No, it’s not time for a new Carol Reed game yet. But we’ve started to migrate the old games to our new wonderful framework EgoVenture, and are moving away from the now ageing Wintermute Engine. We’re working our way backwards, so first out is the last game, Quarantine Diary from 2021. This makes me look outside the realm of my usual beta testers, since they have already played (and tested!) the game, albeit in a previous incarnation.
There are no noticeable differences from the previous version (at least that’s what I hope for!), apart from the addition of the option to run the game in a resizable window (and some slight fixes). The main idea to ensure future compatibility.
Let me now via an email or message if you’re interested! If any of my regular beta testers happen to read this, you're more than welcome too of course, I just don't dare to pester you too much.