PM
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Hey Melanie,
Good to hear from you. I don't feel so bad I'm at least in good company. I didn't even mention Myst Uru. I have to be able to go to another game or book as stress is not allowed. Sooner or later I hope to get through. I have about four books going at the same time also. Histories, and such; and of course fun and games type. Schizm, took me about four months to get though and Schizm 2 (even with the walkthrough) another six months.

Re: Games you've stalled on #120150
02/11/06 06:57 PM
02/11/06 06:57 PM
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I have so many games over time that qualify for this that I just don't want to think about it. scared scared

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120151
02/11/06 07:46 PM
02/11/06 07:46 PM
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Originally posted by Jenny100:
Divided has non-base 10 puzzles?
I've got to find time to play that one.
bravo That is the best example of why variety is such a wonderful thing! thumbsup

Dudemom, I was able to do 1/2 the bridge puzzle in Schizm, and DH did the other 1/2---

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120152
02/11/06 08:55 PM
02/11/06 08:55 PM
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For math puzzles I don't have any answer except that sometimes solutions occur to you when you are stuck in traffic or at two in the morning, but I did notice first with American Macgee's Alice that the timed problems seem to get easier as you work at it. I don't know whether it is just because you are more familiar with the key strokes or what but, for the most part, if you keep at it they seem to fall into place eventually. On the other hand sliders which don't work should be eliminated. By force if necessry.

Re: Games you've stalled on #120153
02/11/06 09:11 PM
02/11/06 09:11 PM
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Long time back got 'stalled' with Nancy Drew Stay Tuned For Danger because of the timed sequence at the very end....then Nancy Drew (another game about same year) again a timed sequence.....have gone back and played those 2 again since I have 2-5 years under my belt playing these games and conquered them both and love them now.
(MYST) Uru-Path Of The Shell gave me Excedrin headache fits but went back and replayed it about 3 times to get past the "jump into the hologram" and am so addicted to it just have to pull it out and replay it now and again.
Stuck on and quit, sold/traded/gave away=Titanic An Adventure Out Of Time, Traitors Gate I. Stuck on The Key and would just delete it except I paid for it and might want to try it again, it is a download game not on CD. (Don't burn your bridges behind you?)
Others I cannot recall the names of that I might have been STUCK but finally finished them....I find that with more gaming experience and a several years under my belt that I get more stubborn about certain puzzles - like mazes and sliders, and can conquer them if I just don't give up once and for all.....what a great feeling when I do succeed! laugh
Love, Betty Lou

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120154
02/11/06 09:26 PM
02/11/06 09:26 PM
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Hi Charlotte! It's great to hear from you too. I'm also glad I'm not the only one. lol It seems we're in good company with quite a few others. Pib you sound like you might be as bad as me. smile I also have 3 books going right now. Variety is the spice of life, they say.

Nightowl, you have so much to look forward to! smile You'll have so many great games waiting for you when you're ready. Lucky you! I also have a stack of unplayed at all games waiting. I can't wait to get to some of them but have to finish most of these first. wave

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120155
02/11/06 09:34 PM
02/11/06 09:34 PM
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Originally posted by Betty Lou Brewer Jones:
I find that with more gaming experience and a several years under my belt that I get more stubborn about certain puzzles - like mazes and sliders, and can conquer them if I just don't give up once and for all.....what a great feeling when I do succeed! laugh
Love, Betty Lou
Me too, Betty Lou. That's one of the reasons I have so many started at once. I like to jump back and forth trying to figure them out. Math and timed/action puzzle are my nemesis though.


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Re: Games you've stalled on #120156
02/11/06 09:44 PM
02/11/06 09:44 PM
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There's quite a few on my list too! Although most of my stalling tends to be through boredom. laugh

Myst - All I seemed to do in this game was wander around in total confusion and mutter "eh?", "wha?" & "huh?" to myself at regular intervals. Not my idea of a good time.
Sanitarium - This one started out quite well, but I just got tired of having to drag my little guy around by the scruff of his neck to get him to move anyplace. I found the repetitive questioning tedious. Maybe I should have stuck with it, as I've read so many positive comments about this game.
Simon the Sorceror - I just adored the Swampling creature, it made me laugh a lot, but I couldn't get to grips with the point of the game at all.
Conspiracies & Frankenstein TTEOTM - Worst. Games. Ever.

And then there's Titanic An Adventure Out of Time, Remedy, Escape from Monkey Island...

OK, I'm done with grumbling now. lol

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120157
02/11/06 11:07 PM
02/11/06 11:07 PM
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i know what you mean,Betty lou - although i love sliders,and most mazes,but timed sequences just killed me to a few nancy's though,and something like missing since jan,and you don't get as flustered when you run across one somewhere else. the only thing i ever got truly stuck on was the battery puzzle in aura - even with 2 wt's,hints ,etc. after 2 months i gave up,took it out and never looked back. and i will never really like math stuff....

Re: Games you've stalled on #120158
02/12/06 12:17 AM
02/12/06 12:17 AM
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Oh my, This is embarassing. I am stalled in The Watchmaker, Voyage, Atlantis Evolution, POP Warror Within and I have been stuck in Jekyll and Hyde for three years. I do not like to give up, but three years is rediculous. frown

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120159
02/12/06 01:39 AM
02/12/06 01:39 AM
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When you say stalled on , do you mean you want to play these games without resorting to a Walkthrough or hints, or are you just bored with the game?

Some games I install and play for a while and they just don't grab me, I guess you could say I have stalled on those games. smile Other games I merrily play along and hit a really frustrating puzzle or timed sequence. I refuse to ask for a "save", so if the great walkthroughs on Gameboomers and UHS Hints can't get me past that point ... sure, I have given up on some games.

Why do some games have a very difficult timed sequence right at the very end of the game? Some of those games I would say I have never (really) finished. evil

Re: Games you've stalled on #120160
02/12/06 01:45 AM
02/12/06 01:45 AM
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Originally posted by Dudemom_2000:
Schizm on the bridge puzzle, but I plan on trying that again since I saw the help on that one.
That was a really, really frustrating puzzle. However, I got through it all by myself and felt so good. If that is all that is holding you up on finishing the game, there is a save around. wink

Re: Games you've stalled on #120161
02/12/06 07:26 AM
02/12/06 07:26 AM
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Oh, I envy all of you who can do so many things at the same time! If I have more than two games or books going at once, I find I don't concentrate as much as I should. That's old age speaking, I guess. laugh

Stalled has happened to me on some action sequences (Simon the Sorcerer arcade for one) where I have to put it up for awhile out of frustration.

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120162
02/12/06 11:43 AM
02/12/06 11:43 AM
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I, too, got stalled on the bridge puzzle in Schizm. I was playing the CD-ROM version of the game and purchased a copy of the DVD version a while back - mainly because that version was more highly recommended than the CD-ROM version. However, I'm sure that the bridge puzzle is just as difficult.

My most disappointing game that I stalled on was Safecracker. I really enjoyed the game but couldn't finish it because of the problem with scrolling through the inventory. A couple boomers tried to help me with the problem but I could never resolve it. I would love to go back to that game and find some way to get the scrolling problem working.

Otherwise, I stop playing any puzzle that requires keyboard controls instead of mouse control. I know that a lot of people prefer that method but not me. It's the reason that I quit Bad Mojo, Broken Sword III, Nocturn, and many others.

My other pet peeve is the same of many other players - timed puzzles. Timed puzzles have kept me from finishing most of the Nancy Drew games (I was glad that I got through the last puzzle in LTTBC, which really wasn't a timed puzzle). I actually enjoy sliders - but not so about mazes. I'm also pretty bad at sound puzzles - I must be tone deaf.

But there are a lot of games to make up for the ones that I can't or choose not to play so I'm still a contented boomer.

tuesday next

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Re: Games you've stalled on #120163
02/12/06 11:46 AM
02/12/06 11:46 AM
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I don't usually stall on games because of hard puzzles. I always cheat when I get irrevocably stuck. But I do stall on them when I'm bored with them or just not in the mood for them.

Re: Games you've stalled on #120164
02/12/06 02:57 PM
02/12/06 02:57 PM
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Hi smile

Same here in the main, Jenny100, although I have to admit that a couple of recent-ish keyboard controlled games with "timed sequences that end in death" have left me uninspired enough to abandon them frown


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