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Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 #1328731
09/02/24 03:36 PM
09/02/24 03:36 PM
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Time for a shiny new thread!

Come one, come all, share your daily thoughts, conversational chit-chat, maybe a joke or two and all the little things that really don't need its own thread.

There are plenty of seats available, so don't be shy and come chat!

To see where we left off, click here.

Happy chatting!

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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328733
09/02/24 03:54 PM
09/02/24 03:54 PM
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Thanks Ana ... you just can't beat a shiny new thread! woot

Wishing you a wonderful afternoon and evening wave


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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328756
09/03/24 02:21 AM
09/03/24 02:21 AM
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Good morning Ana, soot, and everyone! A fresh pot of Wide Awake Double Dark Brew is ready! wave

Hope you all enjoy a beautiful day! yes

Gerry catrub

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328761
09/03/24 07:18 AM
09/03/24 07:18 AM
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Good morning, Danish, Donuts and Bagels in the Break Room. Enjoy the day and hug someone. hug hearts

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328763
09/03/24 08:03 AM
09/03/24 08:03 AM
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Good morning Ana, Connie and all who follow. Just finished my second cup from your fresh pot of brew Gerry with a bagel from Connie...marvelous Tuesday morning! Grocery shopping on the docket this morning and then a dentist visit this afternoon.

Wishing everyone a Tootin Tuesday! smile



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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328777
09/03/24 10:08 AM
09/03/24 10:08 AM
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Good Tuesday morning! Kind of chilly this morning, so the DDWAB hits the spot, Gerry!

So, it appears most of my resident flock of hummingbirds left for the migration on Sunday. That's over a week earlier than last year. But the barn swallows also left for the migration about a month ago which is really early for them. I wonder what they know that we don't! I still have several dozen hummers out there, but I think a lot of them are travelers as they are really flighty around me. I will miss their noisy chittering outside my window, but not the constant mixing up of sugar water!

Canning chili sauce and crushed tomatoes today. Good thing it's cool as we closed the pool yesterday. Guess that means summer is over... not sure I'm ready.

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328781
09/03/24 10:58 AM
09/03/24 10:58 AM
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Good morning, all.

It's very cloudy today, almost looks like rain though none is forecast.

It's kind of a non-day for me today, as I have to wait for a phone consult with my doctor. I kept my Campbell River doctor because not only is he amazing, but also because it's impossible to get a family doctor anywhere here on the Island. My doctor will do a phone consult with me but he uses time between in-person appointments to call. Of course, in an emergency I'll have to get to the hospital Emergency room, but I'd be doing that in Campbell River, too.

I'm still seeing our Anna's hummingbirds feeding on the spirea bushes in my garden. I might start deeding them over winter this year. The rufous are long gone, of course.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328786
09/03/24 11:47 AM
09/03/24 11:47 AM
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Hi Hagatha and Draclvr smile We still have our ruby-throat hummers and (in theory) will see them until October when they'll head back to Mexico.

Draclvr, I have a big old Pokeweed next to the house I don't cut for the birds to enjoy the berries. I'll miss summer too but I'm ready for cooler temperatures. When do the last of your hummers head South for the winter? I grew up primarily in the northern tier states so I really enjoy all four seasons but miss the snow. Have you considered traps for the hornets?

Hagatha, that's great you can phone consult with your doctor...hope you're enjoying the highway and roads free of travellers.


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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328790
09/03/24 12:09 PM
09/03/24 12:09 PM
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Soot, our hummers left Sunday. I'm sending them down your way! There are still a few dozen here. I actually bought a hornet trap! I'm just tired of them chasing the hummingbirds away from the feeders. But if the hummers are gone, I'll be taking the feeders down, thus eliminating the problem until next year!

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328818
09/04/24 12:53 AM
09/04/24 12:53 AM
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Good morning everyone.

Emergency rations of instant coffee and knäckebröd are available in the break room.

Outdoors 14 degrees and Mr fog is covering the area. There are never any hummers around but their swift relatives spend the summer here.
However they have already left. Presumably for Africa. Bon Voyage Mrs Swift. Winter is coming.

Happy Wednesday Gameboomers


Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328822
09/04/24 02:40 AM
09/04/24 02:40 AM
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Good Morning Fogfighter, Connie, soot, hagatha, Draclvr and everyone. Thanks for the emergency stuff Fogfighter...hope you enjoy your day. Lots of hot Double Dark Wide Awake brew is ready to enjoy! wave

Connie whats on your agenda today? Soot how did you make out at the dentist? Hagatha phone appointment go okay with the doctor? Draclvr I sure hope the hummers leaving a week early doesn't mean a drastic change in the weather is ahead of us.

Have a great Hump Day everyone! wave

Gerry catrub

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328833
09/04/24 06:53 AM
09/04/24 06:53 AM
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Good morning, Danish, Donuts and Bagels in the Break Room. Music Bingo at the Eagles tonight. Enjoy the day and hug someone. hug hearts

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328838
09/04/24 09:19 AM
09/04/24 09:19 AM
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Good Wednesday morning! Another very cool sunny morning. The sunsets have been spectacular the last few nights - so red it's hard to believe.

Gerry, I thought the same thing. I hope the barn swallows and hummers leaving early doesn't portend an awful and early winter! The climate has changed so much, we hardly ever have a hard winter any more.

Successful day canning yesterday... 8 quarts of chili sauce and 6 more of plain tomato sauce. So nice to see the shelves in the cellar filling up.

A trip in town to the vet for a bag of special dry food for one of my cats. I swear I spend more on special cat food than I do on the human food budget! The prices of many, many things are coming down around here, but not veterinary supplies. This little 6 pound bad of dry kidney care cat food costs $60!! It used to cost $35 and I was horrified at that! I'm thinking while I'm there, I will talk to them about when to bring in the ancient 22+ years old cat for euthanasia. I brought her in from the barn last winter when it was so cold last December. She was in the early stages of kidney failure then. She doesn't have much appetite, drinks voluminous amounts of water and pees voluminous amounts of the most horrible smelling pee. She just sleeps all the time in the shower downstairs where I have a little nest with a litter box for her. She's completely deaf and mostly blind. I just don't know when to make that decision.. I don't want the poor old soul to start having seizures or something. She still enjoys her nightly lap time and ear scratches.

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328843
09/04/24 10:01 AM
09/04/24 10:01 AM
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Hump Day!

Good morning Connie, Gerry, Fogfighter, Draclvr, Hagatha, Ana and all that follow. I enjoyed a cool 72 degree walk this morning and look forward to the temps dropping into the 60s by Friday! Gerry, great was a quick dentist visit for a cleaning and periodic exam. Connie, I'm up for a asiago bagel this morning. Love the knäckebröd Fogfighter. Draclvr, we'll take care of your travelers on their journey South and know your decision for your ancient little one is never easy but her last battle cannot be won.

Have a great Wednesday everyone. wave


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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328844
09/04/24 10:02 AM
09/04/24 10:02 AM
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Good morning all.

Draclvr, the last time I bought food for my cats the bills was $145 dollars for a two-week supply, and that doesn't count the extra things like bribery treats (aka Temptations) and special dry food for their teeth, which they get as treats -- and never mind the flea and tick medication and the nail trimming and other sundries. It's a good thing they're cute!

It sounds like your old barn cat is still able to enjoy life a little bit. It's so hard to know when to let them go. When my old Moggy was slowly dying of kidney disease we kept her going until one day she made it clear that life was no longer worth living. We made the mistake of letting our Rachel go on too long, and I won't do that again. She went blind from a stroke and out vet talked us into keeping her going, and she was miserable after that.

Last edited by hagatha; 09/04/24 10:05 AM.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328873
09/04/24 04:27 PM
09/04/24 04:27 PM
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So the vet told me as long as she is eating, drinking peeing and pooping and not in distress, it was OK to wait for now. She has been blind in one eye for quite a long time - retinal tear - and doesn't see much out of the other one. I think she's been deaf for several years too. She still howls for her little teaspoon of kidney care wet food a couple of times a day and snacks on that high dollar dry food now and then. I guess I'll hope she lets me know when it's time like your Moggy did, hagatha.

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328888
09/05/24 03:08 AM
09/05/24 03:08 AM
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Good Morning Connie, Draclvr, soot, hagatha and everyone. Wide Awake Double Dark Brew awaits...had my 1st cup already! wave

Draclvr it is so hard to know when it is time to let our furry friends go. She is lucky to have you caring for her and giving her a good life. cat

i hope you all have a good day. wave

Gerry catrub

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328893
09/05/24 07:53 AM
09/05/24 07:53 AM
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Good morning, Danish, Donuts and Bagels in the Break Room. Sure wish the temps would cool here, but not for a few more months. Trivia at CVI tonight. Enjoy the day and hug someone. hug hearts

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328894
09/05/24 08:29 AM
09/05/24 08:29 AM
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Good morning Connie, Gerry, Draclvr, Hagatha and all who pop in. Enjoyed a damp 71 degree walk this morning and the temps are not supposed to climb over 85 today ... I can smell autumn approaching! I've got the Vet for meds, lunch with friend and then a grocery run on my docket today.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone wave


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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328896
09/05/24 08:46 AM
09/05/24 08:46 AM
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Good Thursday morning! Another warmish day ahead and then drastically cooler for a few days. Fall is definitely in the air.

Only a few traveling hummers on the feeders this morning. But I am listening to a juvenile Cardinal begging the parent bird for food. They are comical with their scruffy appearance chittering and quivering to entice the parent - usually the male cardinal - feed it!

Hubby went fishing today, so I have the day to myself... Perfect opportunity to mop and vacuum floors. League bowling tonight.

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328914
09/05/24 11:30 AM
09/05/24 11:30 AM
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Good morning everyone.

I took Dude back to the vet late yesterday for a recheck since he is still limping on and off. His bloodwork is fine, so we're just waiting for the x-ray results, but the vet is pretty sure that he just bruised himself badly. I gave him his anti-inflammatory last night and he started racing around the house, so I think that's probably the case. What was amusing was that his zoomies were so infectious that even lazy Willow got out of bed and started racing around with him.

It's a lovely day here. I'll probably go for a walk later on.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328936
09/06/24 02:47 AM
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Good morning everyone!

Emergency rations of instant coffee and knäckebröd are available in the break room.

Over here pleasant 20 degrees already. Pleasant late summer days.

No animal drama here. But there are some birds in the sky.

Happy Friday GameBoomers!

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328953
09/06/24 07:38 AM
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Good morning, Danish, Donuts and Bagels in the Break Room. Enjoy the day and hug someone. hug hearts

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328955
09/06/24 09:31 AM
09/06/24 09:31 AM
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Good Friday morning! Back to the low 80's here - perfect weather for me!

Heading out to the tomato forest to pick later this morning. So glad to finally have enough to give away!

So glad to hear Dude is getting better. He is such a character. I ran across some ancient pictures of Bear, a beautiful light gray cat who adopted us. He was such a character too and made us laugh all the time. He would NOT be a house cat even after we neutered him. Found him dead one morning under the pool deck. Don't know what happened to him. Wee only had him for about a year, but he impressed his goofy self on our hearts.

Date night tonight. I'm thinking one of the Mexican restaurants in town. A margarita sounds good!

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #15 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1328959
09/06/24 10:24 AM
09/06/24 10:24 AM
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Good morning everyone. I was so tired last night for some reason so I went to bed about 3 hours earlier than usual. I left all the lights on because I didn't think I'd really go to sleep but I did. I woke up after 2 hours and turned the lights out.

You all have been making me think of all the different cats we've had in our lives but also reminding me of the expense.

Drac, have a margarita for me please. I haven't had one of those for years.

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