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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126633
02/29/04 12:42 AM
02/29/04 12:42 AM
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You're really moving right along happydance
You can talk to the folks in the wilderness.
You can usually get easy quests and some great items for performing said duties..
For the guards when you ask one, they will tell you where you must go and whom to speak to about joining.
I didn't do the Cult quests, but I know some of the other folks did...I think Nickie and Tami..
Hopefully they will poke their heads in and help.
If you have the guide..or go on the website, under the Guilds you're wondering about it will tell you where to go and what steps to follow in your quests to get up the ladder.
Glad you understand the dealing with Creeper, takes a while; but worth the money to do so.
Have fun happydance
Ingie laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126634
02/29/04 01:33 AM
02/29/04 01:33 AM
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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126635
02/29/04 02:10 AM
02/29/04 02:10 AM
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when you are at creepers , you don't have to leave to rest. Just click on the rest key and choose to wait 24 hours and he has his 5000 back. once ouy get the hang of it, its very easy to do and goes pretty quickly.

this is the only way to sell high priced items with the game as is.

you do not have to speak to anyone in the wilderenss but you will miss out on some of the best items including the boots of blinding speed. tired of moving so slow, than you want these booots.

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126636
02/29/04 07:56 AM
02/29/04 07:56 AM
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Aww noble,
I'm sorry I thought you understood the trading thing!
Zanthia is right of course. happydance
When you buy enough items from him to cover the cost of the high price stuff ( I never bought anything over the $5000 he can buy back)
then sell him the high pricey stuff deplete his funds. He'll have the orginial $5000 + what you bought. Sell it to him, he'll have $0.00 left.
Then press your "T" key, slide to 24 hours and a day has passed right in front of him and he once again has his orginial $5000. Now start selling him back the items you do not want. Everytime he gets down to 0.00 or as far as you can go with him.
Press the "T" key and slide to 24 hours..he once again resets and although in game time a day has passed-a few seconds have in reality and you don't ever have to move..
Hope this and Zanthia's advise help you out!
Ingie laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126637
02/29/04 11:23 AM
02/29/04 11:23 AM
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You want to hear something sad? Too bad, I'm going to tell you anway laugh I lost the soul gem I pilfered from the mage's guild that was worth 60,000 gold eek Yep - it's gone from invetory. I have a feeling I've accidentially set it down somewhere and of course have duh where the heck I put it [sigh] I could just scream.

I did find something called an Index however. It is two stone columns with lights bouncing in between them. I'm on my way to the Nchurdamz dwemer ruins on a fighter's guild quest (boy is it a long walk) and came upon this massive stone building/city thing and went in one of the rooms and there it was. It did tell me I didn't have something I needed to use it (can't remember what it was - maybe a scroll?)

At any rate that's where I am now - still pretty low in the level department - only 13 - but I seem to be holding my own against most of the baddies laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126638
02/29/04 12:36 PM
02/29/04 12:36 PM
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Grim, it works for any amount. You just need patience to do it. Pretend it is your "day job" where you earn your $ to get a paycheck. The rest of the time is for adventuring. smile It's a necessary evil and the only way to make decent money in this game. Toward the end of the game you can be a millionaire if you are willing to put the time into bartering with Creeper.

To sell a 35000 item, you first have to buy ebough items from Creeper until he has 35000. Then you can sell your ebony armour, rest, and sell back all the other stuff you bought, resting in between so Creeper can get his reserve fund. You use this method for any amount that you want to sell. If you don't do this, you will not make enough money to buy the spells, enchantments, or best equipment that you will need later in the game. Don't forget that as your levels improve so do the difficulty levels of the bad guys and you will need money to buy things to counteract this.

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126639
02/29/04 06:53 PM
02/29/04 06:53 PM
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NobleGrimPoet Offline
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okay thanks i tried it but still having problems i buy his stuff but i buy it all and then what happens is that i still sell and buy or what . i just do not understand. go over this step by step someone please. tslk to me as if i am five years old.

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126640
02/29/04 06:55 PM
02/29/04 06:55 PM
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how do i do this how do i by enough when his stock doesnot repliisn how do i do this when i am out of money and he is too i just dont get it stupid huh

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126641
02/29/04 07:36 PM
02/29/04 07:36 PM
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try reading the first few notes in this thread . maybe that will explain it better for you.

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126642
02/29/04 11:12 PM
02/29/04 11:12 PM
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i have and just don't get it i buy stuff than sell it back until he can buy my armor am i right , if that is correct than what happens to his supplies cause they are gone and i can"t buy anymore.I also don"t see the profit i buy stuff than sell him stuff i can"t because when i go to sell him my armoer he still does not have enough. i read the threads and still do not understand i am not going to pick up anthing off a dead body again ever if it don't match i do not want it if i had somwhere to buy all of the ebony armor hat on down to shoes or the glass i would be happy cause i would just forget the whole mess and drop the s*** on the ground that is how angry i am for not understanding or getting creeper to work this is NOT fun anymore

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126643
02/29/04 11:40 PM
02/29/04 11:40 PM
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Noble, it might be that you haven't yet sold him enough other stuff for it to cover as much as $35,000. Try just leaving the ebony armour on the floor near creeper, (no one can take it ) continue with the game, get a lot of other stuff and sell it to him, eventually you will be able to sell the really expensive stuff to him by the method the others have explained!!

good luck, asazen

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126644
03/01/04 01:42 AM
03/01/04 01:42 AM
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still dont get i quit

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126645
03/01/04 01:46 AM
03/01/04 01:46 AM
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where else can i buy glass armor or ebony armor full set if i can do the i ll sell my imperial stuff.Where can I buy an ebony blade or glass blade that is enchanted. i aint going back to creeper if i can buy what i want elsewhere ill drop what i dont want in a fighetrs guild trunk or something

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126646
03/01/04 02:03 AM
03/01/04 02:03 AM
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I have no idea where you can buy that stuff. Maybe you can only find/battle for it! That has been my experience. Before you change armour remember to check its rating!. The ebony may be expensive and look good, but it's protective rating is not nearly so high as some of the more mundane stuff!

good luck, asazen

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126647
03/01/04 03:35 PM
03/01/04 03:35 PM
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okay what is the best bang for the buck armer and sword wisei just cant do the creeper thing i dont get it

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126648
03/01/04 03:43 PM
03/01/04 03:43 PM
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where is the mudcrab jen told me about

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126649
03/01/04 04:51 PM
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there is no best bang for the buck armor and wepaons. you can only buy very basic stuff. you need to find it all and there is a ton out there all over the place. you will soon be swimming in glass, ebony and deadric items. you will end up dropping half of it where you found it.

as far as armor oges, only use what you are skilled at if oyu are early on in the game. you methioned imperial, glass, and ebony. ebony is heavy, glass is light and i think imperial is medium. stick to the one that is in your major or minor skills.

mudcrab merchant is a lot harder to find and not centrally located. he has more money- 10000 but doesn't buy nearly the stuff that creeper does. he doesn't buy gems which is a great source of making money. just have 5000 worth of trapped soul gems and go to creeper every so often and sell them. you will build up money quickly.

take out your paper map and look for vivec. look east for the ruins Mzahnch on the map. the mudcrab is on a small island to the east of the ruins. be careful not to kill him as he looks like any other mudcrab. just try talking to any mudcrab you see. if none do than try a differnt island nearby.

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126650
03/01/04 05:46 PM
03/01/04 05:46 PM
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Let me try this again for you:

You have armor worth $17000.00
You want to sell it.
Go to Creeper, begin dialogue
He has $5000 to spend on items...not enough
You MUST have at least $12,000 to buy items from him to equal his having the amount for the armor.
Buy items worth the $12,000 you need him to have
You buy and have the items, Creeper now has $17,000
(His original $5000+the $12000.00 you just gave him for items you purchased from him).
Sell him the armor worth $17,000.
You have sold him the armor, he has the armor and 0.00 money. You have the $17000 for the armor
Touch your keyboard key T and slide the slider to reach 24 hours.
Begin dialogue.
Creeper has $5000.00.
You have items you purchased from him that you do not want. Sell them back to him up to his $5000
Each time he cannot buy anymore from you.
Press the keyboard key T, slide 24 hours.
He has $5000 each 24 hours period.

I always made sure I would buy items under the $5000 mark so I would not have to repeat his having to sell me to in order for him to have more than $5000.

Does that help??
You would have to do the same for the Mudcrab-only his amount is $10000.00, but he is harder to find and so out of the way...

Ingie laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126651
03/01/04 05:50 PM
03/01/04 05:50 PM
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Forgot to put in that in this case
I would have bought proabably about 4 items.
$3000.00 for the 4.
That would mean I must do the T, little box appears, slide the slider for 24 hours 4 times.
$3000 for each item..he only has $5000 each day, so would only have $2000 left over after the $3000 purchase.

Ingie laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126652
03/02/04 12:33 AM
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I think I spent at least half of my Morrowind game days waiting in front of Creeper! I probably bought and sold the same items 100 times over, but I ended up amassing a fortune of over 500,000.

I think I remember seeing a mod that either increases merchant cash or installs a rich merchant -not sure which, but it mght have been on the official forum.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126653
03/02/04 09:40 AM
03/02/04 09:40 AM
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I remember that too Hagatha
I remember one session being in front of Creeper and pasted several seasons with him..
That's a long time but again..I had lots of money when all over with and I was quite happy about the out come..
I went once to mudcrab..but just way too far and to much hassle for me..once was enough. And I found he was a little more picky than the Creeper about what he purchased..

Ingie laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126654
03/02/04 10:05 AM
03/02/04 10:05 AM
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lol I just spent spring break there. My bank book shows over 375K. laugh

I tried to join the Thieves Guild but they said I was unacceptable. Must be because there's no showers in Morrowind. The Mages Guild accepted me, though. Guess they smell just as bad. I've also joined the Imperial Legion, although I haven't taken any orders yet. If I knew ahead of time that I would have to lug around this Imperial Curiass just to TALK to any of them, I'd of held off joining. Thankfully with all this money I've trained even my miscellaneous skills fairly high & can now wear light armor effectively, saving pounds of weight! I'm trying to organize the Figher's & Mage's quests into general areas to save time to-ing & fro-ing. Of course many of them are in areas I've never been to before so finding them is the greatest challenge.

Did anyone get the Love Bandit quest? You find a lady who's been robbed of jewels but has fallen for the bandit. I delivered her glove to him & then delivered his note to her. Why isn't the quest solved? duh I've re-talked to them both & they just say soon they will be together. I'm stumped.

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126655
03/02/04 11:19 AM
03/02/04 11:19 AM
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Jen, that Imperial cuirass gave me a major armor chaf when I decided to sell it and forgot to whom I sold it! For the longest time I was snubbed by those soldiers and I couldn't do any of their quests because no one talked to me. Then I discovered that no one sold a cuirass like that! I was pulling my hair out. I finally killed a soldier in Caldera right in front of the mages guild and took his cuirass. Then the whole legion there chased me to the mages guild from where I travelled to Balmora to get the bounty removed from my head. After that I stored the cuirass in a box in Balmora until I felt like doing the legion quests.

I did that romance quest but I don't remember how get it crossed off the journal list.

Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126656
03/02/04 02:35 PM
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I did it too, but I think that's pretty much it..
I think he does ask for a kiss from you and after that it pretty much takes care of itself...
How are you doing? Any luck with the selling yet?

Ingie laugh

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Re: Morrowind Newbie Help #126657
03/02/04 04:25 PM
03/02/04 04:25 PM
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Spoke with Noble via email it's not that he doesn't understand what we're's his computer. When he hits the "T" key nothing happens. He can't wait. lol too funny! I didn't realize it was SPECIAL armor, figured any ol' Imperial duds would do. Thanks for the tip. I'll be careful not to sell THAT one. Whoo boy!

laugh Love, Jen laugh

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