Re: Intermediate/Advanced Games for Kids
11/27/02 09:18 AM
11/27/02 09:18 AM
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Happy Gamer
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somewhere in time
Have you tried any of the Scooby Doo games? My grandson started playing them at about that age...we did them together but usually he was way ahead of me cuz these kids can click and move so much faster....All of my grandkids LOVE the Jump-start series starting with 1st grade game which is labeled ages 5-7. The I Spy games are my favorite...I Spy Spooky Mansion in which the child enters a spooky mansion (age appropriate) and must find all kinds of wonderful things...the reward is to make "ghosts" down in the little ones have loved that game since they were 5....then Dinosaur Adventure 3-D which is lots of fun. Costco has good selection or you can usually order these games online at Amazon...there is a new I Spy out...made by Scholastic which may well have a website. Have'll want to play I Spy.... Happy Gamer PS: You know in rereading your question maybe he could play Goosebumps...Jamison loved it as long as I sat with him cuz it is for children but you go into an old graveyard to arrange pumpkins and Jam felt a bit spooked but couldn't stop playing..definately a child's game influenced by the Goosebump books for kids. Just a thought as it has more of a plot....Jam also helped me solve some puzzles in Atlantis II and III....he shot the cave drawings with arrow..stuff like that..and got the tiger that I could never catch. 
Re: Intermediate/Advanced Games for Kids
11/27/02 10:13 AM
11/27/02 10:13 AM
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Thanks for replies.. He has gone through all the I Spys, Scoobys,.. Anyone with experience with Nancy Drew.. would those be a good fit. I looked at a walkthrough and they talked about "junior mode"?
Re: Intermediate/Advanced Games for Kids
11/27/02 11:48 AM
11/27/02 11:48 AM
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Betty Lou
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There is a free online game about Garfield (the cat) and a Halloween adventure game.... My granddaughters love the Blue's Clues series of games, The Learning Company games...and many similar ones (educational). My 7 year old granddaughter loves the puzzle game Elemental which I got online (bought then downloaded it). The Nancy Drew series is made for an older child but you might try one and see if he likes it and can handle it. You don't see anyone actually getting killed, and I don't remember seeing any dead bodies lying around - so no blood and gore, just problem solving and mystery. How about Dark Fall? That is one terrific game and if you play it with him you will definitely get him hooked on Adventure games, very spooky, the kind of stuff the kids like. No action scenes, no shoot-em up or anything like that. Love, Betty Lou
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Re: Intermediate/Advanced Games for Kids
11/27/02 12:16 PM
11/27/02 12:16 PM
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I just played the two Elroy games, Elroy goes Bugzerk and Elroy hits the pavement - excellent mid range games for kids. I am fairly certain that Playing Games still has them. You didn't mention the Spy Fox series - but those games aren't that easy and great for kids and adults.
My youngest played the classic LucasArts games at that age and adored them. The Dig, Sam and Max was a real fave, The Monkey Island games. Curse of would be tons of fun for them and you. The older Indiana Jones game and of course Full Throttle. You'd have to play along - but something about that gravely voice of Ben in Full Throttle delights boys to the max.
Re: Intermediate/Advanced Games for Kids
11/27/02 04:14 PM
11/27/02 04:14 PM
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I agree with Betty Lou...... Have him try playing the Garfield Halloween game..... It is cool! I actually managed to play it without a walkthrough! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" />
Re: Intermediate/Advanced Games for Kids
11/27/02 05:09 PM
11/27/02 05:09 PM
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Originally posted by Jenny100: Maybe "Gold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado." Yes ! They loved that one too ! <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" />
Re: Intermediate/Advanced Games for Kids
11/27/02 05:17 PM
11/27/02 05:17 PM
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Carmen Sandiego was always fun, as well as the games based on board games, like Monopoly Tycoon, etc.
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Re: Intermediate/Advanced Games for Kids
11/27/02 06:54 PM
11/27/02 06:54 PM
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go to and download their VGA remake of king's quest 1. it is a fan-based remake of the classic sierra game... and free! the puzzles are pretty easy and there's no violence. he could probably play through it with your help. (i first played KQ1 when i was 11 or so... and solved it all on my own! and that version was somewhat more difficult because you had to type in commands and deal with the limits of the text parser... the remake is all point-and-click.) if he enjoys that, tierra is releasing a KQ2 remake next month.  emily