William E. Vaughan
An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.
What Does it Mean If You Were Born In September?
That your parents started the new year with a BANG!
What is a New Years Resolution?
Something that goes in one year and out the other.
Youth is When You're Allowed to Stay Up For New Years
Middle age is when you're forced to.
What's the Problem with Jogging on New Years Eve?
The ice falls out of your drink!
What's the forecast for New Years Eve?
Mostly drunk with a slight chance of passing out
What Happens Every Year When the Times Square Ball Drops
Every 12 year old boy gets jealous.
What's the One Group That Hates New Years Day?
The Times Square clean up crew.
When the New Years Baby's Voice Change?
When his ball dropped.
What Happened to the Irish Man Who Thought about the Evils of Drinking in the New Year?
He gave up thinking.
What Do New Years Parades Have in Common with Santa Claus?
No one is awake to see either of them.
What Do You Call Wanting a Date for New Years Eve?
Social Security
What Do You Tell Someone You Didn't See on New Years Eve?
I haven't seen you for a year!
What Did Che Guevara Make on New Years Day?
A new years REVOLUTION
Good morning everyboomie.

Some of those jokes are kind of lame aren't they?

Ok all of them are lame, sorry.

I promise to try harder next year.

One more post this year which will be to get the new year started.

Have a happy last day of 2019.
