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Dark Fall #122721
05/15/03 10:25 AM
05/15/03 10:25 AM
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flutist Offline OP
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I can order Dark Fall over the internet and it is $19.95 including p&p. Is p&p postage?
Also will DF play on XP?

Corgis fill your life with Joy, your heart with Love, and your soul with Sunshine.
Re: Dark Fall #122722
05/15/03 10:54 AM
05/15/03 10:54 AM
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carmen Offline
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Yes, p&p stands for packing and posting (I think)
I is a very common abreviation in the UK.
I do not know about the XP question, I am sure somebody will be along soon with the anwser.

"I am in shape. Round is a shape"
Re: Dark Fall #122723
05/15/03 10:57 AM
05/15/03 10:57 AM
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Angela Offline
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I played Dark Fall on my XP machine without any problems at all.

Re: Dark Fall #122724
05/15/03 11:28 AM
05/15/03 11:28 AM
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Hi there flutist...I will ask Jonathan for sure. Looks like it played fine for Angela. laugh I loaded it on my 'W98 so my grand daughter could play it while I was online at Gameboomers, so didn't try it out on XP.

Re: Dark Fall #122725
05/15/03 12:48 PM
05/15/03 12:48 PM
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JonathanBoakes Offline
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Hi there,

Carmen, is quite right, p&p stands for "postage and packing". I think the US equivelant is shipping and handling, but I'm not certain. Basically, the $19.95 covers everything, with US orders taking less than 10 days to arrive,(some have recieved the game in 3 days!!).

XP is THE best operating system to play Dark Fall on, with simple automatic full screen switching, full instructions are included on the CD.

The game runs very much like any Windows application, which is why you can play it along side other programs, this is especially convenient for lunch breaks at work! I have heard....


P.s. Dark Fall fans can rest assured knowing that I am hard at work on part two, with curtains drawn and creepy plans a plenty....

The ghosts are waiting, in the dark places, the forgotten places. Waiting for you: Darkling Room Games
Re: Dark Fall #122726
05/15/03 02:16 PM
05/15/03 02:16 PM
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flutist Offline OP
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Just ordered it and am looking forward to loading and playing it.

Corgis fill your life with Joy, your heart with Love, and your soul with Sunshine.
Re: Dark Fall #122727
05/15/03 06:56 PM
05/15/03 06:56 PM
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Thanks Bets,

I'll be posting new orders in the morning.

On another note,

For those that have played the game, I'm building a key environment tomorrow, so let me know what elements you liked about the first game. I could pay homage to them! I love the idea of interactive game production. No detail is too small....


The ghosts are waiting, in the dark places, the forgotten places. Waiting for you: Darkling Room Games
Re: Dark Fall #122728
05/15/03 10:06 PM
05/15/03 10:06 PM
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lasanidine Offline
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I love your style if innuendoes and hinting of danger just around the corner, it is more scary than things jumping at you from dark corners.

I could go for romance gone bad, sick minds mixed up with badly concealed crimes or supernatural forces playing with long suppressed evil. That is the stuff you do so well.

I do not mind a maze provided I do not have to travel it more than once or mechanical manipulations as long as they are not timed puzzles.

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Oscar Wilde
Re: Dark Fall #122729
05/17/03 07:27 AM
05/17/03 07:27 AM
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I'm not sure what specific information you're looking for, Jonathan, but here are a few of the many things I liked about your game.

Non-linear, so much to explore, right from the start. It was great to discover new things (thanks to the goggles) when I returned to places I'd already been to. And I'm hoping the new game has lots and lots of scary little details like toilet doors closing when your back is turned, or disappearing hats! I love looking through windows. (A lighthouse is just one big window, isn't it... :)There was a particularly eery view of the tracks, from the hotel or the footbridge. Last but not least, the puzzle in Edith's room is one of the best AG puzzles ever, IMO. Not hard, but it makes such perfect sense in the story and the AHA! experience is emotionally very satisfying. Brought Edith close too.

Looking forward to Dark Fall II.


The beaded curtain slams shut behind you. There's no turning back now...
Re: Dark Fall #122730
05/17/03 01:46 PM
05/17/03 01:46 PM


I loved Dark Fall,I played it twice.I liked using the googles the best. I liked seeing how some of the rooms looked when they had been used by the people. I wish there was a pre-sequel to Dark Fall, so I could see how the people lived and how they disappeared.I liked the voice acting and their accents.
I dont know the time period of Dark Fall2, but maybe if it was before maybe a couple of the people could be alive in it, especially that little boy in the begining of the game. I was sad that I couldnt save any of those people at the end It would have been great to be able to do that.I know it is only a game but those people seemed real to me.

Re: Dark Fall #122731
05/17/03 01:46 PM
05/17/03 01:46 PM
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flutist Offline OP
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Okay you guys, cut it out. I probably won't get my game for another week. I really can't wait to get it. Got to finish Alone in the Dark first and I have just barely started it. I keep getting killed.

Corgis fill your life with Joy, your heart with Love, and your soul with Sunshine.
Re: Dark Fall #122732
05/17/03 09:16 PM
05/17/03 09:16 PM
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JonathanBoakes Offline
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Thank you for the replies, and personal game experiences. I am currently building an environment which will contain plenty of "current day" articles and artifacts, so I thought it would be a great chance to feature some of the smaller touches from the first game, as little homages. I'm not stuck for ideas, game wise, far from it. You have no worries there... well, maybe you should do! There's some creepy stuff going down in Dark Fall II : Lights Out!


Spolier Alert for new DF players :

P.s. Betje, glad you liked Edith's puzzle! She will be more than pleased.
P.p.s. Catsmom, maybe you did save Tim Pike. There is a reason why the newspaper article featuring his disappearance vanishes during the "banishment".....

The ghosts are waiting, in the dark places, the forgotten places. Waiting for you: Darkling Room Games
Re: Dark Fall #122733
05/17/03 11:20 PM
05/17/03 11:20 PM
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gatorlaw Offline
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Gad I almost forgot to post one of my faves - the surprise dark ripple along the floor. Spooked me right out in such a delicious way. laugh


Re: Dark Fall #122734
05/18/03 12:11 AM
05/18/03 12:11 AM
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Bryansmom Offline
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I loved the little touches. Things like the stained glass window in the kitchen above the door that entered the dining area, the abandoned train station with the little notes from the previous supervisor, and the photograph albums with pictures of real people that seemed to have stories of their own that I wanted to learn. They all pulled together to give the feel of a place that once held living people with real lives, and they had to leave, but they left parts of themselves behind. I also loved the disembodied voices, like Tim's and the man in the basement. Moving along and then suddenly hearing a voice without a body attached to it is very scary! And who could forget the Ouija board?? I'm beginning to feel like I need to play Dark Fall again!!!!
Happy gaming,

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Re: Dark Fall #122735
05/18/03 10:06 AM
05/18/03 10:06 AM
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flutist Offline OP
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Oh my gosh, I can't stand this!!!!!!!!!Where's my game? Auggggggh!
You guys are so cruel. Don't do this to me.

Corgis fill your life with Joy, your heart with Love, and your soul with Sunshine.
Re: Dark Fall #122736
05/21/03 10:58 AM
05/21/03 10:58 AM
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Jonathan -- I haven't finished the game yet, and I think the memorable things are easier to pinpoint if you've been away from the finished game for awhile. That aside, I like your idea of referencing the first game in small ways. It adds depth, and gives an extra reward to gamers who've played the first one.

Most memorable items so far:

The light sprites (moth-like things). The ouiji board. The warding symbols and Enola. The designs on the tables in the modern dining area. As Time Goes By. (The scissors were quite memorable, but I haven't yet figured out what exactly they were about -- I haven't fit them into the plot yet. Perhaps they are just a disturbing touch and don't mean anything, and I think the things you harken back to in a future game should have a special link to the characters or plot or the original. In the same vein the weird irridescent colored lamps were memorable, but I don't know if they are linked to anything.) The glowing portrait of George. The Nigel picture with the finger on the nose. Nigel Danvers -- the name is memorable. The shadow in the loo. The name Kars.

I'm trying to think of what about the train station is most memorable. The whole environment there is striking, but nothing in particular stands out the way things in the house do. Perhaps the first class ticket? Or the whistled tune.@

I am particularly in awe of the way you have constructed the game so that the gamer is continually progressing. If I spend an hour in the game I always learn something new or find something new. I've had to think but I haven't been terribly stuck. Okay, I still don't have the password, but I'm finding lots of other things to do first.

There is, IMHO, a little too much reading in the game. In the best of all possible worlds, I would like to see a few more cutscenes rather than quite so much reading. I realize that cutscenes are far more expensive to produce, however, than pages of text!

I find that the spookiness increases the longer I spend at one sitting in the game. The first time I went down to the cellar, I had been wandering around for quite some time first, and I was so frightened upon stumbling through the cellar door that I turned right around and ran back upstairs. The next time, I went straight to the cellar before going anywhere else, and that made it less frightening somehow. Still, I was considerably relieved to find that ominous interior door locked. I really don't know if I WANT to find the key for that.

I am actually receiving a bit of physical exercise from this game, as I find myself backing my chair away from the computer every time I have to enter a new location and don't know what is behind the door. It's a good thing my chair has wheels -- otherwise I would have Dark Fall-inspired scrapes on the floor.

Re: Dark Fall #122737
05/21/03 12:49 PM
05/21/03 12:49 PM
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flutist Offline OP
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You guys are so cruel!!!!!! It's only been six days since Jonathon posted my game and Monday is a holiday. I can hope for Sat. Maybe, maybe maybe. Sigh!!

Corgis fill your life with Joy, your heart with Love, and your soul with Sunshine.
Re: Dark Fall #122738
05/21/03 02:16 PM
05/21/03 02:16 PM
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gatorlaw Offline
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OK I'll be nice. Poor baby - your game will be here sooner then you think. Then you too will know the delicious terror of Dark Fall......

Laura laugh

Re: Dark Fall #122739
05/21/03 06:54 PM
05/21/03 06:54 PM
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flutist Offline OP
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Thanks Laura, I went out to my mailbox this afternoon and guess what I found. AHA11 Now I can see what you all were talking about. I can't wait to load it. Still have to finish TOS. Oh my, I'm trying to measure out all those ingredients. I keep forgetting how much I put in. Got to develope a system for this. Gotta finish TOS first, then Dark Fall here I come.

Corgis fill your life with Joy, your heart with Love, and your soul with Sunshine.
Re: Dark Fall #122740
05/22/03 09:56 AM
05/22/03 09:56 AM
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Sequoia Offline
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Hey Jonathan, is my game also in the post? I eagerly head out to the box each day, nothing but bills! I finished The Omega Stone, and am on my last case for CSI and then I'll be ready for darkness to fall!

Maybe today will be the day!


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