"All for one, and one for all," the motto of the Three Musketeers. But could these words work in other situations?
All answers contain 3 or 4 letters.
-1. Popeye, infuriated in catching his girlfriend, Olive, in flagrante delicto with his rival Bluto chastised her. She responded by saying, "Don't you know, Popeye, that I can't be tied to just one man? I mean, I am yours, but I also must be free to date other people. It is not just ________ for one, and one for __________."
-2. My friends and I decided to go to out for a night on the town in Moscow last winter. Being rich, we decided to dress in our finest coats. I wanted to go in my sable, Jimmy wanted to don his mink, and Robert always likes his coonskin. However, Curtis-James reminded us that we were a crew and so should all wear the same thing. Thanks to him we all decided to wear our chinchillas. His simple motto was:
All ________ one, and one ______ all
-3. While working as a lumberjack, my crew and I were tasked with cutting down the biggest Douglas in the forest. It took us two whole days to accomplish the task. When we finally got the beast down and measured, we found it was the largest specimen ever felled. So proud were we, that we all got tattoos on our biceps reading:
All ____ one, and one _______ all
-4. The young birds were all hatched at the same time and grew up in the same nest. Being a band of four young chicks, they promised to defend each other come what may, especially when they were flying at night. Their motto was:
________ for one, and one for ________
-5. When a sudden gale hit us, the captain assigned a crew to strike the sails. We had to pull hard on the ropes to get them down and protected from the strong winds. If we didn't work together as a team all could have been lost. The captain reminded us of this fact by saying:
"________ for one, and one for ___________."
-6. When I misbehaved in my elementary school, my teacher would send me out of the classroom to wait alone for my punishment. I always dreaded hearing those words, "Young Mr. Edwards! Go stand outside alone. It is _________ for one, and one for ___________." -a-l
-7. Taking my woodworking hobby seriously, I went to purchase a set of tools. The woman at the shop who helped me suggested getting a very cheap tool to start with (it only cost a buck), but one that I could use in any circumstance. She made her rather terse recommendation by saying:
-8. My grandfather, a right villain, made his fortune in the petroleum fields of California in the early 1900s. He would drill everywhere and take his black gold from other's claims even drilling sideways to steal their riches. His motto was:
________ for one, and one for ________
-9. A famous explorer gathered his men around him and said, "This is the final exploration of my life. We will go into the depths of Florida and find the Fountain of Youth. Men, are you with me?" His men instantly proclaimed their loyalty by acclaiming:
"All for __________, and _________ for all."
10. I hope you have enjoyed this silly little quiz of mine and that it made you smile, if not laugh. As they say on the internet:
___________ for one, and one for _________. -o-