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Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122882
08/24/02 01:22 AM
08/24/02 01:22 AM
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Maybe its just me but going through the posts
there seems to be a lot more female adventurers
on this message board then there is male adventurers,I could be wrong,
I look forward to your replies

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122883
08/24/02 01:36 AM
08/24/02 01:36 AM
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No, it's not just you! There ARE a lot of female gamers on this site. There are a lot of female gamers...period! laugh It's just that we are very comfortable on the Boomers Board. I think that sometimes some of us are a bit intimidated by the "younguns" on some of the other gaming boards. Teehee! lol

PLAYING ON PC: World of Warcraft...nothing else...there is no need for ANY other game when you have THIS one to play!! LOL
Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122884
08/24/02 01:57 AM
08/24/02 01:57 AM
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As for me, on the "younger boards", I worry more about hurting people's feelings. I have found that the young take their games a lot more seriously, it's a lot more personal with them. It's OK with me if people don't agree with my opinions about games, and I think having a critical eye is a good thing.

I think that adventure games have some similarities to the mystery fiction genre, which is very popular with certain groups of women, hence the crossover appeal of adventure games.

mszv, amarez in Myst Online (KI 89257)and my online worlds.

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Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122885
08/24/02 02:24 AM
08/24/02 02:24 AM
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I love it when women play adventure games! I consider myself a pretty good gamer, but some women I know are way better adventurers than I think I am. My perfect date is a dark and stormy Saturday night, a pizza, a really good bottle of wine(or two), and a great adventure game! Can anyone else relate?

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122886
08/24/02 05:48 AM
08/24/02 05:48 AM
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Absolutely agree with you, Dudemako, but don't know if my husband would agree!

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122887
08/24/02 08:38 AM
08/24/02 08:38 AM
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Dude, can I add a cat in the story... sitting near the window and oftenly being highlighted by the lightining? With glowing eyes? wink

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122888
08/24/02 10:03 AM
08/24/02 10:03 AM
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I was in my local Electronics Boutique the other day, and I overheard one of the clerks saying (in a loud, frustrated tone): "I don't care what you say -- you'll never meet women while sitting in front of a computer." Since the ratio of males to females in the store at the time was 8 to 1, I think he may have a point.

Should we promote the adventure gaming genre as the best hope for bringing the two (computer-addicted) sexes together?

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122889
08/24/02 10:20 AM
08/24/02 10:20 AM
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See you Saturday night, Dudemako! laugh

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Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122890
08/24/02 10:37 AM
08/24/02 10:37 AM
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Dudemako I thought that's how everyone spent their Saturday nights laugh

Yup there are a lot of us women game players- that's what we keep trying to tell these extremely dense and narrow visioned game developers and marketing people. One day maybe they'll catch on - maybe rolleyes

And we like to hang out here because we know a class act when we see one wink happydance

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Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122891
08/24/02 11:17 AM
08/24/02 11:17 AM
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I think that women gamers are a huge still relatively untapped consumer powerhouse.

I love the Herinteractive slogan... "For girls who aren't afraid of a mouse"

I think I will get one made up..."Women Gamers Rule - we are graphically interactive" wink


Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122892
08/24/02 11:33 AM
08/24/02 11:33 AM
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Actually, that's perfect as far as I'm concerned - just a few of us guys, and all of you women.

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122893
08/24/02 01:30 PM
08/24/02 01:30 PM
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I think there is a growing segment of the poulation of people like me (women over 50+++) who are not only new to the world of gaming, but to computers, too. I just bought my first computer 2 1/2 years ago, after years of telling myself I didn't need one. Now that I have one, I can't imagine living without one. And ditto that for adventure games. As a consequence, we women NEED MORE ADVENTURE GAMES!!! lol lol lol

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122894
08/24/02 01:40 PM
08/24/02 01:40 PM
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Hi All and I sure do agree with you SuMac that we "need more adventure games!"

I am one of these Boomer baby ladies who has been in the computer programming and software business since the mid sixties, as are millions of others just like me and long before me. In fact women were right there on the front lines during and after World War II when automated data entry was born. I think the emphasis/attention here, as in many other arenas, remains on the guys which may come as no surprise........? smile

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122895
08/24/02 02:17 PM
08/24/02 02:17 PM
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My impression is that gaming breaks down on age and gender lines. The young boys and teenagers play only shooters and rarely venture into adventure games as they get older. Girls and women play adventure games and only rarely venture into shooters at any point. I could be wrong, but it looks that way from the posts. RPGs are a crossover opportunity, and both sexes seem to play that genre. It is the only "meeting place" for my husband and I.

Most of the time I see few women in EB or Babbages, and most of their shelf space now is devoted to game platform shooters and other speed-based games. My hubby has never played an adventure game in 15 years, although he did play a couple of the early King's Quest games back in the mid-80's.

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122896
08/24/02 03:20 PM
08/24/02 03:20 PM
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Originally posted by Becky:"I don't care what you say -- you'll never meet women while sitting in front of a computer."
Well, although I actually met my spouse away from a computer, it was really through the university bulletin board (this was in the summer of 1991) that we developed from being two people in the same social group into a personal relationship. 11 weeks later that became an engagement, and then, almost 2 years later on, we married. Now that marriage has been going strong for over 9 years. laugh

The Gremlin.

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122897
08/24/02 03:47 PM
08/24/02 03:47 PM
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Hey, hey, hey, my hubby and I play adventure games together almost every evening. I'm better then he is though. I think women have more patience then men. Whatcha think? One of our favorites is Riddle of the Sphinx. Shivers was great and so was Timelapse. We are now working on Longest Journey. We are looking for more adventure games with lots of puzzles like Timelapse.

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Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122898
08/24/02 04:43 PM
08/24/02 04:43 PM
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I've noticed when I go into a games store, I'm always the only woman of a "certain age" in the place. Get some very funny looks and clerks asking if I'm looking for something for a grandchild.

Try asking for the latest adventure games and they don't know what you're talking about, but will look it up in their catalogue and regretfully announce that it won't be coming in. Any wonder we shop on the Internet?

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122899
08/24/02 08:24 PM
08/24/02 08:24 PM


My local Eb store manager knows me by name.As soon as I walk in he says nothing for you this week.I kinda feel guilty ordering on line when he is so nice to me.He told me he likes my generation and older coming in, because all the younger people just look and rarely buy..He makes me feel welcome every time I go in.

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122900
08/24/02 08:26 PM
08/24/02 08:26 PM
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Flutist...Have you tried RAMA? Its loaded with puzzle and has LOTS of math. Not that hard, but challenging to be sure. One of my favorite games! You have played Shivers and Shivers II? How about Dust: A Tale of the Wired West?

Love,Witchen =O) smile

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122901
08/24/02 11:47 PM
08/24/02 11:47 PM
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Well, I'm a woman and play games, too! I know what Bristol means about game stores. When I go in they tend to ignore me too, until I speak up. They're more into the Gameboy stuff, and teenagers. rolleyes Hopefully things will change.


Playing "World of Warcraft", "Oblivion",and "Silent Hill 2"
Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122902
08/25/02 05:24 PM
08/25/02 05:24 PM
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If it wasn't for adventure games, I would of never met you wonderful gameboomers. No more to add, everyone here has said it..

Liz. laugh

Oh wait. My husband doesn't like computer games, but the other night, he was behind me when I was playing,"Nile an ancient egyptian quest" and didn't move for a while and pulled out a chair and watched. Do you think he getting hooked too?

I guess we have to visit the game stores more often, so they get the idea that us woman do also enjoy games.

Playing now: Still Life 2..Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir:
Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122903
08/26/02 12:51 AM
08/26/02 12:51 AM
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Originally posted by flutist:
I think women have more patience then men. Whatcha think?
I think that's the key, FLUTIST! There's also the old right brain bit.

However, there is no clear cut boundary. There are men with the patience of Job, imaginative as well as logical abilities, and some of them are even into Adventure/Puzzle games. Right, men? And I am sure that you know women with little patience. However, overall, there are certain tendencies. laugh laugh laugh

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Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122904
08/26/02 08:39 AM
08/26/02 08:39 AM
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I would say two things.
1) I am male and I much prefer Adventure games to arcade, shoot-em-up, games, because I play to relax not churn up alot of adrenalin and corticoids. I like the relaxed, meandering sort of ambience of the Adventure game. I like the puzzles and I like the development of story. I have also seen many posts by other men who feel the same way.
2) I think the developers ARE realizing that women love Adventure games. Think of the number of games that have come out lately with female heroes: The Longest Journey, Schizm, Syberia, Egypt II, The Watchmaker, to name a few. Not that women necessarily demand to have female roles to play, but I think that it is an effort by the developers to reach women and appeal to them.
On the flip side, notice that Her Interactive is no longer marketing the Nancy Drew series exclusively to "Adventurous Girls." They recognize that many of us fellas love them also and are marketing the games with more inclusive language.

Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122905
08/26/02 02:03 PM
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My husband and I both play adventure games (we're forty-somethings) but since I have been working on computers since they had punch cards (do not fold, spindle or mutilate) I am definitely the initiator. I live in a remote area of NE Wyoming and the AG choices are limited at best. My husband and I played ROTS together, then the Forgotten, Myst, Riven, Loch Ness, etc. We are now playing Nautilus (two separate games but we help each other out through the "I am stuck" parts.) My 24 year-old son is definitely into the shooters and RPGs (although I enjoy an occasional RPG or strategy game myself), but everytime he goes to Denver (6 hrs), Rapid City (2 hrs) or Billings, MT (3 1/2 hrs) he hits the computer stores and tries to BAAG for me.

The intellectual interaction between me and my man sure beats sitting in front of the televsion.

Do women have more patience? Maybe so, but I've known more men than women who do crossword puzzles which take a lot of patience. I've rambled on enough. <img border="0" alt="woozy" title="" src="graemlins/woozy.gif" />

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Re: Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of female adventuers on this site? #122906
08/26/02 03:34 PM
08/26/02 03:34 PM
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Originally posted by DocPaul:
[QB]Think of the number of games that have come out lately with female heroes: The Longest Journey, Schizm, Syberia, Egypt II, The Watchmaker, to name a few. Not that women necessarily demand to have female roles to play/QB]
Nor do men demand male leading characters... my favourite games of the last five years are The Longest Journey, Syberia and Egypt II.... take from that what you will. smile

The Gremlin.

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