Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 03:04 AM
04/29/06 03:04 AM
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Thats weird, I never had any problem with the controls... As for Funcom messing up the game, well its only half true. The action and sneaking parts are kinda annoying but the story is just awesome. It could be better if it was a point'n click game but its still fun  .
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 04:09 AM
04/29/06 04:09 AM
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Changing tack somewhat and not having any knowledge of this game, my suggestion to Retired (and any other bold adventure gamers) is to install your own new video card: it is usually a simple plug in job with easy instructions - as long as you can figure out how to get the cover off your processor! Nothing like taking some of the mystery out of the monster... 
Life is what happens while you're making other plans.
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 04:39 AM
04/29/06 04:39 AM
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Are we playing the same game?  The enemy knocks me down 3 times to my knocking them down once, simply because the controls dont do what they are suppose to do. Sounds like maybe you aren't block and dodging enough? The fight controls are sluggish, but I never died because of them. There are also only four obligatory fights in the game. The rest have alternative ways around them. In fact a couple of these are pretty much impossible to win, making avoidance the only real strategy. I had no problems at all with movement. Those who are should take some time to customize the controls in the various options screens. Last, in terms of your considering Dreamfall to not be an adventure... I feel quite the opposite. I don't see how anyone who actually sat down and played this game for any length of time can honestly say that Dreamfall is not an Adventure. It may be an adventure with a few other elements but it is blatantly an adventure first and foremost. (Not my quote) If I sound like I'm going out of my way to support Dreamfall here and in other thread, well yeah I kinda am. Because I think it's the best story in a game in years (better than TLJ1. It's the best since GK2 imo!), and I really want to see a sequel! (Which Ragnar talks about some on his blog: )
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 06:19 AM
04/29/06 06:19 AM
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Does anyone else see the similarity here between what happened with BS3 and Dreamfall. Both are follow ups to very successfully games that had a solid fan base. In both cases the developer wished to attract new gamers to the genre by altering a tried and true formula to make the game 'more exciting', 'introduce tension' and have it conform to console playing. I don't know how successful BS3 was in garnering a new market of Adventurers. I do know that many don't see it as an exceptional game, and quite a few refused to play it because of the controls (myself included). I do believe that Dreamfall is an adventure, but I'm sad to say it's not the type of adventure that will attract gamers like me. I hope it does put Adventures on the map for mainstream gamers; maybe they will be hooked and want to play more. I just think that changing an adventure to attract mainstream gamers alters it so much that what might be gained is offset by the loss of the existing market. Developers can either listen to us and give us more of what we love or try to add elements that they think mainstream gamers want. More of the same needn't be stagnant or rehashed. There are plenty of stories to be told, and oodles of ways to present challenging puzzles. You don't need more than 2 buttons to have great gameplay. You don't need state of the art graphics to stimulate the imagination. Referring to the Charles Cecil interview at AG, I find it fitting that he is talking of good old point and click for BS 4. I played Broken Sword 3 with a gamepad, and I found that made it much easier to control.
I quite liked it with the keyboard. A lot of people didn't, and we've very much taken on board the fact that people resented us moving away from point & click. We have a very loyal audience, and if people complain, we take what they say seriously, because that ultimately means that we can keep writing games. Our primary audience is the people that play Broken Sword. We want to expand, of course, and that's what we're always aiming for, but we won't do anything if we can possibly help it that is likely to alienate the core audience. Coming from him, this is heartening indeed.
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 06:36 AM
04/29/06 06:36 AM
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The Medieval Lady
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Becky, I think it's a sign that you need to try Divine Divinity. Must...Resist...The Dark Side.... Snatcher -- the 10-year-old instructed me not to block, but just to dodge and move around, and that's working very well so far. I think I must have a particularly slow thumb. Colpet -- interesting analysis! I agree that there will always be tension when you take a tried and true formula and then significantly innovate/change the formula. I am playing The Longest Journey as I play Dreamfall and so far my own impression is that, overall, Dreamfall is the better game. Of course, in many ways it isn't "fair" to compare a brand new release with a game that is several years old! I was one of the "traditional" gamers who struggled with movement in BS3. I never did adapt to the screen-relative view in BS3, and just barely made it through a couple of the game's action challenges by the skin of my teeth after repeated attempts. I'm finding movement in Dreamfall to be much easier because it gives you the option to use character-relative movement. I'm assuming that combat will become more difficult as I go through the game, but so far the combat hasn't been nearly as difficult as I expected.
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 07:27 AM
04/29/06 07:27 AM
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Originally posted by Snatcher42: Last, in terms of your considering Dreamfall to not be an adventure... I feel quite the opposite.
[QUOTE]I don't see how anyone who actually sat down and played this game for any length of time can honestly say that Dreamfall is not an Adventure. It may be an adventure with a few other elements but it is blatantly an adventure first and foremost.
(Not my quote)
If I sound like I'm going out of my way to support Dreamfall here and in other thread, well yeah I kinda am. Because I think it's the best story in a game in years (better than TLJ1. It's the best since GK2 imo!), and I really want to see a sequel!
(Which Ragnar talks about some on his blog: ) IMO All games are an adventure. However when an adventure game, in true meaning of the genre, has action elements, to me it puts the game in the action/adventure category. If you read my post, I agree with you on the story. I stated that if the controls did what they are suppose to do, this would be the best game I have played this year next to TR Legends. I did go to the Dreamfall forums and read all the problems others are having with the controls. I set things up the way one person said to and it did make a lot of imrovement in the controls. And the game is more tollerable. But the controls are still IMHO far from what they should have been. You also admitted that the controls are sluggish. IMO this is inexcusable. There is no excuse for releasing the game with controls that half the people playing the game cant use cause they dont do what they are suppose to do 70% of the time. I wish I could cheer on about the game the way you do. TLJ is my favorite game of all time. I, more than anyone wanted this to be the best game ever. However the annoyances with the camera and controls make that almost impossible.
I Baag, Therefore I Am. Update: I Don't Baag Anymore, Therefore I Ain't! Update: I'm baaging again but just a little. JohnBoy ----------------
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 08:41 AM
04/29/06 08:41 AM
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People I'm certainly not against innovation. I am against awkward control systems. There's no need to re-invent the wheel especially where controls are concerned. Why over complicate things? In this game to make Zoe walk you have to hold down the shift and W key at the same time. Try doing that for very long and your wrists cramp up - solution - Caps lock on for always run, Caps lock off to walk - no need to hold any keys down. For me to get Zoe to walk into walls instead of bashing into them at full speed  my fingers have to be in an awkward position and it's not necessary. Also, let the gamer choose between first and third person point of view. I love this option - if you feel like third person makes a game less immersive you hit a key and viola there you are - just you and your environment. If you want to see yourself and your environment - hit a key and there you are in all your glory. You've got the best of both worlds. And for heavens sake - do away with the flipping camera thing - gad that's annoying. There - I've solved the control problems for future adventure games - everyone can now relax 
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 11:12 AM
04/29/06 11:12 AM
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Betty Lou
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I am truly sorry to hear all these 'bad' things about this game. It is a shame that Funcom did it this way. I don't suppose they will be smart enough to rework the whole game and offer it in the 'old' way to us who might then consider paying their rediculous price for such a 'stinker'. If I wanted to play RPG and Action games I would buy and play them. I DO NOT! Life is too short to take one of my 'pleasures' and make me get so frustrated with it that I want to burn it and strangle the idiot who thought it was a good idea to change it (if it ain't broke, don't fix it, some gameplayers will NEVER come over to our side and play these wonderful adventure games!). I pass on this one and will never even give it a chance. Too much to do and more fun ahead of me. After all my 'wish list' has 54 titles on it now, that should keep me busy for a looooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time!Thanks for all the discussion re this one, makes it easy for me to ignore the game entirely. Love, Betty Lou
I am 'the HAT lady"! and "who loves ya BABY?!"
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 12:24 PM
04/29/06 12:24 PM
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Shy Boomer
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You also admitted that the controls are sluggish. IMO this is inexcusable. I said that the FIGHTING controls are sluggish, not the rest. And I also said that there are only four obligatory fights in the game, all of which I beat on the first try and took no more than a few min each. They make up about 10 minutes of a (for me) 20 hour game. That makes them about 0.85% of the total game. IMO that's just too miniscule to 1) get really worked up about and 2) call this anything other than an adventure. (Yes, there are also the stealth sequences which took up a good bit more time - but I enjoyed those and found most of em to be more like puzzles in their own right anyway, since it's always a matter of figuring out what to do, and not testing your dexterity in doing it.)
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 12:38 PM
04/29/06 12:38 PM
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Originally posted by syd: I've reset the controls to how everyone said - it is a little bit better but not much and I'm still going to get a headache with this camera flipping thing. I hated the camera flipping in BS3. But I'm not sure what you mean about camera flipping in Dreamfall - maybe because I'm always adjusting the camera to be behind my character.
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 12:38 PM
04/29/06 12:38 PM
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The Medieval Lady
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Syd -- you haven't met the guy in the game yet who tells Zoe that she kicks like a mule!
Thanks for giving the game another try. It's worth it, IMHO. (BTW, as I play The Longest Journey, it seems as though April is moving sooooo slooooowly. I have to double click constantly to make her run.)
I like what you said about switching between third person and first person perspective. I don't know how often the DarkSide games let you do this, but Uru did and I loved it.
The only fighting control that is sluggish for me is the right mouse button -- and I understand that it's supposed to be slower because the more powerful moves are supposed to take longer than the lighter, quicker moves (left mouse button). They also do significantly more damage than the lighter moves.
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 12:52 PM
04/29/06 12:52 PM
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Originally posted by Snatcher42: ...and I also said that there are only four obligatory fights in the game, all of which I beat on the first try and took no more than a few min each. They make up about 10 minutes of a (for me) 20 hour game. That makes them about 0.85% of the total game. IMO that's just too miniscule to 1) get really worked up about I'll agree with you that Dreamfall is an adventure game. It has nowhere near enough action in it to qualify as action/adventure. You can't even make your character jump over a teeny little pebble (and having to walk around a little pebble instead of hopping over it is just silly). But you have to understand that what took you 10 minutes may take some people here a good deal longer - and a few may have to get a saved game from somewhere to get past them. And you should probably combine fighting time with stealth time in most cases - at least when the stealth involves timing enemy movements and moving fast when you have to.
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 12:54 PM
04/29/06 12:54 PM
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Originally posted by Becky: Syd -- you haven't met the guy in the game yet who tells Zoe that she kicks like a mule! That guy was a real pain. It took me several tries to beat him.
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 12:56 PM
04/29/06 12:56 PM
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Jenny by the camera flipping around I meant that when I move the mouse the camera zooms in and out and if I move it too much I go from looking behind her (which is how I have the camera view) to looking at her from the front. Obviously I don't have something set up quite right. Believe me Becky my character will never get told she kicks like a mule 
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: One more rant about Dreamfall (beware - spoilers are lurking)
04/29/06 01:11 PM
04/29/06 01:11 PM
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I guess I'll add my rant and possibly reiterate some of the previous comments.
In my opinion TLJ was(is) one of the classic adventures right up there with Kings Quest and Broken Sword. Those in decision making positions decide to take a good thing and improve on it my adding other elements to the adventure, I guess hoping to attract a wider audience. As evidenced by Kings Quest 8, Broken Sword 3 and now Dreamfall. What they in fact do (again in my opinion) is turn off their present fans of the game and not do enough to attract the crowd they were catering to.
There was a saying in the military (of which I retired from). "If it ain't broke don't fix it".
Well TLJ wasn't broke.
You laugh because I'm different I laugh because you're all the same
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