Hi all
This isn't a game glitch but a networking bit of weirdness that I can't understand so wanted to pick your collective brains.
Since we moved into our current home, we have had the same modem/router. It had a network name of (lets say) flotsam. I had also plugged an extender into a WAN port to cover the back part of the hosue. Lets call that network jetsam. Depending where you were in the house your device connected to whichever network gave got the best signal, or you could manually select whichever.
We recently had to replace the modem/router and it came pre-configured for our provider. Lets call that network lagan. The old modem/router is no more, and has been disconnected, but the extended network (jetsam) was again plugged into a WAN port.
We set up the devices for lagan, jetsam showed up as an available network, and off we went.
The weird thing is my phone (and no other device) keeps connecting to flotsam. All three networks show up and I can connect to whichever one I want. All three can also have different signal strengths. As I type this, the pc is connected to lagan but I could connect to jetsam and those are the only available networks. Sitting in the exact same spot my phone is connected to flotsam, and jetsam and lagan are both available.
Any idea what is going on?