KARMA: The Dark World is a first-person cinematic psychological thriller set in a dystopian world where the Leviathan Corporation is omnipresent. The time is 1984, the place is East Germany, and things are not quite what they seem.Check out the
trailers here and
Here.Check out the game
here.Watford, United Kingdom — June 11, 2024 | Wired Productions and Pollard Studio have brought you not one, but two trailers this Summer Games Fest.
A delectable double bill, delve into the world of KARMA: The Dark World and meet the Leviathan Corporation and their Bureau of Thought. Releasing as two parts, each trailer is a mirror inverse of the other. Leviathan claims to have your best interests at heart, they say they are your friend, but is everything they profess to be true really what it seems?
Psychological thriller KARMA: The Dark World, created by groundbreaking Chinese developer, Pollard Studio, was announced as part of Wired Direct ‘24. This visionary new title explores what is possible in narrative design and technology, featuring mind-bending concepts with next-generation visuals, crafting a true cinematic masterpiece.
The setting? East Germany, 1984. In a dystopian world ruled by the Leviathan Corporation. KARMA takes players deep into a world where twisted creations linger just out of sight, and where every shadow holds a secret.
Discover the truth in a dark story of love, loss and deception.
KARMA: The Dark World is meticulously crafted in Unreal Engine 5 and will be coming soon to PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox. Players can wishlist Karma: The Dark World on Steam and PlayStation now.
Happy Gaming!