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easter egg ransom of seven ships #1270277
03/31/22 08:15 PM
03/31/22 08:15 PM
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optimusprime1 Offline OP
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Do you have an picture the easter egg with the monkey with the extra toe sitting in the tree

Re: easter egg ransom of seven ships [Re: optimusprime1] #1270280
03/31/22 10:05 PM
03/31/22 10:05 PM
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Are you asking if Gameboomers has a picture of this? If so, the answer is no. We don't appear to have a walkthrough of the game and we don't have a photo gallery here.

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Re: easter egg ransom of seven ships [Re: optimusprime1] #1270281
03/31/22 10:12 PM
03/31/22 10:12 PM
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do you have an video

Re: easter egg ransom of seven ships [Re: optimusprime1] #1270284
03/31/22 11:44 PM
03/31/22 11:44 PM
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Gameboomers also does not keep a video library. I'm not sure what you are asking here. Are you trying to find a video of this game? Is this a Nancy Drew game? You can try looking for a video on-line using a search.

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Re: easter egg ransom of seven ships [Re: optimusprime1] #1270301
04/01/22 08:47 AM
04/01/22 08:47 AM
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We have a walkthrough of the game here.

Otherwise, there are a few videos on YouTube that show some of the Easter eggs - you could search for those on YouTube.

Re: easter egg ransom of seven ships [Re: optimusprime1] #1270308
04/01/22 09:11 AM
04/01/22 09:11 AM
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Yes, I didn't realize this was a Nancy Drew game, so wasn't looking for it like that. I just looked for Ransom of the Seven Ships!

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Re: easter egg ransom of seven ships [Re: optimusprime1] #1270310
04/01/22 09:13 AM
04/01/22 09:13 AM
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Drac, sometimes you have to be a bit of a mind reader when trying to figure out the name of the game in question. I have seen some doozies before. idea grin

Re: easter egg ransom of seven ships [Re: optimusprime1] #1270316
04/01/22 10:43 AM
04/01/22 10:43 AM
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And in my case, I haven't played any of the Nancy Drew games and even mind reading might not have helped! It would be SO lovely if folks realized we sometimes need details!!

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Re: easter egg ransom of seven ships [Re: optimusprime1] #1270379
04/01/22 09:14 PM
04/01/22 09:14 PM
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all eggs but 33. All About Easter Eggs
May 24, 2005, 01:57 PM
What is an Easter Egg?

An Easter egg is a fun little extra thing to see or do in the game. It has nothing to do with the game. There are only one or two easter eggs in a given game. They are not things you can just pass by and see - they must be activated.

Criteria to classify as an Easter Egg:

¤ It must be truly hidden, not meant to be noticed by people in the general public. For example, obvious references to other games are not considered eggs.

¤ It must be something personal to the creator(s). Corporate logos and references to other famous people or products are in tons of things and aren't Eggs. Eggs have to have that "personal touch".

¤ It must not be accidental. Eggs are there on purpose. So any glitches or slipups don't qualify. Slipups are a whole different group.

¤ It must not be symbolism, foreshadowing, or any other literary technique like this. Storytellers use these all the time to tell a good story, and they certainly don't count as Eggs.

¤ It must not simply be interesting background information.

¤ It must be entertaining. Yes, this is subjective, but it's important! Eggs are put in for humorous or entertaining purposes, so if it's not entertaining, it's not an Egg.

¤ You need to follow a procedure to reveal the easter egg. It is not something you just walk by and see.

Based on information from another website

The Eggs:

Secrets Can Kill

There are no known eggs in this game.

A fun to do:
Try dialing on the phone every number you can find. Here are some:
Aunt Eloise: 555-1204
Pharmacy: 555-3784
Tony's Pizza: 555-8669
Detective Debronski: 555-4855
Crane Judo School: 555-5836
Jake's locker: 555-5253

Secrets Can Kill Remastered

Egg #1
After looking at the library bulletin board on the right side, enter "cool, cool, pop, spot, grape" on the soda machine without using any coins.

Egg #2:
Enter the 18 codes for the box under Jake's seat before it’s time to use the codes.

Stay Tuned for Danger

There are no known eggs in this game.

The path from Mattie's room to Dwayne's is a glitch and the eye in the calendar is not an egg.

Message in a Haunted Mansion

There are two eggs in this game.

Egg #1
After you have put the eye in the pheonix, head to the attic and open the chest by the doll head.

Egg #2
After you have put the eye in the pheonix, head to the parlor and answer the phone.

Treasure in the Royal Tower:

There are no known eggs in this game.

Try calling Gocats, Mcquacks, and Aracari on the phone.
Gocats: 462287
Mcquack(s): 6208225
Aracari: 2722274

The Final Scene:

There are no known eggs in this game.

Here is a fun thing to do:

Call the Library of Congress before you get the number from Eustacia.

Secret of the Scarlet Hand:

There are no known eggs in this game.

However, check out the plaques outside Joanna's office, and the plaques in the garden. You might recognize some names.

Ghost Dogs of Moonlake:

There is one egg in this game.

Egg #1:
Try calling manon and/or solver on the phone:
After that, explore the woods, and don't stay on the beaten path. For example, if you come to a place where there is a left turn, try turning right. A new arrow may appear. At dead ends, try turning. You can take new paths with the egg.

The Haunted Carousel:

When Ingrid leaves, go to the door and click in the very left hand corner of the screen, above the fire extinguisher. After seeing the horse tails (Elliot has to be gone for you to do this), try to explore to the right of the Prize machine in the Midway games with your prize.

Danger on Deception Island:

There are two eggs in this game.

Egg #1
Click on the guppy in the tidepool about 29 times (you have to be really fast) and see what happens.

Egg #2
Go under the café and to the door that opens to the hardware store. Open and close the door several times.

Secret of Shadow Ranch:

There are no known eggs in this game.

Curse of Blackmoor Manor:

There are two eggs in this game.

Egg #1
Click on the chattering teeth in Jane's room about 10 times. An egg should appear in your inventory. Go to you room (holding the egg) and set your alarm to 6 p.m. When you wake up, set your alarm to 6 a.m. while still holding the egg and see what happens.

Egg #2
Holding the egg, click on the last button on your phone.

Secret of the Old Clock

1) Straighten the painting in Emily's room several times.

Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon

There are no known eggs in this game.

Danger by Design

There are two eggs in this game.

Egg #1
When you go into Dieter's darkroom to develop the fabric photos, flush the toilet ten times. An easter egg should appear in your inventory. Turn around, and voila, your pictures have been developed!

Egg #2
Once you have the easter egg and have looked at Jean Mi's PDA for Hugo Butterly's number, try calling these numbers with the easter egg:

Creature of Kapu Cave

There are no known eggs in this game.

White Wolf of Icicle Creek

If you call 1-555-Mystico after Nancy mentions it in the bathroom, he asks you what you seek. There are many options to choose from. If his response is for you to return to the icy beyond, then that means go back to the fishing hut. There you can go fishing again and catch an easter egg and one will appear in your inventory. If it's night time after dinner, you can also select the other options and go to your room, set your alarm and you'll have a crazy dream. You can also enter the Chinook room and see what's inside.

Legend of the Crystal Skull

There are three eggs in this game.

Egg #1
Play the skeeball game in Bruno's secret study. You need to collect the eyeball first before you can get the egg. Then turn the squares to all chickens and then mouths to get an egg. To take a shortcut, turn one square to a chicken, then to an eye, and then back to a mouth. You should hear laughing. Then turn all of the squares to chickens and you'll hear clucking and then get the egg.

Egg #2
You need to open the trunk in Renee's room first before you can get the egg. Number the buttons 1-18, starting with the 1 being at the very top and going clockwise. Then press the following buttons:

Symbol #1: 3, 12, 13, 17
Symbol #2: 1, 2, 6, 9
Symbol #3: 3, 4, 11, 14

Egg #3
You can get this egg even before you solve the clock puzzle. While at ZeKe's, look at the mummy in the corner. Click around by the hands (there is a pocket in the chest area) and you should see a note. Read the note and look for numbers.

"At midday during math, a teacher once said, (12, midday)
Let's stop and try rhyming, yes rhyming instead.
Rhyming is heaven, this teacher exclaimed. (7, heaven)
Some students said "Great!" but most just complained. (8, great)
"Fine," said Teacher. "Another math score in that case." (9, fine) (4, score)
Thus having fun rhyming did numbers replace. (1, fun)

When you get back to the Bolet mansion, enter those numbers (12-7-8-9-4-1) into the grandfather clock.

The Phantom of Venice

There are two eggs in this game.

Egg #1
You can pick the lock on the door to the right of your room and receive the egg.

Egg #2
When making gelato, make one with the colors of the Italian flag (cherry (red) first, then coconut (white), then lime (green) and any color on top) and receive another easter egg.

It is rumored that the gelato easter egg makes it easier to get the bees.

The Haunting of Castle Malloy

There are three eggs in this game.

Egg #1
After opening the roll top desk in the tower, you get another dollhouse page. Go to the nursery in the castle and do that dollhouse puzzle and get an easter egg.

Egg #2
Go the Screaming Banshee Inn and play a game a of darts. Get 4 bullseye's with the first 4 darts and earn 200 points. You will be left with 4 darts. Waste 3 of those darts around the outside edge of the board so you get NO points. Aim and land the last dart at the area of the #1 where you only earn 1 point. This should put your points at 0 and you'll hear a clucking sound and get another easter egg.

Egg #3
I found a great explanation of this one on Girl Detective's thread:

If you've moved any of the stones at all, back away from the pillars completely to reset them. Number the stones like this on the lead pillar (the one with the stone on the ground in front of it):
You want to turn them in this order and this number of times:
1 (twice), 2 (three times), 3 (once), 1 (four times), 2 (four times), and 3 (four times). Something should happen.

To get the egg: Follow the directions above to get your clue from the stone pillars. Once you have the piece of paper with the shamrocks and math equations, you need to solve each to get seven different answers. Now go to the gnomes. Using the seven answers you just got, turn the gnomes as you would to the numbers on a clock.

The answers to the puzzle are:
(1) 3, (2) 6, (3) 9, (4) 9, (5) 12, (6) 12, (7) 6

For the directions to turn the gnomes and which gnomes to turn:
I've numbered them from left to right like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Turn 4 to 3:00, turn 1 to 6:00, turn 6 to 9:00, turn 2 to 9:00, turn 7 to 12:00, turn 5 to 12:00, and turn 3 to 6:00.

Ransom of the Seven Ships

There are three eggs in this game.

Egg #1:
When driving from the resort before you reach Sangre Beach, there’s a path that isn't paved. Drive through the brush until you come to an open area. There you will be able to find the pirate easter egg.

Egg #2:
When sailing you come across several bottles with messages inside. Collect all of them and be sure to read the completed message. Then go diving at the shipwreck and use the metal detector near the sharks and dig for the raven easter egg.

Egg #3:
Take the pirate egg and click on the monkey with the extra toe. You get a more difficult puzzle for that game with the monkey. If you win the game, you can choose another easter egg with palm trees on it.

Warnings at Waverly Academy

There are 3 eggs in this game.

Egg #1:
Type in ISBN 4755568135314 into the library catalog, and then go to the reference shelf to the left of the stairs before exiting the library. Take the referenced book from the shelf. When you open it, it will contain an Easter egg for you to take.

Egg #2:
Once you have made it into the classroom, do the raven puzzle. Click on the eye three times, the larger wing twice and the tail once. You'll be rewarded with the raven easter egg.

Egg #3:
On the dripping wall in the basement you need to place the tokens in the 7th column, top to bottom, the: cat, bug, orangutan, and raven. You will get an easter egg.

Trail of the Twister

There are 3 eggs in this game.

Egg #1:
At the spring house when you release some mice, leave them some cheese (candy). Go for a drive and talk to some people. Go back to the spring house and your furry friends will have left you an easter egg.

Egg #2:
Buy the mystery box at Pa's store after earning $99.00 (+/-) in Pa Pennies, then use the token inside on the jackalope machine and get an easter egg.

Egg #3:
After you have found the divining rod, go to the prairie dog habitat and click on all of the holes. You should get an easter egg.

Shadow at the Waters Edge

There are 4 eggs in this game.

Egg #1:
You get the cat Easter egg by watching the DVD at Yumi's apartment. Shortly thereafter you will get a strange picture sent to your phone. Print it off at the purikura booth and you'll get the Easter egg.

Egg #2:
Put between 15 and 30 balls into the prize machine at the pachinko parlor. An Easter egg with Japanese drawings of people on it will poof into place which you can buy for one ball.

Egg #3:
Make an EVP recording right beside the stone lantern in the garden. Listen to the recording for directions of where to go (specifically, go into the baths. While facing the water, look for a tile on the floor on the right that is a slightly different colour than the rest. Click on it and you'll find an Easter egg with a tree on it with a moonlit background.)

Egg #4:
Open Miwako's puzzle box behind her desk a second time. You'll get a bronze Easter egg with Japanese calligraphy and symbols on it.

Use any of the Easter Eggs on Yumi's Avatar program and it will give you more options to use. Also, you can use any of the Easter Eggs on any of Rentaro's puzzles to have them marked as "solved." Note: You can only use each egg once for these puzzles. This does not affect using it on Yumi's Avatar Creator (or vice versa).

The Captive Curse

There are 3 eggs in this game.

Egg #1:
Do the glass tile puzzle box by stacking the tiles on top of one another in the top right hand corner. The box will open and Nancy will comment. Take the egg to the glass blowing shop and click on the long pliers (the tool on the left side of the table) while holding the egg. Take the tool w/the egg and click it on the opening in the furnace door (do not move the shield).

Egg #2:
While in the underground passage there is a metal panel on the wall. Use Karl's desk key and then Anja's drawer key to open it and receive an egg.

Egg #3:
While in Nancy's room use the phone on the desk and dial "MONSTER" (6667837) and you'll hear something. Go to the forest entrance from the castle and take a left as soon as you can. Find the hot spot with your magnifying glass, click and then dig for your prize.

Alibi in Ashes

There are 3 eggs in this game.

Egg #1:
After getting the high score on Number Punch, press the prime numbers in numerical order, starting at number 2. You will be rewarded with an easter egg.

Egg #2:
Open Brenda's make-up kit four times in a row. An easter egg will be located atop the acetone bottle.

Egg #3:
Enter "bnnydrv" into Ticket-Shark at the police station. A ticket will be found and the computer will display an image of a car filled with Easter eggs. Note: No egg will be added to your inventory--it is only a picture Easter egg.

Tomb of the Lost Queen

There are 3 eggs in this game.

Egg #1:
Put the four scarabs in the four corners of the scarab puzzle (the color doesn't matter). You will be rewarded with an Easter egg.

Egg #2:
Put the Easter Egg from the scarab puzzle in the mouse hole in the cat tomb. You will get the first egg back AND receive a second egg.

Egg #3:
Use the pick ax on the jar in the back of the Antiquities tent (next to the book shelves). You will find an Easter egg in the remains of the jar.

The Deadly Device

There are 3 eggs in this game, with a fourth game that is only found in the bonus edition.

Egg #1:
Press the button for the pigeon in Niko's office 8 times.

Egg #2:
Read the file pages on Ellie's computer. Then go down to your bedroom, turn around, go forward once, and click on the vase to your right by the couch.

Egg #3:
Type in 172956 in Niko's desk drawer. (The way to figure out the number is to solve the binary code on Gray's shirt.)

Bonus Edition:
Play all the notes up and down the keyboard; do not repeat the top note.

Ghost of Thornton Hall

There are 3 eggs in this game.

Egg #1:
Open and close the bird coffin five times in a row.

Egg #2:
As you walk through the tunnel from the workroom to the basement, use the EMF device. When it turns red zoom in on the wall to the left and remove a stone.

Egg #3:
Before solving the jewelry box tile puzzle, take Nancy's advice literally and push all the tiles from the top left to the top right along the sides of the box (down the left side, across the bottom, and then up the right side).

There are two ways to use the eggs in the game.
1) BONUS GAME ONLY: Use any egg on the scale that is on the left side of the table where you charge the phone. A phone charm will appear to the left of the scale.
2) Put all three eggs in the cup holders in Charlotte's room to receive a message. (This is to the right of the picture with the secret door.)

The Silent Spy

There are 3 eggs in this game.

Egg #1:
Open locker 44 three times.

Egg #2:
Enter 4133 into Nancy's safe.

Egg #3:
Play FDCECABEEF on the bagpipes.

There is a way to use the eggs in the game:
Use any egg to buy train tickets and receive 15 bonus tickets (but you can only do this once).

The Shattered Medallion

There are 3 eggs in this game, plus one more for the Bonus Edition.

Egg #1:
Open the wool shed stove 7 times.

Egg #2:
Win Monster and/or Raid 5 times. (It can be any combination of the two games, and it does not have to be five games in a row or five wins in a row.)

Egg #3:
Click on the fire pit at Lake Te Anau with an Easter Egg

Bonus Edition Egg:
When approaching the Auction House, hold the egg. Once you have clicked on the Auction House, there will be an Easter Egg for sale in the upper left corner.

There is a way to use the eggs in the game:
Use any/all of the eggs like points cards, by clicking on the scoreboard with the egg. (Warning: You will lose the egg.

Labyrinth of Lies

There are 3 eggs in this game.

Egg #1:
Click repeatedly on fruit tree in Tartarus.

Egg #2:
After completing the Greek alphabet sheet, enter ATHENA on the Greek letter panel in the workshop tunnel.

Egg #3:
Use the black light on the lantern that Charon the ferryman is holding.

Sea of Darkness

There are 3 eggs in this game plus an additional egg from the Bonus Edition.

Egg #1:
Unselect every triangle in the locked box in the Captain's quarters, and then press each corner triangle.

Egg #2:
Click on circle in the arm of the Captain's chair that opens the alarm compartment, and then click back (but don't leave). Repeat that twelve more times.

Egg #3:
Make every square of one order puffin, and then go to the cello.

Bonus Edition Egg:
Walk through the ice caves until you reach a point where you can go in all three directions. Go to the left until you reach the end. There should be a large blue stone in front of the white wall. Use the hook and click in the middle of that stone. (There will not be a gear hand, and you have to click on the exact correct spot.)

There is a way to use the eggs in the game:
The eggs can be used to buy anything except the sword, the batteries, or the book in the Skipbrot Culture Center gift shop.

Thank you to the members who have contributed information out on the boards about these Easter Eggs. Information was double checked and confirmed before posting.


Last edited by family; 04/02/22 07:47 AM.
Re: easter egg ransom of seven ships [Re: optimusprime1] #1270380
04/01/22 10:00 PM
04/01/22 10:00 PM
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Thanks for doing the search for optimusprime1, family!

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Re: easter egg ransom of seven ships [Re: optimusprime1] #1270394
04/02/22 07:39 AM
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you are welcome, got it off her interactive.

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