Hi Puzzlewoman, nice to see you! I hope all is well with you.

If you are in the Hatchet Mountain Pass, here is from a walkthrough:
Leaving your mount behind, proceed through the mountain pass. Note a narrow path you can take up to your left, but ignore it for now. Keep going until you spot a dragon in the distance. You now have a short period of time to retrace your steps and climb up that narrow path to safety. The dragon will wait at the bottom for you. At the end of this path, pick up a rock and throw it at the dragon - this won't achieve anything. Grab another rock and throw it at the insect nest near the dragon - the insects will chase the dragon away. Pick up the skull from the skeleton on this ledge, then return along the pass and enter the lost temple in a side passage to the left.
If none of this helps, maybe a video walkthrough would be of use. I played this game a long time ago and just do not remember the details.