Alawar Entertainment, the studio behind the intriguing Rescue Team: Mineral of Miracles, returns with another mind-bending time-management challenge, Rescue Team: Clouded Mind!
As a new kind of chaos spreads, it will be down to you to guide the Rescue Team members through this unprecedented threat! Spurred on by the urgent broadcasts and calls for help, you’ll need to assist the Rescue Team in navigating destruction and life-threatening situations while tracking down and investigating clues to identify the people behind it all. Take a peek into a twisted world of darkness in this time-management masterpiece!
Complete 50 levels of challenging, time-management fun!
Expertly upgrade your equipment and level up your heroes!
Plan your way to victory with simple and ingenious mouse clicks!
Use your detective skills to collect evidence and bring justice to the citizens!
For additional features, check out the
Collector's Edition.