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Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124412
12/11/02 10:09 AM
12/11/02 10:09 AM
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I don't care what color, size, race, species, or gender my character is. I'm going to become that person/alien/species when I play. Variety is the spice of life. When else would I get to be anything but what I am? (ok besides Halloween)

As for locations, I'm a huge fan of the spooky amusement park setting & I know it's been done, but I think there's a few more games in there before it's Egypt. (and the fact that I can't get Panic in the Park to run).

I'd also like to see a setting like in the Stephen King mini-series "Rose Red" where the building is continually changing & growing. Toss your maps out the window!

There are several movies that would make great games. Unfortunatly the gaming companies realize this & produce ACTION games accordingly. I'd like to play "Resident Evil" only with no zombie or guard dog combat. lol lol lol But puzzles where you can die against that computer would suffice I'd think.

Even more so than movies, which are generally made into action or shooters, books are good sources. I think that Stephen King's novel, "The Stand" would make an excellent game. Yes I like Stephen King but there's many many others that would make good adventure stories with less used settings.

As for careers, I'd like to see a special effects artist or something...imagine what fun you could have! laugh

Here's an idea....What about being whistle Ace Ventura Pet Detective?

laugh Love, Jen laugh

It's a hard-knock life. Wear wooden underwear.
Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124413
12/11/02 11:25 AM
12/11/02 11:25 AM
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I fully agree about BYZANTINE, Advpuzlov!!! Its one unique and engaging game, that's for sure. I'd like to see a remake of this one. The technology has advanced significantly since '97, to put it mildly. A smoother running game engine would make this one superb play! Great game. One of my standout favorites!


Thanks for the encouragement on Anachronox, Reenie. I am really looking forward to trying it out. Will have to switch back over to my Sony 450 with Win98, but that'll be fun for a change. I'll probably play it before Pharaoah's Curse and Ghost Dogs. smile

Love, Witchen =O) smile

Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124414
12/11/02 12:43 PM
12/11/02 12:43 PM
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taf4 Offline
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There is an Ace Ventura adventure game! eek
Never played it or seen it, though smile

Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124415
12/11/02 01:30 PM
12/11/02 01:30 PM
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Originally posted by Witchen:

Stacey and Ray: I just bought Anachronox.......we shall see about this little bit of combat business.....)
Well it may seem like a lot to you but relatively compared to other RPG's it is not a lot.

Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124416
12/11/02 03:08 PM
12/11/02 03:08 PM
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OK Zanthia, Ray, Reenie, and everyone, I'll give Anacronox a try. I'll look for in at my local Fry's Electronics.

As for Morrowind, I'm not giving up yet. Yeah, I know Zanthia, it's not the RPG to start with, but it truely is the only RPG I ever wanted to play.

On, things we haven't seen in adventures - how about a massively multiplayer online adventure? Myst Online will be out in 2003 (probably late). I know most of us adventure gamers aren't interested in multiplayer online games, but I'm going to give this one a try. I'll let you know when it's out. Maybe I can meet some gameboomers in the world.

All for now.

mszv, amarez in Myst Online (KI 89257)and my online worlds.

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Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124417
12/13/02 09:42 AM
12/13/02 09:42 AM
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Hey dimidimidimi if you are really looking for a different type of adventure game then may I suggest the one I just finished and it seemed like it took me forever (maybe it did, just didn't know it). The name is American McGee's Alice. It is based on Alice in Wonderland, but with a very different twist, it is put out by EA Games. Let me tell you, it is VERY different than the ones we normally play. In this one you do control a child throughout. Check it out, you might be surprised. thumbsup thumbsup laugh laugh

Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124418
12/13/02 05:04 PM
12/13/02 05:04 PM
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I have heard of this game kevin, but fortunately or unfortunately I am an adventure purist and I don't enjoy action/adventures.

Adventure magazine - The Inventory
Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124419
12/13/02 11:57 PM
12/13/02 11:57 PM
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Hey Dimi.
Check out "Blackout".
Pure adventure, very dark (quite alot of it takes place in a night club)and it differs from anything I´ve played. In a good way that is. Sorta reminiscent of Sanatarium. Since it´s a Swedish game - it shouldn´t be so hard to find.

Come to think of might be from Denmark. Whatever, it´s a very disturbing and good game wave

Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124420
12/14/02 12:10 AM
12/14/02 12:10 AM
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friedmonky Offline
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I checked quite a few different sites and searches for "Blackout" and came up with nothing. Could you provide some sort of a link? Thanks!

Even monkeys fall from trees sometimes.
Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124421
12/14/02 10:34 AM
12/14/02 10:34 AM
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Hi friedmonkey,
As far as I know, Blackout was never translated to english. Here is some links with reviews in swedish (if You want to run them through a translator):


If You ever learn swedish, I could probably find the game for You wink laugh

Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124422
12/14/02 12:04 PM
12/14/02 12:04 PM
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IBlade_IRunner Offline
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Well, most of the things that you wrote about DimiX3 are in Blade Runner. Let me elaborate:

1) Black People

Sadik is black, though mot the main character but hes one of the important characters in the game.

2) Children

Lucy shes a child, you can`t play with her but you can control how she reacts later on, based on the path you take in the game.

3) Nightclub

During your investigation, you will have to go to 2 Nightclubs to investigate.

4) War

Well, technically there isn`t a war one earth but there is conflict between humans and replicants.

5) Drama

Theres some drama in the game. Like when Steele died in last part of the game. Or life on earth where replicants aren`t allowed, and you have to retire them, well you can choose not too.


Theres comedy in the game also but not in FMV.

7) Fan

Well none that i can think of that are in the game.

8) Lawyers

Don`t need em. Basically you just shoot replicants smile .

Lol, i feel like i`m promoting the game. I guess Blade Runner is one of those adventures it`s hard to come by.

Re: Things we haven't seen in adventures #124423
12/14/02 08:25 PM
12/14/02 08:25 PM
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Sorry Fried Monkey (and thanks Karin for the links) I didn´t know that the game wasn´t translated to English. frown
I don´t know why since I´m sure that it would´ve done OK saleswise. As I said it gives the same effect as Sanatarium beeing a very creepy psycological game. In fact it is one of the games that has given me the longest lasting impressions ever. Having played more than 200 games that should count for something laugh

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