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Morrowind Newbie Help #126583
02/19/04 08:53 AM
02/19/04 08:53 AM
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Hi Gang, I've decided to give this game a spin. Oooooooh is it pretty. Oooooooh am I not. lol I'm a woodelf - majoring in stealth. I chose to pick my own atributes....which I'm thinking now wasn't such a great idea seeing as I had no clue what I was doing & picked like NO armor or weapon skills. lol Good thief I am, eh? Next quest is to get a key. I tried to get it from Sovor Trandrel (the servant) but pickpocket didn't show it. Went to the rich guy himself & pickpocketed but no key. He caught me & I killed him. Poof- there's the key. Brought it back but Sugar-Lips rolleyes wont pay me cause I killed him.

I delivered a package to Caius Cosades who also has quests for me, when I'm stronger he says.

I'm wondering if there's any EASY quests. So far I feel like I'm way over my head. The only quests I've completed are delivering a pkg & BUYING a diamond I should have stolen. I'm a wimpy level 1 & I have no reputation to speak of. Perhaps I should start over & be someone/thing else? I haven't done that much really. Any guidance?

p.s. I'm afraid to steal anything now because I'm not sure if they are members of the Thieves can you tell?

laugh Love, Jen laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126584
02/19/04 11:47 AM
02/19/04 11:47 AM
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Welcome to Morrowind, Jen, probable the second most popular game on this forum (behind Divinity). Yes it is very pretty but the characters are very ugly, except the humanoids (breton, imperial, nord). Just for fun, strip down to nothing and run around town naked talking to people.

The thief classes are probably the hardest to play in this game, I suggest starting a regular fighter and joining the fighter's guild in Balmora once you get there, the first quests are pretty easy there. Before that, though, you will want to stay in Seyda Neen as there are some very easy quests there which can get you some money and other stuff to get you started.

IMO, level 1 is the most difficult part of the game, it seems to take forever to find things to do that raise your relevant skills, but eventually you move on. Just so you know, you can also join the mages guild in Balmora, even as a fighter, and do quests for them, as well as the legion, the temple, and the assassin guild.

If you really want to play a thiefy type, make sure to get at least one or two different weapon and armor skills, preferably short blades and light armor for dexterity, and focus on skills like sneaking, security, speechcraft, and acrobatics or athletics.

Pickpocketing is dependent on your sneaking skill and is very difficult to pull off at low levels. Other ways to get what you need from someone is to use speechcraft by bribing/flattering or threatening/taunting them.

Cammona Tong are not the same as the thieves guild. That said, I would not advise you to try to kill them at level 1. wink

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126585
02/19/04 12:56 PM
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Hey Jen happydance
Good luck and have fun
Keep us posted on your adventures
Ingie laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126586
02/19/04 01:25 PM
02/19/04 01:25 PM
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Ok, I'll start over again. Actually I did start over & let the game pick this time. It set me up as an assassin. Still wimpy but at least I have armor & weapon skills. I was hoping to remain a wood elf for disease resistance & marksman skills but I'm thinking they aren't the best warrior types. The magicka making and enchanting things are rocket surgery & I'd prefer just to avoid them for the most part. I'll buy 'em if I need 'em! Sheesh! There's just so many....and so little money. Who knows which are worth the price. I've been spending what little funds I have on armor & weapons. Training is too expensive for 1 measly point. The only thing I seem to be good at is athletics. All that running around up's the stats. Nothing else besides Mercantile is going up. Perhaps it will be better as a warrior. Thanks for the advice! smile

laugh Love, Jen laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126587
02/19/04 01:59 PM
02/19/04 01:59 PM
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Jen, if you are ever in a situation where there is a conflict of interest, like having to kill another guildmember for someone else, just let them attack you first. Then you can kill them in good conscience. You can often force them into attacking first by taunting them several times. That way your reputation doesn't suffer and no one will hold it against you.

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126588
02/19/04 04:26 PM
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Welcome to Morrowind from me too Jen lol I'm playing as a female Breton Battlemage.

I had to chuckle at your first post about getting the key - know how I did it? I wound up bribing the guy in the trade house - that key cost me 1200 gold pieces evil

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126589
02/19/04 04:58 PM
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Hi Jen wave Good to see you here! I agree with everything everyone else says! (not sure about the running around naked but to each there own laugh )Wood elves can be good fighters I'm playing as a wood elf, agent, and am at level 37! She's one great little fighter. Take your time in the beginning and practice your weapons skills by zapping all the nasty critters wandering around!


Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126590
02/19/04 07:46 PM
02/19/04 07:46 PM
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Hi Jen, Glad to hear you're venturing down the Morrowind path I think you'll like this game. I played through Morrowind and the 2 expansions with a wood elf mage and she could hold her own in battle with the various swords and lots of nice just have to invest the time and cash in the training. Have fun !!

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126591
02/19/04 09:58 PM
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Hi Jen, morrowind is great!!! In the beginning of the game I just stumbled and stumbled....lucky for me there where a few people to help me out, like Ingie (popcorneater) and a few others..

I think one of the best things to do is to concentrate on one or two guilds. Later on you can add some houses and guilds..The best thing to do is not take on to many quests in the beginning(like I did and got completely overwhelmed) but concentrate on a few so that it will give you confidence instead of feeling frustrated!

Wish you a great time!!

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126592
02/20/04 10:21 AM
02/20/04 10:21 AM
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I started over, this time as a Redguard (disease resistant-whoo!). I do miss the elf, but the Redguard is almost pretty, save the hairstyle. I chose my attributes, but only after I carefully considered the pre-made see what was really needed. I'm skilled in med. armor, long blade, and can wield a mean axe. laugh BTW....I'm level TWO! happydance I have no idea HOW, because I think I killed even less this time. lol But I can sure carry a lot more & my fatigue doesn't drop much. (Endurance of 85 helps tremendously!)

I joined the fighter's guild & did 2 easy quests for them. The 3rd quest involves killing 4 baddies in/near Caldera that are really bad. I haven't even tried knowing I'm way out of my league. I delivered the pkg to he Spydaddy? He gave me orders to get info from guy who wants a favor first (of course). I'm supposed to get a puzzle box. The guy on the bridge close to Caldera doesn't think that's a good idea & chased me while zapping my butt all the way back to Balmora. So at the moment I'm stuck. I've got a couple of quests but they are waaaay too hard. I'm afraid to join any other houses/guilds for fear of more quests that are too difficult (and I'm like Syd...I'll HAVE to complete the darn things! Why didn't I think of bribing? rolleyes ) I guess I'll just walk around Balmora & chat it up awhile.

Can anyone suggest spells that are really useful? I bought 2 of the same that keep getting mentioned in-game but I have no idea what they do. I think they're supposed to transport me? I haven't tried ANY magicka. cluck cluck

Also how do you kill those ghost skeletons in the tombs? No weapon seems to work. Hmph!

laugh Love, Jen laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126593
02/20/04 01:00 PM
02/20/04 01:00 PM
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hi jen happydance Way to go, that first one is a hard hump to overcome.
I don't remember the 4 guys in the fighters guild off hand, but wise to wait until you get your fighting legs. Someone will peek in a give better advise, but until then try a few of these.

The tombs...the skeletons are the first you should be able to overcome. There are other creatures that are harder. Just try whacking away.
You'll be able to defeat more the more you try.
You're doing pretty darn good I think, glad you have a character that you like; so important.
When you complete the puzzle box quest and returned it to the guy that wants it, go back and talk to Spydaddy again.
Ingie laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126594
02/20/04 02:04 PM
02/20/04 02:04 PM
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lol I have no spell skills. 5's in all magic-type skills. I'm a Redguard, born under the Lady sign. So I'm strong as an ox & dumb as an...ox. laugh

Yeah, axes are heavy but it gave me the best all-around skill points vs. blunt weapon or spear (which are both still decent levels). Plus axes do "heavy" damage. wink

Magicka seemed waaaay too confusing to me so I tried to pick skills based on stealth & strength. I figured with the amount of spells available for purchase in the game, being able to "wear" them permanently wasn't really necessary. I'm sure it's cheaper, tho. I tried casting when I was an elf but even though I slept & recharged my Magicka bar, the spell wouldn't cast again. Once per day or something? Sheesh! I figured if I had a scroll/spell I could cast as many as I wanted in 24 hours. lol I could see how durn useful it would be. Does it also cover the expansion packs?

I'm worried about joining the Thieves Guild because you can't steal from fellow thieves..and who knows who they are?!?! I thought I'd join the Mages Guild & just not do any quests to advance. Joining just for the transporation they provide. Not sure if it will work in practice, good theory though.
Love, Jen

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126595
02/20/04 02:08 PM
02/20/04 02:08 PM
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[pokes head in]

Gave up on FF8, huh? That's okay, I'll muddle along without you... *sniff*

[/pokes head out]

laugh emily

ps From what I've read in this thread, Morrowind sounds like an interesting game! I like the idea of running around naked!

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126596
02/20/04 02:10 PM
02/20/04 02:10 PM
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lol Em, it's still loaded....Morrowind came in the mail while I was on vacation & I couldn't help myself with the screenshots on the box. I'm just still on FF vacation, that's all. wink

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126597
02/20/04 05:41 PM
02/20/04 05:41 PM
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Jen, if you join the thieves and someone asks you to kill a fellow thief, all you have to do is taunt them so they attack you first. If they attack you first you are allowed to kill in self defense according to the morals of this game. <img border="0" alt="woozy" title="" src="graemlins/woozy.gif" />

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126598
02/20/04 08:00 PM
02/20/04 08:00 PM
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Congratulations on getting to Level 2 - that's quite a feat in this game.

I killed the ghost skeletons with a silver sword. Worked like a charm laugh

Actually, the first mage guild quests (the ones you get in Balmora) are a snap - It's the Thieves Guild ones I'm having a time with - I'm stuck on two of them right now - both involving books rolleyes

Row is right - you can kill anyone without getting thrown in the slammer as long as they attack you first (not sure about the guards - I leave them alone).

I'm not too sure bribing was the smartest thing to do - I spent 1200 gold to get 1000 back - those are the type of economics that got the state of CA in the mess it's in rignt now lol

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126599
02/20/04 10:20 PM
02/20/04 10:20 PM
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I killed my first ghostie! laugh Syd, you're right...that butter knife I was using just wasn't cutting it. (ba-doom-ching!) I have no idea what I'm doing other than stealing everything & selling it but I'm going up levels right & left. I guess shopping is my thing. Is there a shopper's guild? lol

I gave up on professional thievery for now. I stunk when they were my main skills. Can you imagine an ox pickpocketing? Hey, maybe I'm confused about this, but when you join the Thieves Guild can you still steal from anyone, even fellow thieves, as long as you don't get caught? duh Maybe I'm reading too much into the "rules". I thought no stealing, meant no stealing. Period. I was worried that would put a huge dent in my coin-purse. Can anyone verify?

Bought the Mark spell. Then after about an hour of failed casting realized that I also needed a separate spell to return to said mark. slapforehead D'oh! So premade magic spells aren't that scary anymore, but I'm having a heck of a time trying to "recharge" my magical weapons.

I've been stuck for hours now in some mine or cave or tomb or something underground. Lava mine? Trying to get that puzzle box for the info guy for Spydaddy. I can't find it anywhere in here. Put it this way, I've filled up on merchandise & returned to Balmora, twice. I've gone everywhichway in these twisty-turny tunnels. WHERE IS IT?!?! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

laugh Love, Jen laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126600
02/20/04 10:34 PM
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as you have learned you need a tleast silver weapons to kill a ghost/skeletons

don't feel bad about not finding the puzzle box. just aobut everyone misses it.

if you have gone past the first room you have gone too far as it is right in the beginning. Go to the bottom of the entrance chamber. There are three doors on this level, but none of them are the one you want. Face the rock formation that you came down, and you will see a smaller one going up. this leads to the second floor, above the three doors on the bottom. the puzzle box is in a room on this second floor to the left on a bookshelf.

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126601
02/20/04 11:42 PM
02/20/04 11:42 PM
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Jen you're doing great. happydance
The guide book won't make you start over, you've got the character you like. What it does do is place each quest for each guild in their section.
Very helpful and I thought the maps and directions to getting to places were a great help.
But there are plenty of folks here that have played the game and have the guide and can help you out.
So glad you're enjoying the game and sounds like you're learning real fast how to deal with some of those horrible nasties. lol
Remember to make sure you work on those Major and Minor skills.
Using the magic is not hard once you're able to cast, it just takes practice.

I remember those books!! I can't believe it, but I remember. Will wonders ever cease lol
Ingie laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126602
02/20/04 11:47 PM
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If you are really having trouble and think you might want to restart, a good choice would be a spellsword - a character with both fighting and magic abilities. You can fight your way out of trouble until you've figured out how to use magic.

The first time I played I joined the mage guild by stumbling in the door in Balmora, then did most of their quests before I even realized that there was ...(cough)... a main quest I had to follow.

Don't get too freaked out about whether you know what you're doing. Morrowind is so huge and long that there is plenty of room to make hideous mistakes and still become the most all-powerful character around. If you mess up a guild - not to worry - join another. No biggy, unless, for example, you invested very heavily in only one set of skills and mess up that guild. You can join all guilds up to the point where their goals conflict, and you will probably know when that point is because you will be sent on a quest that requires you to kill someone or do something that violates the other guild's code.

For fighter skills, you can join several different groups that will help you develop your skills. And later in the game when you are very good at fighting, you can spend skill points on some other attributes and become very good at other skills like magic or thieving, if you are so inclined.

By the way, installing Tribunal will help you because the journal is more orderly with the expansion added. You'll be able to track your quests more easily.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126603
02/21/04 12:54 AM
02/21/04 12:54 AM
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Thanks, Zanthia. I found it. Duh...right over my head. I did the "code book" quest for the fighter's guild, not a problem seeing as I hadn't joined the thieves guild yet. I just bribed her 20 gold & she handed it over. smile Nice of her. Do I want to give it to the Fighter's Guild Master or do I want to keep it? She gave me the choice....does it come in handy later or something?

Thanks for the tips but I ain't starting over again. I'm really not doing that badly..I just whine good. I'm level 4! happydance

laugh Love, Jen laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126604
02/21/04 09:48 AM
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The code book is one of my problem books - the other one is called Withershire - (I have to steal it and keep getting caught). Unfortunately I joined the Thieves guild before I tried for the code book so there's no way that woman is going to hand it over to me - she just harumphs at me when I go by her (I really ticked her off) lol

I don't think the book has any use so I'd return it to the Fighters guild guy.

I guess I should go back and continue on with the main quest (if I can remember what I'm supposed to be doing that is) bwaha-hahahahahahaha

I've never had a problem being tossed out of a guild from stealing - Thieves included. I just seem to take at random (as long as no one is looking that is) wink

Oh and welcome to the Guild of "Not a Clue" where our official club smilie is <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" />

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126605
02/21/04 09:50 AM
02/21/04 09:50 AM
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Jen, you just found the solution to a problem that I never figured out when I played Morrowind. I never was able to get that code book. Now I know it's because I had joined the thieves guild but you hadn't. I think a lot of people were stuck on getting that code book.

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126606
02/22/04 09:50 AM
02/22/04 09:50 AM
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I cheated. lol I read a WT regarding the codebook so I knew joining the Thieves would only complicate matters. There is a way to get the book even if you've joined....but you'll have to look it up yourself, I didn't pay attention to that solve as it didn't pertain to me. Sorry. duh Oh wait...that should be the official <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" /> !

Level 6 & counting. Just killed me 4 Camonna Tong! I'm still only in the Blades & Fighter's Guilds. Plan on joining the Thieves soon. Found out don't need to join Mages for travel advantage, they'll send you for moolah. Just lootin' & sellin' trying to get some good armor. Why is it only light & heavy seem to be readily available? Hmph! Went to a new town via giant bug. I was disappointed not to have a cut-scene or anything while riding the siltstrider. That would have been fun.

I was wondering how to up my reputation. I've only got a 1 in there & that's a recent development when I let Hides-His-Eyes go free. Have I made some wrong decisions or something?

laugh Love, Jen laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126607
02/22/04 12:36 PM
02/22/04 12:36 PM
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Unless it says that your reputation has decreased no wrong decisions were made.
I think it increases as you complete certain quests rather main story line or just plain being a nice person.
You're moving right along and seem very setteled into the role of 'not a clue club' member happydance
ingie laugh

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