Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/29/03 09:45 PM
05/29/03 09:45 PM
I really enjoyed this game. It was the second game I bought and still a favorite game.I have played it a few times.
Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/29/03 10:35 PM
05/29/03 10:35 PM
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My friend, RON DORTCH, is one of the actors in TEMUJIN, and I bought it for that reason but I ended up actually enjoying the game in spite of its technical limitations.
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Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/29/03 11:34 PM
05/29/03 11:34 PM
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I really enjoyed it.. did have probs with the catapult, but after getting some help here got through it. Sometimes you need to enter rooms via a certain door to trigger the next sequence. All in all, a great playing experience Tig 
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Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/29/03 11:54 PM
05/29/03 11:54 PM
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I really enjoyed this game also. Not iin my top 20 - but definitely in the top tier of games that I have played. Granted I love FMV - but I loved the story and the puzzles. Great mix of the practical and the whimsical. Yep there is a rube Goldberg type contraption - I thought it was fun. There are hints about it - but if it starts interfering with your gaming pleasure - that's what hints and WT's are for Nice ending too. The game has it's share of twists and turns plotwise. Also one of the few games that isn't about Atlantis or Egypt. I liked the novelty of the game story - quite a bit. Laura
Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/30/03 03:29 AM
05/30/03 03:29 AM
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The story is one of my favourite stories in a game and the different chapters in the game have good variety of feels.
The game interface is awkward and some of the puzzles (the catapult particularly) is difficult even when you know what to do.
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Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/30/03 09:48 AM
05/30/03 09:48 AM
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Wow.. so many positive responses. I thought this game was just terrible.. Yuck. Worst navigation system I have played. Bad puzzles. (I hope you like making tea!) Pixel Hunting. Bad story. And worst of all, you never leave that museum through the whole game! Aargh! I do have to admit that I loved the security system puzzle that came late in the game 
Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/30/03 01:08 PM
05/30/03 01:08 PM
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Originally posted by taf4: I thought this game was just terrible.. Yuck. I do have to admit that I loved the security system puzzle that came late in the game Cute, it sounds like it had at least one redeeming puzzle in it for you! I really enjoyed the game despite its flaws (face it, every game can't be a Gabriel Knight or Tex Murphy game)!
Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/30/03 01:14 PM
05/30/03 01:14 PM
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I just got started today, this is really a strange little adventure isn't it?  Funny that it doesn't need to be installed..that really threw me! Yet you can save..hmmm....more mystery! It seems to be kind of easy, probably misleading tho... 
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Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/30/03 07:33 PM
05/30/03 07:33 PM
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I kinda liked the game too, but I remember I did have alot of problems running it.  Have fun!
Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/30/03 07:51 PM
05/30/03 07:51 PM
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You don't leave the museum, but the puzzles make you feel like you do. Count me in as another that has this as a keeper. I thought it really unusual and fun.
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Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/30/03 08:31 PM
05/30/03 08:31 PM
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Betty Lou
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This game is definitely a keeper for me. It seems/seemed to 'call' to me from the shelf after I had played it - and even with the difficulties I suffered with it something about it keeps 'calling' to me - it definitely is not the MOST frustrating game I have played - I loved it even with all its 'warts'.... Love, Betty Lou 
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Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/30/03 09:45 PM
05/30/03 09:45 PM
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I set out today to play a bit, and suddenly, I lost an hour! It's okay that I lose time, that means it's good enough! I do gotta say tho, listening to all that stuff about the paintings and all the phone messages is a bit...tiresome? This is really a "different" kind of game huh? So far, the navigation has been great! Something to get used to, for sure, but I like it for such an older game! I know for sure that in the next few hours of play, I'll either love it or hate it...nothing in between! 
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Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/30/03 10:28 PM
05/30/03 10:28 PM
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I have had the game now for approx. a year. You all have me wanting to play it now. Must finish Timelapse first. Also started Thorgals Quest. I am not too sure if I like this sort of adventure game format. I have problems paying attention to their long conversations.
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Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/31/03 12:07 AM
05/31/03 12:07 AM
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I just bidding on this game at ebay, so far for $9 bucks will it be worth it. Hummm, with the comments here maybe, a dollar more you think?
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Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/31/03 09:47 AM
05/31/03 09:47 AM
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Here's an excerpt from a walkthrough: 1. Puzzle Green 250/ Capricorn Head vs. Museum Painting. "The Capricorn head is the centerpiece of the Stevenson Museum's collection of treasures from the tomb of Genghis Kahn".
2. Puzzle Orange 300/ Crystal Ball vs. Statue. "This ball with it's unique golden stand depicting carved goatheads is said to be a focusing crystal for ancient Mongol magic".
3. Puzzle Blue 440/ Ceremonial Knives vs. Ceremonial Knives. "These ceremonial knives were used in religious rites during the reign of Genghis Kahn".
4. Puzzle Brown 550/ Mongol Sword vs. Scorpions. "This Mongol sword is believed to have been used in Genghis Kahn's burial ceremony. Blood sacrifice was not a part of the ritual, yet the dark stains may in fact be human".
Note: A fellow gamer stumbled upon this problem. There might be a software problem but it also might be one of the odd 'laws' in Temujin that you have to deal with. How can it hurt to take this at heart, so I quote: ..."It seems like the 4 original puzzles in the gift shop must be solved in the exact order that you have written in your walkthrough. Each solved puzzle gives you one piece for the Black 660 puzzle and if you don't start with the 250 piece puzzle on the lower shelf, it won't count and you'll only get 3 pieces for the black 660 puzzle..."
I'm not sure where I got that walkthrough. It seems to be the same as this one but the one I downloaded is colored differently. Another walkthrough that includes information about a VERY complex Easter Egg in the game is the one by Fugazi here Yes I actually needed 2 walkthroughs to finish this game.
Re: Temujin comments please?!
05/31/03 01:26 PM
05/31/03 01:26 PM
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JENNY100, I'm glad you offered that bit on the order of those jigsaw puzzles. When I played the game I thought that doing those jigsaw puzzles was simply a cute game gadget that they weren't necessary for the progress of the game. It seems I was wrong. Simple-minded that I am, I just did them in the order that I thought would be from the easiest to the hardest, and from what you write, that is the " correct" order. So, I lucked out. That often happens to me in a game. Oh, I see that this was your 8000th contribution to GameBoomer's thresds. Now that's a nice round number! Congratulations!
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Re: Temujin comments please?!
06/01/03 04:01 AM
06/01/03 04:01 AM
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I really liked Temujin a lot, and I always recommend it for people who like FMV. I thought the acting was good. When I originally bought the game and tried to play it on my older computer it did work well, but when I loaded it onto my newer computer the navigation was very smooth and the FMV was perfect. I loved the fact that while I was solving each individual puzzle and gathering items, I was also solving the bigger puzzle of my character's identity, and why the other characters reacted to my character in certain ways. The only time I remember having to resort to the walkthrough was the famous tea puzzle. I must have put the puzzles together on the shelf in the right order because of luck, also! All in all, I've found it to be a memorable game with original puzzles and a pretty good storyline. Happy gaming, Beth
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