Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/28/03 08:57 PM
06/28/03 08:57 PM
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I actually fell for this DragonRider (fell four times until I wiped him and his nasty dragon off the face of the planet) muhaha-hahahahahahahaha I'm now at level 32 and a smidge. I got the Dragon Heart and killed Stalker and am now on my way to the Dwarven Halls to do whatever it is I'm supposed to do there I am going to go back to the elven village and see if I can't find that two timing so and so. I mean how could anyone pass me over 
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/28/03 09:10 PM
06/28/03 09:10 PM
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/28/03 09:40 PM
06/28/03 09:40 PM
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/28/03 10:18 PM
06/28/03 10:18 PM
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You two are impossible! and Syd, getting the dragon heart is very cool, I'm sure that will impress the Ms Elfete <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> Just make sure Poppa doesn't catch you! Ingie __________________________________________________ Playing Morrowind, will not discuss my spirtual attributes, the halo slips at times, but not too far. 
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/28/03 11:01 PM
06/28/03 11:01 PM
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Found out something wished had known alot earlier. Anybody use any skill points on wisdom? Interesting how that helps with experience points. lol
On using the bow, make sure you're holding down the control key when you click on the target then he won't move towards it.
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/28/03 11:06 PM
06/28/03 11:06 PM
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That's what I was doing, Acornia--that's the same way it works in the Diablo series of games. But it didn't do any good--I don't know why...
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/28/03 11:53 PM
06/28/03 11:53 PM
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Nope acornia I haven't used any on wisdom. I have two unused ones right now - maybe I'll put one toward wisdom and see what happens. I've been down in the mine tunnels under the Dwarven Halls - good grief those evil dwarfs are miserable to kill. Was there anything down there I needed to get other than wipe out the populace? I couldn't find diddley squat there. I'm now teleporting all over the Hall - interesting way of traveling Ms Elfie huh? Well that could be the problem, seeings how I'm also a female  But I'll stroll back there anyway. I mean there has to be an unattached, good looking elfman running around there somewhere 
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 12:34 AM
06/29/03 12:34 AM
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Oh for gosh sakes, don't MENTION that dratted statue puzzle in Thorgal. It is embarassing how long I was stuck on it. Rowan, did you find the scroll? Syd, just out of curiosity when seeing your quote, did you do the ah - gentlemen of the evening quest in Verdistis?
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 01:32 AM
06/29/03 01:32 AM
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Ha, Syd, she meant Mr. Elfie.  I managed to get engaged to him and his father read me the riot act. He was very unhappy with the mixed relationship. Jean
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 02:12 AM
06/29/03 02:12 AM
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Shhhhh!!! Jean
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 04:09 AM
06/29/03 04:09 AM
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Well, I think this thread has beaten the Zanzarah one for number of posts, but I may be wrong. Can someone check? I'm too lazy.
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 08:37 AM
06/29/03 08:37 AM
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Oh that er, night spent in the nice bedding basement, I went there, I was so shocked! I accidently hit the wrong key, next thing I new I was quite refreshed and ready to continue the game- Waiting on Ghost Master patch Waiting on Riftrunner and DD2 and Summoner waiting on me
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 09:03 AM
06/29/03 09:03 AM
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Just curious. Did anyone go into Iona's madhouse? In case you missed it, in the dungeon there's a room with double stacked barrels. Front ones are usually empty and the back ones got a couple of items. When you move all the barrels out of the way, will find an entrance. There's a cabin on the other side and everytime you go through a door, you land in a different room from the one you were trying to enter. In one of the rooms is a skeleton that you can make sit or stand using a lever. Never did figure out how to get out of there.
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 10:33 AM
06/29/03 10:33 AM
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That is a wild place, isn't it, Acornia?
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 10:39 AM
06/29/03 10:39 AM
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Oh, I missed that one! Ingie _________________________________________________ playing Morrowind GhostMaster on hold for patch Finished-well apparently not all of DD and Zanzarah Waiting on Riftrunner and DD2 Summoner waiting on me!
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 11:05 AM
06/29/03 11:05 AM
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Hi acornia:
I wasn't able to find her madhouse, either. Darn, it sounds like it was fun!
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 11:28 AM
06/29/03 11:28 AM
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Well since I haven't found Iona yet, I now have her madhouse to look forward to  Sure hope they don't decide to keep me Nickie, so sorry for bringing up bad memories about Thorgal - I still have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing with that stupid statue. Too bad I can't transfer my metorstrike skill to that game - one good aim and wham - no more annoying statue 
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 05:49 PM
06/29/03 05:49 PM
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Hi everyone. I've been busy the last couple of days with family and some overseas company, but had to check in to see if my elven love is still true to me. I think so far he is, unless Syd joined the two-timing guild and has sworn him to secrecy. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> I haven't played much except I continued clearing out the sewers of Rivellon which I had forgotten that I hadn't done yet. These sewers are really easy compared to some of other underground regions. Acornia was that mad house in the dungeons of Verdisti? Because if that is the one I was in it. I did get out, but don't know how I was thrown out. (Guess they thought I was love-sick, not nuts).  I just remember clicking and all of a sudden I was out. I was a bit upset because I had missed some rooms, and I couldn't get back in to check them out. The mad place just didn't show up again. I haven't finished the Verdisti dungeons because there are a couple of rooms where I wasn't strong enough to beat the bad guys. Syd, I am using a bow as a weapon and sometimes I move toward the target, but I have been able to stop myself and even move back. This is tricky if you are surrounded by a crowd of baddies. So my favourite tactic in a crowded situation is to use skeleton wall. This keeps the crowd busy and you can back out of the crowd and then pick them off one at a time. Anyone, what is the poison potion used for? I can't believe it is a suicide concoction. I entered a cave in the Dark Forest near the Imp's castle. That is one place that seems impossible to do right now. I am looking for the Holy Grail, and I know it's there, but boy is it protected!! Is this the place where the scorpion traps (which I don't have any more)would come in handy? OK everyone keep an eye on Syd while I'm busy with real life stuff before I can back into longer play periods again. 
Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 06:35 PM
06/29/03 06:35 PM
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Have you run into a bunch of mummies and stuff like that, Rowan? Then yep, you're in the right place. Try putting the poison on your weapon. And ya know, Syd is a rough customer, you're going to have to hurry back!
"How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 08:49 PM
06/29/03 08:49 PM
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Yep Row hang onto your love - I just spent two hours at a secret underground beauty parlor in the mines of the evil dwarves getting all cuted up so I can go man elf hunting, [and I look pretty darn good I might add] Just beat that nasty spirit that inhabits the stone where you pull the sword out. Yeesh, that was one tough hombre I got the brooch from the dwarven jeweler and am on my way back to Verdistis to give it to Sir Dante's aid. Then I guess I'd best be finding that cave and look for the Holy Grail. I found all the teleporter scrolls - but still need to activate two teleporter stones - I haven't managed to poison anything but myself  Also, I keep reading that some of my weapons have charm powers and I also have four or five round disk thingies that say they can charm or are charms (I forget). What's the deal with that and is it worth charming anything when I'm a mage? Oh - I made Level 33 and I still haven't figured out that *%&^ statue in Torgal 
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Re: New to RPG - Divine Divinity
06/29/03 08:49 PM
06/29/03 08:49 PM
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No, nothing to fight inside the house. Don't know about outside of it. Get to it through the graveyard. Just can't remember if it was on the first or second level but think it was the second. Got a save game in the dungeon room just so that I can go back and play around with it some more.
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