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Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122174
04/14/03 03:26 PM
04/14/03 03:26 PM
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Jenny100 Offline OP
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Does anyone else keep some games on their hard drive(s) because they intend to replay them some day? I still have

Black Dahlia
Monkey Island 3
Pandora Directive
Sherlock Holmes Case of the Rose Tattoo
Armed and Delirious

installed, though it may be quite some time before I get back to them, as I have other games I want to finish.

Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122175
04/14/03 03:50 PM
04/14/03 03:50 PM
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You're not alone! I also have Ripper permanently installed, along with:

Pandora's Box (always a favorite)
Zork Nemesis (my first Adventure Game)

I play each of these a few times a year,and I still never seem to get tired of any of them! I have, literally, 100's of games (1 full bookcase 'to be played'), but every once in a while, I need to touch base with an 'old friend'!

Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122176
04/14/03 04:25 PM
04/14/03 04:25 PM
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I still have Hype: The Time Quest installed on my Win98 partition (been a long while since I played it). Most games get uninstalled rather quickly though.


Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122177
04/14/03 08:56 PM
04/14/03 08:56 PM
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final fantasy 8. i love to replay the final battle and watch the ending movies. (okay, not an adventure, but you asked!)

also GK2. and Shadow of Destiny -- i only just finished it, but i suspect it'll be on my hard drive for some time to come.

now, contrast that with syberia or king's quest 7, which i uninstalled the second the credits were over...

laugh emily

Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122178
04/14/03 09:27 PM
04/14/03 09:27 PM
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looney Offline
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Well yes I do! I have Syberia, The Longest Journey and Titanic still installed! Titanic is my latest, and I just want to get all the different endings, but Syberia and TLJ are just too dear to me to NOT keep playing!!! To uninstall is almost unbearable!!! Okay...weird I am..but i really really loved those games! Actually I've gone thru TLJ a few times...cuz you can get different answers and scenarios as you go along...
Great question!!! wave

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Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122179
04/14/03 09:45 PM
04/14/03 09:45 PM
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lasanidine Offline
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I have The lost island of Alanna on my had disk and also Rayman, the rest come and go.

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Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122180
04/14/03 10:39 PM
04/14/03 10:39 PM
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Pandora Box,
Lost island of Alanna,
harvest, (i love the slide puzzle and the ending music,
Riven dvd,
Real Myst,
Dark side of the Moon dvd,
Lost eden,
The dig,
Deat Gate,
all the Nancy Drew,
All the puzz 3d,
And many more. This , only on one computer.

Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122181
04/14/03 10:40 PM
04/14/03 10:40 PM
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Yep. I certainly keep some games permanently installed ...

a) Oldies - because I re play them so often happydance

b) Games that are too difficult for me to install myself, so once there they stay there, so I can re play them whenever I want <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="cool.gif" />

c) Enormous RPGs (or the like) that I can't quite win my way to the end of yet but haven't given up on either wave

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Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122182
04/15/03 03:24 AM
04/15/03 03:24 AM
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The Puzz 3D games(still working on all of them) and The Quest For Glory Collection CD.

Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122183
04/16/03 06:56 PM
04/16/03 06:56 PM
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"EDIT"!!! "EDIT"!!!!! "EDIT!!!!"
Answered the wrong post.
Journeyman 3-Legacy of time is about the only one on my W95. Have more than Thirty UNfinished games on it.
Lost the newer games on my W98 last month when the hard drive was replaced. (still not able to use it, but that's a whole 'nuther story.)

Granny Goodwitch

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Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122184
04/16/03 07:03 PM
04/16/03 07:03 PM
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Sure do! GK2, Divine Divinity and Zanzarah are permanent residents!

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Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122185
04/17/03 08:12 AM
04/17/03 08:12 AM
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Riddle of Master Lu because everytime I upgrade my computer I load the game in to make sure it will still work laugh So far so good - pretty soon I'm going to have to actually play it LOL Other than than that
Bejeweled and Bicycle Solitare are the only ones that stay all the time.

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Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122186
04/17/03 08:45 AM
04/17/03 08:45 AM
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I dunno, maybe Quake:P!!!

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Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122187
04/17/03 09:58 AM
04/17/03 09:58 AM
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gatorlaw Offline
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Any games I finish - I uninstall but always keep a copy of my saved games. Particularly the newer games as they use so much space.

I keep anything I download on HD as sometimes even the freeware can be discontinued as the creator can't keep the download site up. Also shareware games for obvious reasons. My next purchase is a CD burner so I can move all my patches files, freeware, shareware and such onto discs.

If I have a game installed it is because I am playing it actively or think (hope) I will fairly soon. I guess given the games left on my system - I have a lot of hope laugh


Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122188
04/17/03 04:48 PM
04/17/03 04:48 PM
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I keep Thief Gold and Thief Metal Age on tap because it took me months of fiddling with XP to get those (my favorites) two to run!!!

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Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122189
04/17/03 05:48 PM
04/17/03 05:48 PM
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Shivers forever!!!

Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122190
04/17/03 07:32 PM
04/17/03 07:32 PM
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wave You know, I still have 'Myst Exile' installed. I remember something about people having trouble with their Windows after uninstalling the game, so I've let it be. Does this sound similar to anyone...?

Woohoo and booyah! smile Have an easy peasy day!
Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122191
04/17/03 07:36 PM
04/17/03 07:36 PM
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I always keep Mega Solitaire, Pandoras Box, Brain Games, Majong, and 2 or 3 current games I am playing. I used to always keep Shivers on but it doesn't work with a cordless mouse so I took it off. I miss it though.


Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122192
04/17/03 09:35 PM
04/17/03 09:35 PM
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Gruntz always.

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Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122193
04/18/03 12:20 PM
04/18/03 12:20 PM
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I'm too neat to keep any unplayed games on my machine. I try to keep as much free space on my HD as possible, even though I have a 40 GB one. I think it is because in the old days when I had a 20 MB hard drive I could only fit one game on at a time.

Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122194
04/18/03 03:37 PM
04/18/03 03:37 PM
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darlene -- i haven't played exile yet, but it's installed on my machine. i once uninstalled it and when i tried to reinstall i had problems. i think i wound up doing a system restore to get back to before i uninstalled it.

don't know if others have had this problem, but i will probably leave exile on there indefinitely (at least until i've played it through) because of this.


Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122195
04/24/03 05:43 PM
04/24/03 05:43 PM
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We are slow to uninstall any game we enjoyed, so we have quite a few games on here that we've played recently. The other pc kept most of its games until we reformatted heh.

but I always add 1-3 versions of Myst (esp realMyst), Riven, & Exile because I know I will want to start one soon smile

Salar smile

Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122196
04/24/03 06:32 PM
04/24/03 06:32 PM
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I have had poor Lara Croft hanging around waiting for ever (Last revelation). In the first place it is the longest game ever made. I start it and play for awhile, then somthing else comes along and I put it on the back burner until I forget what I was doing and have to start over. She may be there forever.

Re: Games you never uninstalled after finishing #122197
04/24/03 11:19 PM
04/24/03 11:19 PM
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SHIVERS forever! BLACK DAHLIA, BYZANTINE I will hang onto until my hard drive gets too filled up. Of the other games that I have played, I still have RIVEN, REAL MYST, MYST EXILE, and THE LONGEST JOURNEY. I also have other games that I have recently been involved in and just haven't gotten around to removing as well as a number of games that I foresee playing within the next few months. I recently have finished RIDDLE OF THE SPHINK and am in the process of playing THE OMEGA STONE, which I have fully installed. Since it takes up a good deal of room I probably will uninstall it in a few months. I also have SHIVERS fully installed, but no way am I going to let it go. laugh laugh laugh

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