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Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131561
04/25/06 04:43 AM
04/25/06 04:43 AM
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Here y'all go wave , nice and clean slate..go for it.

Ingie laugh

Last edited by nickie; 05/30/07 02:47 PM. Reason: Condensed

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131562
04/25/06 06:47 AM
04/25/06 06:47 AM
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Well, well. a clean slate. Tip of the day,
shadowmere wandered off on me after a big fight by a gate. Check for her where you originally found her.

The Programmer in Black
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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131563
04/25/06 07:54 AM
04/25/06 07:54 AM
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Those acrobatic boots get destroyed during that free fall to escape. I chose to jump without those boots and took some damage but it didn't kill me. Now I still have the boots. However, since I have now found my thrall boots with its feather spell I don't wear the acrobatic boots any more. Since they were a quest item I can't sell or unload them but at least they are weightless.

I love the gray fox cowl that you get as the ultimate prize in the thieves quests. Besides giving you an extra 200 pts feather and detect creature it shields you from consequences of any evil you do while wearing it. If I murder or steal with the cowl the bounty and infamy is removed as soon as I take off the cowl. It is great for dungeon crawling but not advisable to wear in towns.

Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131564
04/25/06 10:13 AM
04/25/06 10:13 AM
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Technically speaking you can steal the boots back if you steal them back IMMEDIATELY after your quest. Supposedly.

You can't, however, steal the amulet back. It just vanishes.

Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131565
04/25/06 12:00 PM
04/25/06 12:00 PM
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I'm going to ask this because I am courious, but if no one answers thats ok. I hope I explain it well enough.
I just finished the 2nd mages guild quest where you cast magic at a pillar and it drops down and there are stairs.
When I got to the last big room with the Elfin Helm I killed all the badies and was ready to leave.
In the big room there are two doorways, one where I came into the room and the other goes to a room with 2 large elf statues each holding up a sword, also there were 4 stone aynalic (sp?) chests. For me that room was a dead end, but it looked like--felt like to me that maybe you could somehow open the wall.

In the end I went up the stairs (where the button was that put the stairs up to the Elf Helm) and left that way but later I went back and hunted to see if I could open that one room but could find nothing.

Did everyone find that room with the Elf statues to be a dead end or did you find you could open the wall??? I don't know why this question stays in my mind---guess its just the adventure game player in me

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131566
04/25/06 12:28 PM
04/25/06 12:28 PM
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I had that same feeling but never got the wall open either.

I did notice (using detect life) that there were creatures of some sort standing on the other side of the wall, and *if* I remember correctly, I eventually acessed the room they were in from another passageway rid of them. So maybe you don't need the wall to open after all?

Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131567
04/25/06 07:37 PM
04/25/06 07:37 PM
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So if you've reached the point of randomly opening gates to Oblivion, do you go ahead and shut them or just mop up any loose critters and leave them be? Wherever I go, I leave gates behind me these days.

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131568
04/25/06 07:59 PM
04/25/06 07:59 PM
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I'll wait until I get around to doing the Allies for bruma quest before closing oblivion gates. I'm not volunteering any extras at the moment.

Right now I am doing the Black Brotherhood quests and am enjoying the originality of those. The bonus items are pretty good too.

Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131569
04/25/06 07:59 PM
04/25/06 07:59 PM
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I haven't closed a single gate yet. rotfl As a matter of fact, I haven't even gone to find the emperor's son, yet. I just plan on roaming around, completing questing and joining guilds, until I get bored and then decide to do the main game.

I've just joined the Fighter's Guild for the first time in Cheydinhal and completed that quest. I'm about ready to do the mages guild recommendation quest to find the burden ring.

I'm enjoying this one more than Morrowind. I think it's a lot easier, and the mapping is superior! The main reason I didn't finish Morrowind was because I kept getting lost.


Playing "World of Warcraft", "Oblivion",and "Silent Hill 2"
Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131570
04/25/06 09:36 PM
04/25/06 09:36 PM
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Originally posted by Rowan:
I'll wait until I get around to doing the Allies for bruma quest before closing oblivion gates. I'm not volunteering any extras at the moment.

Right now I am doing the Black Brotherhood quests and am enjoying the originality of those. The bonus items are pretty good too.
I agree, my sister. The Dark Brotherhood provides you with interest and challenge to complete the contracts as appropriate. I'm working on a Lucien contract now, multiple deaths are required. The last is causing me grief. Her death is noticed no matter how sneaky I am.

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131571
04/26/06 12:07 AM
04/26/06 12:07 AM
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Hi all,

Well here I am again with another problem (what's new?).

I'm at the point in the thieves guild quests where I just got Fathis Ules from Imperial City as my fence and I'm supposed to fence up to 800 gold. My problem is that he's never home. I've been to his house in Imperial City for 24 hours and he's never there. I read a walkthru that said he's supposed to be on a bench in back of his house but he's never there.

Now I'm going to take a deep breath quit for a while and study the problem. Maybe if I sleep on it and come back tommorow he'll suddenly appear.

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131572
04/26/06 03:05 AM
04/26/06 03:05 AM
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Originally posted by oldman:
Hi all,

I've been to his house in Imperial City for 24 hours and he's never there. I read a walkthru that said he's supposed to be on a bench in back of his house but he's never there.

Now I'm going to take a deep breath quit for a while and study the problem. Maybe if I sleep on it and come back tommorow he'll suddenly appear.
I'd say try that. Sounds a bit like he got stuck somewhere and couldn't get home. That happened to me when I was trying to join the thieves guild. The third would-be thief was stuck pacing in mid-air. The next night, he made his appointed time.

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131573
04/26/06 05:29 AM
04/26/06 05:29 AM
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Hi all,

This game does do weird things now and then.
I was going through the area where you have to get the Amulet of the Kings and one monster was stuck down below me because I could see him with my detect life helmet but couldn't get to him.

Once I reloaded the game....there he was were he was suppose to be.

I have also had stuff happen like a guard stuck riding his horse around and around in a corral area.

Also a horse on top of a roof in the correl area.

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131574
04/26/06 05:47 AM
04/26/06 05:47 AM
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Pib duh , on the gates thing...I tried to go in and close another one, but couldn't find anything, so back out I went. Also someone posted here that do not close the gates until you're done with "other activities"
So, I've left the rest of mine open and will see what the end shall bring.. evil

Ingie laugh

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131575
04/26/06 07:14 AM
04/26/06 07:14 AM
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Oldman, you can use any fence to get your quota of stolen goods. I never could find that fence you're talking about either. His schedule certainly never coincided with mine so I just used the first one who I already liked me enough to have a high disposition to benefit my trading.

Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131576
04/26/06 08:17 AM
04/26/06 08:17 AM
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Originally posted by oldman:
Hi all,

Well here I am again with another problem (what's new?).

I'm at the point in the thieves guild quests where I just got Fathis Ules from Imperial City as my fence and I'm supposed to fence up to 800 gold. My problem is that he's never home. I've been to his house in Imperial City for 24 hours and he's never there. I read a walkthru that said he's supposed to be on a bench in back of his house but he's never there.

Now I'm going to take a deep breath quit for a while and study the problem. Maybe if I sleep on it and come back tommorow he'll suddenly appear.
There is a mod that fixes Fathis Ule so he will be where he is supposed to be.


ALSO, there is a mod that is called "No Quest Items" that allows you to put your quest items in your home to store them if you want so you don't have to carry them all around. Quest items cannot be sold for gold, and weigh nothing, but can become a pain if you don't actually NEED them anymore.

I store them in a chest in my house. The mod makes it so you can do that.


Seriously guys, if you have any issues like the above two - you should have a look at all of the game mods that FIX problems. There are quite a few!

Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131577
04/26/06 11:51 AM
04/26/06 11:51 AM
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I have two questions. I just started this game last week. I'm a level 7 Redguard warrior.

I need to find ectoplasm. I've only got two. Where can I get more?

Also, in the Mages quest with the pillar you lower, the spells for enhance magica and sever magica don't help the pillar lower. Is it because I have scrolls and don't "know" the spells? The fire and snow spells work. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131578
04/26/06 12:02 PM
04/26/06 12:02 PM
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Ha! I found out why Fathis Ules isn't available to me. I ran into him in Chorrol and he is very mad at me. I refused to give him back a sword he stole in a previous quest. The game told me to take it to the castle and I didn't realize I would run into Fathis again.

Anyway I pawned my stuff at another fence and have received my next quest from the Gray Fox.

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131579
04/26/06 02:16 PM
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Tamia, you can get ectoplasm from ghosts that you find in aelid ruins. You need an enchanted weapon to kill them. So you are a Redguard? Be careful: I need a Redguard victim for one of my soultrap missions. evil

Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131580
04/26/06 02:33 PM
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Tamia, when that happened to me on that mage quest, it was because I was trying to use the spells on the crystals around the edges of the room instead of on the pillar at the center. You need to use them on the pillar.

Order's also important, so if it doesn't work, try switching the order of the last two spells.

Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131581
04/26/06 03:14 PM
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Here's something I've been meaning to ask, but keep forgetting. In two of the elven ruins I've been to, there has been a large, pink crystal, that shoots at me! It does quite a bit of damage, too. I imagine it's set as a guardian. Does anyone know what to do with these? Can they be destroyed?


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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131582
04/26/06 04:28 PM
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Originally posted by Tamia:

Also, in the Mages quest with the pillar you lower, the spells for enhance magica and sever magica don't help the pillar lower. Is it because I have scrolls and don't "know" the spells? The fire and snow spells work. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Two of the scrolls are 'touch' which means you have to stand next to the pillar when you cast them. Fire and snow are distance spells that you can cast from way back.

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131583
04/26/06 04:31 PM
04/26/06 04:31 PM
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Originally posted by JMK:
Here's something I've been meaning to ask, but keep forgetting. In two of the elven ruins I've been to, there has been a large, pink crystal, that shoots at me! It does quite a bit of damage, too. I imagine it's set as a guardian. Does anyone know what to do with these? Can they be destroyed?
Excellent question. I drink a Resist Fire potion and run like heck. I assume it's a trap like swinging blades and crushing blocks that you just need to avoid or time right. I don't have nearly enough hit points to find if you can destroy it. smile

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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131584
04/26/06 04:50 PM
04/26/06 04:50 PM
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Thanks, Pip. I avoided them and got what I wanted, but I wonder if they are some type of special power crystal. Maybe I'll pop on over to the official forum when I get home this evening and see if anyone knows.


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Re: Oblivion-continued Game Play..Spoilers of course #131585
04/26/06 07:59 PM
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Dos anyone else find the fighters' guild porter to be annoying? Even though I am now his boss he still hovers around me watching my every move - as if I were going to steal something. whistle

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