Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/29/03 07:57 AM
01/29/03 07:57 AM
Joined: Jul 1999
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This is such a great topic.Don't you all think it needs to be saved in the archives? My sides hurt I'm laughing so hard over the responses ozma
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Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/29/03 08:55 AM
01/29/03 08:55 AM
Joined: Jun 2001
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You've played too long when
--you've arranged a scavanger/treasure hunt and say 'Let the pixel hunt begin.'
--start leaving messages on pictures or look for them on the back of paintings.
Never resist a generous impulse.
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/29/03 09:13 AM
01/29/03 09:13 AM
Joined: Mar 2001
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You know when you played too many adventure games when:
You come home with a hat and a trench coat and tell your husband. "Honey you would look great in these" (Tex Murphy-wannabee)
Playing now: Still Life 2..Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir:
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/29/03 09:21 AM
01/29/03 09:21 AM
Joined: Feb 2000
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You know when you played too many adventure games when: You try to stuff things like ladders, bowls of hot water, a screwdriver, and a fish (red herring?) in your pants! Louis
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/29/03 10:45 AM
01/29/03 10:45 AM
Joined: Jun 1999
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Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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Battle Creek, Michigan
What a great thread this is.... I can relate to that APL.  I heard some music on TV the other day and I still can't remember what game it's from. I think maybe the 2nd floor of Shivers. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" /> Good idea OZ. Maybe when it scrolls off the page we could move it to the archives. <img border="0" alt="[winky]" title="" src="graemlins/winky.gif" /> ~Dee 
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/29/03 11:04 AM
01/29/03 11:04 AM
Joined: Mar 2001
Posts: 602 Gillette, Wyoming
Settled Boomer
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Gillette, Wyoming
...when you look up something in the world atlas and the words "Amazon" and "Siberia" look wrong to you. <img border="0" alt="  " title="" src="graemlins/woozy.gif" /> Marion
Does wine count as a serving of fruit?
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/29/03 06:43 PM
01/29/03 06:43 PM
Joined: Jun 2000
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You know you've been playing adventure games to long when: You talk to EVERYONE you meet and continue to talk to them until they start to repeat themselves. 
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/30/03 01:05 PM
01/30/03 01:05 PM
Joined: Feb 2001
Posts: 904 Ardsley, NY, USA
Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Ardsley, NY, USA
You know you're playing too amny av. games when you fing yourself looking on the ground carfully where ever you go lookng for things that may be usefull later on, even a gum wrapper or dog tag and hearing a voice in your head saying (I don't think that will be useful or necessary).
All the gaming best to all!!!, Bill
Would the oceans be deeper if there weren't any sponges? If the world didn't suck would we all fall off? Currently playing Hitchcock, Syberia, Dark Fall, Byzantine, The Dame Was Loaded and Atlantis 3.
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/30/03 03:59 PM
01/30/03 03:59 PM
Joined: Apr 2002
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Oklahoma, USA
| cringe when opening doors, fearful that something is there, or you won't be able to just walk through. expect something to open every time the clerk scarns an item you're buying.
If something gets your goat, it just proves you have a goat to get.
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/30/03 04:08 PM
01/30/03 04:08 PM
Joined: Feb 2002
Posts: 368 Leesburg, Virginia
Howard the Doc
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Leesburg, Virginia
- When you look through the real estate ads for a small white house with a mailbox in front that you can see when facing E.
- When you are afraid your wife will walk in and and catch you at the computer looking at . . . a Nancy Drew adventure!
Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it's stranger than we CAN imagine - J.B.S. Haldane -------------------------------- Games will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no games.
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/30/03 11:30 PM
01/30/03 11:30 PM
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When you look at the dust and disarray of your home and think 1. "oooo, atmosphere!" 2. "oooo, I need to explore this! Something might be under there!" When you start cleaning out a closet and think of it as an adventure When you find something in that closet that reminds you of something in another room so you go see if it works....and don't finish your closet! 
Banana phone!
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/31/03 05:24 AM
01/31/03 05:24 AM
Joined: Jul 1999
Posts: 2,557 Coon Rapids,Mn
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Coon Rapids,Mn
Hahaha,that was a good one Granny You know you've been playing adventure games too long when you.... Are playing ND and as you walk through a door the phone rings and it scares the heck out of you because you think it's happening in the game,but it really was your own phone ringing.(This just happened to me last night LOL) When you... can't find your notebook of notes of the game you're currently playing because you have at least 4 games going at one time. When you....keep doing the same action over and over(in your real life) hoping to trigger an easter egg. ozma
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Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/31/03 10:55 AM
01/31/03 10:55 AM
Joined: Apr 2001
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New York
You know I have been depressed because I just found out my good friend for over 45 years is dying of cancer and being house bound I come here to not only play interactive adventure games but to talk to my other dear friends about the game well I just stumbled into this area and I just had to laugh at some of these answers ((hope Iam not insulting anyone)) but I just found them rather amusing  Gameboomers is great But The People here are One Of A Kind The, "BEST" people!!!
'Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up.'
Re: You've been playing adventures too long when.....
01/31/03 01:34 PM
01/31/03 01:34 PM
Joined: Apr 2002
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Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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[You've been playing adventures too long when.....
By ThunderChild ___
You refer to your pockets as, 'My inventory'.
You do a search on your computer for the word walkthru and find 76 results.
You check Gameboomers each morning before breakfast/coffee/cigarette/feeding the dog/cat/family.
You’re asked for directions to the station, it's not just, Down the road and turn right; it's, Along this tree lined, victorian looking, avenue under the bright glow of the electric lighting in a northerly direction towards the junction at the far end. Upon reaching the crossroads with the old weather beaten and dilapidated hotel on the corner there is a road leading west which heads towards the centre of town and a road leading eastwards towards the train station. You wust turn in an easterly direction and proceed along this......etc, etc.
You have: 4 games on the go, 6 on the to-be-played pile, 3 on the to-be-replayed pile, 2 on order and due in the post any day now, 1 that you're currently bidding for on ebay and then when asked what you want for your birthday.......can you guess what's next?
ThunderChild ___ You go someplace new you check all cabinets, drawers, and open and close all the doors.
You find a new defence for Wynona Ryder - She wasn't shop lifting she was just collecting inventory.
Gimme ___ You try to "save" when you're watching a TV program.
You are playing Nancy Drew and as you walk through a door the phone rings and it scares the heck out of you because you think it's happening in the game, but it really was your own phone ringing.
You can't find your notebook of notes of the game you're currently playing because you have at least 4 games going at one time.
You keep doing the same action over and over (in your real life) hoping to trigger an easter egg.
ozma38 ___ You have to fight the urge to grab those plastic disposable gloves and elastic tubing at the doctor's cause you never know what you might need that day.
You look for alternative exits every time you enter a room.
Your idea of financial planning is limited to charting all the future releases month by month and drawing up a budget projection so you can make sure you can BAAG all of them.
gatorlaw ___ Something bad happens, you say it's ok, you'll reload a save.
nickie ___ You read all these replies and understand them all .
Mad ___ You finish asking someone a question, you ask again just to see if you get a different answer.
Everytime you look at something, you say the same thing - you wake up every morning, look at you bedside drawer and say: "It's my bedside drawer. There's nothing of interest inside".
Zoyd Wheeler ___ You constantly have the urge to try EACH and EVERY key on your key ring on EVERY DOOR you see.
mbc841 ___ Dinner for 4 consists of TV Dinners served WELL done at 8pm.
Your smallest child thinks his/her name is "Just a sec."
Every scrap of paper within reach has some sort of hieroglyphic, mayan symbol, rune, or maze drawn upon it...including the phone bill.
Faced with the dilema of being locked out of your car, you think about using the fish you just bought as a means of opening it.
Each person you know in real life you silently associate with an in-game character. Including yourself.
Jen in Chgo ___ You're wandering around lost in the aisles of a big confusing store (like Walmart) muttering to yourself, "I hate mazes, I hate mazes....."
SuMac ___ You work in a medical office and decide not to order a medical coding reference book because it has the picture of a SLIDER PUZZLE on the cover.
audrey522 ___ You start to fear for your own life and watch around just to check nothing unusual things are taking place when Gabriel K. (I mean, me… No, I mean the character) is in a dangerous situation.
Malia G ___ You're afraid to go anywhere dark for fear of being eaten by a grue!
You're solving puzzles in your sleep.
Skippy ___ You automatically look for strange things on the ground to click on!
You want to pry up a sewer lid to see what's hidden under it.
JMK ___ You want to catch the neighbor’s cat to make a mustache.
You want to pick up every stone you see.
You see a cockroach and say “Good Luck Bad Mojo”.
You see a pot and wonder where the lid is.
You see a gauge and want to set it.
You see a monkey and wonder where they dropped the banana to feed it with.
You think rats are friendly helpers.
You think runes hold the secret of the universe.
You want to call Sam for help.
You burn the dinner and you don’t even care.
lasanidine ___ You eat soup from the microwave for every meal for a week, because going to the grocery store would interfere with your in-game're on a roll and can't be distracted.
Your cat is mad because you're always on the computer and she begins to unwind all the toilet paper.....only to be confronted by your puzzled face wondering if you could piece it back together like you did the torn paper puzzle in the game you're playing.
The only thing you take time to make is coffee.
You find yourself doing your homework in the wee hours of the morning because, "Dammit, Larry Laffer needs me!".
You dream of being sent to Syberia and it's a GOOD thing.
You know that if your friends DO give up on you and send you to the Sanitarium, you'll be able to survive, because you did, afterall, help Max to survive.
You start telling your friends and family when to eat, sleep, pee and get in the hot tub, and you start spouting at the dinner table, "This graw is fredishay."
No one will talk to you anymore because they can't understand why your right forefinger keeps twitching each time you ask them a question
girlgeek ___ You push the handle on every toilet just to see if it will flush.
You carry around the urn of a deceased relative "just in case the Iuxpi show up!".
At easter time, you are disappointed the leftover colored eggs in the fridge don't reverse time!
taf4 ___ You can’t get rid of some musical refrains that sticks to your mind until you figure out what Adventure game used it, after restoring the likely episodes in the most likely games.
It’s almost automatic for you to close and look back whenever you open and go through a door.
Advpuzlov ___ You cannot go into a library without searching for secret doors.
You touch every plant you see just in case it might reveal a secret passage.
Using public transportation, you wait for a map to appear, so you can click on it, to get you to the desired place.
You try to use the "space" button when someone is talking to you to skip the conversation.
You think closed doors will open once you have completed the necessary task.
You talk to every person you meet - they might give you a hint.
You think every computer is turned on all the time and consists only of emails and files that are important.
tez ___ You're trying to get hints from two 9-year-old boys you're babysitting: "Suppose you're a wizard called Rincewind and you have a Luggage following you around and you don't know how to..."
Betje ___ You've arranged a scavanger/treasure hunt and say 'Let the pixel hunt begin.'
You start leaving messages on pictures or look for them on the back of paintings.
acornia ___ You come home with a hat and a trench coat and tell your husband - "Honey you would look great in these" (Tex Murphy-wannabee).
housewife ___ You try to stuff things like ladders, bowls of hot water, a screwdriver, and a fish (red herring?) in your pants!
nolalou ___ You sit at your computer, with a cold cup of coffee, trying to figure out "which" Adventure games Lasanidine was talking about!! Glynn You go to the store and automatically start searching for that hard to find item you've been looking for in your current game.
Tamia ___ You look up something in the world atlas and the words "Amazon" and "Siberia" look wrong to you.
audrey522 ___ You read the word "game," you assume it's for computers (not console or board or card).
You read a game title that's unfamiliar, you immediately google for reviews - hoping it's an adventure that you've (somehow) missed.
Yapette ___ You find yourself clicking on the remote control to make characters in a movie move faster, talk to other characters or to escape boring cut scenes.
Bristol ___ You talk to EVERYONE you meet and continue to talk to them until they start to repeat themselves.
Lorryrose ___ You think you've been on a vacation, when you wake up after your game venue appears in your dream.
Cat in the Hat ___ You find yourself looking on the ground carefully where ever you go lookng for things that may be usefull later on, even a gum wrapper or dog tag and hearing a voice in your head saying (I don't think that will be useful or necessary).
Gameman007 ___ You cringe when opening doors, fearful that something is there, or you won't be able to just walk through.
You expect something to open every time the clerk scarns an item you're buying.
Homer6 ___ You look through the real estate ads for a small white house with a mailbox in front that you can see when facing E.
You are afraid your wife will walk in and and catch you at the computer looking at . . . a Nancy Drew adventure!
Howard the Doc ___ You look at the dust and disarray of your home and think: 1. "oooo, atmosphere!" 2. "oooo, I need to explore this! Something might be under there!"
You start cleaning out a closet and think of it as an adventure.
You find something in that closet that reminds you of something in another room so you go see if it works....and don't finish your closet!
looney ___ You have your toilet brush chained and padlocked to the bathroom wall, so it won't be used on the Bar-B Que!!
granny ___ You start getting 2 copies of the same game just in case you need an extra one!
Bastet ___ You find other friends online to talk about life and adventure games.