A Cat & His Boy, heartwarming narrative adventure about a cat that helps a young boy cope with his parents' divorce.Check out the
Trailer here.Check out the game
Here.Previously released on Nintendo Switch, it has released on Steam on September 30th 2024, priced at $2.99, with a special 20% discount during the first week of its launch.
Game description
Leif, the little boy, is feeling a bit sad since that happened.
Take on the role of Midnight, the mischievous cat, and help your human friend through a rough time in his life. Use all your feline intuition to help lift Leif's mood and find value in himself again!
“A Cat & His Boy” is a short top-down adventure narrative game about a cat that helps a little kid cope with his parents' divorce.
Explore, find items and help other characters to fulfill your mission and make Leif happy!
It’s a homebrew Game Boy game with lots of surprises!
Lovely and cozy short adventure with a charming story and cute characters.
1-bit art style (black&white!)
Loaded with digital extras: Game manual, Art gallery, Music player, Achievements, ...
A dedicated Meow button!
Happy Gaming!