Re: Sacred
01/09/05 05:00 PM
01/09/05 05:00 PM
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lucca how you doing? I'm not sure I'm glad I found this dratted place. I've been barbecued so much the last few hours it's not funny  At my current rate of progress that dragon will have that fire element for a loooong time to come. Rowen the yellow flag didn't appear (or at least I didn't notice it) until I got out of the library - then it appeared on my map. But like you I ran in and out of that stupid cave (watching those ice giants multiply like cockroaches I might add) about 10 times. Pib where are you in all this mess?
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Re: Sacred
01/11/05 08:31 PM
01/11/05 08:31 PM
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Arrrggghhh I hate real life - I haven't been able to play since Sunday  I'm still doing quests in the volcano area - anyone besides me get completely lost in that cave? It took me forever to find the room to drop off the lady who was following me all over creation. I think I finished the last quest and am finally on my way to find the dragon. Lucca was he really hard to kill?
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Re: Sacred
01/11/05 11:17 PM
01/11/05 11:17 PM
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By the way, what character class are you using? Mine is the Seraphrim, her abilities are quite good, even if lot's of her armour seems to be ... missing? Definitely her looks are meant to appeal to males. Lynn
Re: Sacred
01/13/05 01:31 PM
01/13/05 01:31 PM
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Syd, My character did the same to me all the time. I could of choked her cute little neck more than once. Ingie 
playing DS2, Oblivion and WoW
Re: Sacred
01/15/05 09:11 AM
01/15/05 09:11 AM
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Lava dragon is history  Nailed him last night and I got the fire element. Now I'm off to find the Dark Elves lair. I'm not sure if I want to escort this pain in the neck lady off the plateau now or not. I ignored her the first time around but she is in my way right now following me and looking pathetic  . Maybe I'll take her where she needs to go and then go look for the elves.
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Re: Sacred
01/16/05 10:00 AM
01/16/05 10:00 AM
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Okay here's my sad tale of woe. I fought my way all the way to getting the Earth element - (it took me forever to kill the medussa snake woman guarding the door). Got the element, turned around and fought my way back out to the front and out of the cave, checked my log book and map for the location of the next element - nadda - nothing - my last log book entry was the one about getting the key from the high priestess (which I did or I never could have gotten the door open). It never registered that I got the earth element  Said a few unkind words to the god of game bugs and went back to a save right before I battled the medussa snake woman - killed her again after much cussing and yelling - got the earth element and low and behold it again didn't register in my log book. This time however I went across the last bridge and saw the portal  Went through it and got back outside the cave in a quick flash - to sum this story up - the quest for the earth element still isn't registered in my log book that it's complete but the next element marker is showing up on my world map. Did anyone else have this happen and am I going to be okay? I mean we're talking the main quest here. If it doesn't appear in the log book that's it's been completed can I finish the game? (just so you all know I downloaded Sacred Plus before I started so I assumed that I had all the patches - was I wrong?)
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Re: Sacred
01/16/05 12:48 PM
01/16/05 12:48 PM
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Same here Syd, can't remember about the log book. But that would make me spit if I did all that fighting and not even recorded  . If I remember correctly, that happened a lot, and then something else would trigger it.. Good luck, like Row, I would just look to see if there is a place on the map now. Also, I did the escort service as soon as I could..the respawns in this game are awful. Ingie 
playing DS2, Oblivion and WoW
Re: Sacred
01/16/05 02:26 PM
01/16/05 02:26 PM
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Thanks guys - I'm continuing on like it's completed in the log book. I got the message about the dam so I hope that's a good sign that everything's okay.
Ingie I know what you mean about the respawing - it's the pits. When I kill something I want it to stay dead not regenerate to come back and get me later.
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: Sacred
01/18/05 05:41 AM
01/18/05 05:41 AM
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I'm still working my way through chap 2. Having rushed south to warn the prince and getting slaughtered by many undead, I restarted and am taking it slower. I have 3 areas with flags and so might have it a bit easier if I need to trudge over that landscape a third time. Tomorrow sees me entering the area I died in last time with a hoard of undead potions and heal potions.  I dare them to try again.
Re: Sacred
01/18/05 03:14 PM
01/18/05 03:14 PM
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Pib I loved those undead potions (but I did think it was fun to watch the skeletons keep coming back to life minus another body part) I just killed a swamp dragon - man was he tough - took me forever and 26 dyings before I got him. My log book still isn't showing the earth or now water element quests complete but the next flag to meet the sorcerer has appeared so I guess all is well - I am now being attacked by spiders and other such poisonious critters (those poisonious trolls do me in more times than I can count) 
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Re: Sacred
01/18/05 04:29 PM
01/18/05 04:29 PM
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wow, you've really pulled ahead. i'm still battling those dark elves. i can't get to the poison cure flag to the north or braverock castle did you get that quest, syd?
Re: Sacred
01/19/05 12:07 PM
01/19/05 12:07 PM
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Hi lucca - nope haven't gotten a poison cure quest. Who did you talk to to get it? I probably haven't gotten half the quests in this game. Does anyone know if there is a list of all the quests?
I have gotten to Braverock Castle - I think I even have a portal to it now.
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: Sacred
01/19/05 01:57 PM
01/19/05 01:57 PM
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Syd, you could take a peek at this site: SACRED JUNKIES Under Game Info there is a list of quests, I don't know if it's comprehensive or not, the site's wallpaper makes it a bit hard to read for me.
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