I don't care what color, size, race, species, or gender my character is. I'm going to become that person/alien/species when I play. Variety is the spice of life. When else would I get to be anything but what I am? (ok besides Halloween)
As for locations, I'm a huge fan of the spooky amusement park setting & I know it's been done, but I think there's a few more games in there before it's Egypt. (and the fact that I can't get Panic in the Park to run).
I'd also like to see a setting like in the Stephen King mini-series "Rose Red" where the building is continually changing & growing. Toss your maps out the window!
There are several movies that would make great games. Unfortunatly the gaming companies realize this & produce ACTION games accordingly. I'd like to play "Resident Evil" only with no zombie or guard dog combat.

But puzzles where you can die against that computer would suffice I'd think.
Even more so than movies, which are generally made into action or shooters, books are good sources. I think that Stephen King's novel, "The Stand" would make an excellent game. Yes I like Stephen King but there's many many others that would make good adventure stories with less used settings.
As for careers, I'd like to see a special effects artist or something...imagine what fun you could have!
Here's an idea....What about being

Ace Ventura Pet Detective?

Love, Jen