Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/13/03 10:18 AM
05/13/03 10:18 AM
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The Adventure Company to Work with Legendary Game-Storyteller, Jane Jensen
World-Renowned Writer to Guest at E3 Toronto, Ontario, May 13th 2003 – The Adventure Company today announced it has an agreement with Jane Jensen and the company she co-founded, Odyssey Digital Entertainment, to write and produce an exclusive new title. Terms of the deal were not discussed. Jane Jensen has made a massive name for herself amongst gamers, especially the legions of fans that adored her Gabriel Knight Mystery Series. Renowned for writing some of the most story-intensive games of all time, Jane has the ability to capture the gamer’s imagination. “I’m truly delighted to be working with Jane, we’re all massive fans here,’ commented CEO, Richard Wah Kan. “She brings an amazing level of intensity to adventure games.” Jane is currently in the midst of the design process of this next game, and although untitled, ‘Project Jane-J’ will be a mystery that takes the paranormal very seriously. Based on mind-altering experiments of a reclusive doctor, the story throws a young female student deep into a world telepathy and clairvoyance, where nothing is as it seems. Like CSI’s use of forensic science, the game and story-line will be based on real neurobiology and psi research. The game-play will be a combination of investigative, third-person adventure game play, Myst-style logic puzzles interspersed with some arcade-style sequences. The title is expected to be on shelves in Q4 2004. About The Adventure Company The Adventure Company is North America's number one publisher of adventure games, publishing award-winning adventure games primarily for the PC. Visit www.AdventureCompanyGames.com for further details.
Last edited by looney4labs; 06/26/07 11:51 AM.
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/13/03 11:34 AM
05/13/03 11:34 AM
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This sounds sooo good! And she tells such great stories through her games!
The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/13/03 11:50 AM
05/13/03 11:50 AM
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Great news, and nice to see The Adventure Company working with Jane! Good to hear a bit more about the story too, since that had not been revealed before. Now the hard part, waiting until late next year to get a hold of it! Louis P.S. Um, Jane... if you need beta testers, just give me a call! 
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/13/03 12:30 PM
05/13/03 12:30 PM
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Adept Boomer
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Awesome news!! Great deal for Adventure Co to be sure. Laura
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/13/03 09:12 PM
05/13/03 09:12 PM
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OMG, pick me up, I've fainted. I've been waiting for years to play a new Jane Jensen game - it's a dream come true.
Favorite games: Zork series, Gabriel Knight I, Deus Ex, Planescape Torment, Broken Sword I, and Psychonauts ===== Currently playing: Loom via SCUMM
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/13/03 09:26 PM
05/13/03 09:26 PM
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Louis, You must have been reading me mind concerning beta testing . I second that EMOTION.
carol It doesn't cost a dime to be kind ---------------------------- Currently playing The Moment Of Silence
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/14/03 02:49 AM
05/14/03 02:49 AM
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Steve Ince (at work)
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The Adventure Company really looks as though it's going places.
Steve Ince
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/16/03 09:05 PM
05/16/03 09:05 PM
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This is something that I've known about for almost a year... ever since I posted Jane's request for emails to the richfx.com address. I've waited all this time for this announcement, keeping this a secret, so as not to jinx or disappoint anyone or any hopeful news on a signed contract. I can only wish for the best, for Jane and the team she picks, to design and develope this new game and/or series. As for the Mods here.... HI! 
.((.)___((.).Robert "HerrBearen" Beatty ..((o....o).The BEAR ....(((@).."My Claws Are Sharp" #1BEARcave & #2BEARcave
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/17/03 06:04 PM
05/17/03 06:04 PM
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Thanks for the post. Very interesting. I wonder how this will work . To the best of my knowledge AC has never produced a game on its own. They only publish games produced by others. And Jane has, again to the best of my knowledge, never developed/produced a game while working on her own. I wonder who is providing the front money for this venture, which I imagine will be substantial.
Probably ten years ago Josh Mandel and I estimated the cost of developing and marketing a sequel to Freddy Pharkus Frontier Pharmacist to be in the $2-2.5 million range. (Assuming we could get the rights to the title from Sierra, which we couldn't.) The costs have to have gone up since then.
And the margins have gone down I bet. If you figure production/marketing costs (overhead) at $2.5 million, and gross profit (pre-tax) percentage at ten percent, then the standard business calculation, overhead divided by gross profit percentage equals the break even point, says that a selling price of $29/unit would require sales of slightly over 862,000 units to break even. That's an almost unheard-of figure in PC adventure games.
While I think the news is great, I just wonder how they're going to pull this off. And if it is unsuccessful, what does that say about similar ventures in the future?
For whom the games toll. They toll for thee.
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/17/03 06:50 PM
05/17/03 06:50 PM
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A high end game is pricy these days - but there has been an offset with time/cost saving terchnical advances so it appears that costs have stayed somewhat stable over time.
An article published last year about Syberia noted their production costs. [quote]Syberia was created by Microids Canada at their Montr
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/18/03 04:09 AM
05/18/03 04:09 AM
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PATHETICALLY SHAMELESS NAMEDROPPING: Had dinner with Jane on Thursday night; saw a lot of her at E3; she and The Adventure Company are a perfect match I think. It was fun seeing the big fuss being made over her (cover of the convention newspaper, GameSpot interviewing her, etc.). It's nice when the deserving ones get the attention they deserve, isn't it? And she's but ONE of the venerable adventure game gurus who are cooking up new stuff.
Procrastinate NOW!! Don't put it off!!
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/18/03 07:59 AM
05/18/03 07:59 AM
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It's nice when the deserving ones get the attention they deserve, isn't it? Yes it is. Be as shameless as you want, uhmmm - well maybe not  But I love hearing all the buzz that Jane created and the well deserved love that was thrown her way. Laura
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/18/03 08:04 AM
05/18/03 08:04 AM
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Hope the game they are working on will be great! i personally hope they go more story wise other than flash graphics and cutting the game story to half size.. but knowing Jane we wont be dissapointed  great news!! ~Polo
Re: Jane Jensen and The Adventure Company
05/18/03 08:34 AM
05/18/03 08:34 AM
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The Medieval Lady
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And she's but ONE of the venerable adventure game gurus who are cooking up new stuff. Are there any adventure game gurus working on new stuff that we don't know about yet? If there are, can you give us a hint? Do you think that Jane Jensen represents a trend in adventure gaming -- that people who got out of the adventure business for awhile will now be coming back? If so, any idea as to why this is happening now?