Lands of Lore 3
12/11/02 10:07 AM
12/11/02 10:07 AM
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Help please!!! I am wandering around in the Labrynth(after Volcanoe world) I am on Level 2, I think. I have read four walkthroughs but none tell me how to get to 3rd floor.Any advice would be appreciated.
Last edited by nickie; 05/31/07 01:18 AM. Reason: Condensed
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/13/02 12:07 PM
12/13/02 12:07 PM
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Thanks for the help. I have an abcessed tooth so didn't check thread yesterday. I appreciate the advice and am hopefully going to get out of this maze soon!!! What can I safely get rid of from my inventory? I am carrying around too much stuff but am afraid I'm going to need it. I am definitely a hoarder. Ha Ha! Susie
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/13/02 08:08 PM
12/13/02 08:08 PM
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Sig Segorn
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Sorry to hear about your tooth, Susie. The inventory question has a long answer, but I'll do my best to give you some tips. Of course, this is one of the things you get better at the more you play the game. As you probably found out, you don't want a full inventory, as you won't be able to collect new things you find and SHOULD take with you. You don't even want a full SPELL inventory, as you won't be able to reorganize them as desired. For me, the items in the game fall, basically, into 2 categories. The first are things that I like and always devote spots to. These include food such as aloe biscuits, aloe leaves, and ration bags, healing scrolls, champion stones, mana foils, manastones, stroke daggers, dragon's bloods, guardian orbs, and storm crystals. A few special mentions here are lamplight eggs (take a full spot with you each time you head out to conquer a portal world), gummy pods (you find 2 in the game, and they're best used at a certain point when you're backtracking to the Frozen Wastes entrance portal after getting the memento for Chesara out of the White Tower), and Vel's fruits (they make a nice, healthful snack, but, if you're wearing Stone Bracers, like you should be, you'll never need their poison-curing property). There's a lot of food to be had in the Frozen Wastes, but the other 4 portal worlds have little or nothing in the way of sustenance, so bring plenty with you for those. There's a wall in the sewers beneath Lower Gladstone that has an endless supply of black lichen for the entire game. This becomes an important source of good, curative food for you and your Familiar later in the game. The other category is things I don't care for, or stuff you can get rid of or shouldn't ever bother with in the first place, such as the rusty knife you use in the beginning to kill that cave spider, the guild charters Dawn gives you, rocks, stone cubes, ice seeds, pyra pods, fire or lightning crystals, rings of regeneration, lorestones, oculus pods, Coco's caps, any kind of staff, acid sacs, gorgonite nodules, magnesium stones, sandcrust, and Mauri's skull key, which you'll never need and should be sold to Mojo. Special mentions here are ancient's stones, force pods, mana clusters, poison paints, and death sacs, which can be used as you find or buy them, and do not need to be stored anywhere. The best place to store good stuff you want, but don't want to carry with you is the shed to the left of the Fighters' Guild. I must warn you, though, that, when you restore the 4th shard (which SHOULD be the one from the Ruloi Homeworld), anything you have stored anywhere in Gladstone will disappear. The best way to work it is to come back for your stuff BEFORE killing the Ruloi Collective, then return to finish things up there and get the 4th shard. There are other things I might add about items in my 2nd category. If you like using them, all 3 kinds of crystals are rechargeable in the Talamari Guild for a nominal fee of 50 crowns. Some items you don't want will fetch a good buck from the right person, so they're good for that, especially early in the game. Other players, or first-timers without the strategy guide, may favor other pharmacopoeia or need the benefit of mind clusters and lorestones. Before selling the plasma staff to Mojo, try it out on some barrels and crates in safe areas---it's cool. Lifestones are good, but I never let them occupy an inventory spot for long. Whew! Well, I said it was a long answer, and that's just a smattering of what there is to learn. But it's a GOOD smattering. Hope it helps. BTW, what Familiar are you using?
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/15/02 01:59 PM
12/15/02 01:59 PM
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Settled Boomer
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Thanks for all the wonderful help.I am out of the maze( Thanks to you!!!). The info on the inventory helps lots.I really need to get rid of stuff. Lig is my familiar.I chose him because I stink at fighting. I am loving this game. I have to go back to the ice world, I got the mirror part, but didn't use the buttons to the white tower.I really appreciate all the great tips. Take Care, Susie
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/15/02 07:57 PM
12/15/02 07:57 PM
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Sig Segorn
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You're welcome, Susie. Glad to hear you're out of that darn maze (it's the only one in the game, BTW). Yeah, that last post of mine should save you some time on finding out what's good and what's not. Of course, it's not all-inclusive. I neglected to mention the ingredients I like to collect to make more champion stones and mana foils, that some food, like dragon meat, rotted meat, and bon-bons, should just be eaten on the spot, and that there are special and unique items you'll want to have spots available for, like the Silver Fang hilt you get off of Jacinda after killing her ("touch" this to the Shining Path when you get back to create the full sword---it's not worth using, but it's nifty-looking and Mojo will pay a good price for it). Lig, huh? Yeah, he'll stick up for ya good---they ALL will, really. For practical reasons, I favor him or Griselda, but you gotta love 'em all. Glad to hear you're enjoying the game. It can be challenging, frustrating, even scary, but it keeps on getting better the more you play it, the more things you find out about it, and the better you get at working things. You said in your reply that you're going back to the Frozen Wastes to "use the buttons to the White Tower." It seems like it's too soon for you to be doing this. You have to get that guild quest from Chesara later in the game. She gives you a medallion that acts as a key to get past the locked tower door. If you click on those 4 big, square buttons there (in the correct color sequence) when you're there the first time, it just opens up the area in front of this door, and you can't get past it. RSVP. Either I'm saving you some time and trouble, or you're quite a bit further along than I thought you were.
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/16/02 12:07 PM
12/16/02 12:07 PM
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Settled Boomer
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You're saving me lots of time!!! I guess I don't do the buttons yet in white tower. I am in underworld and fighting the ruloi. I die and save a lot, then retry. Is that considered cheating.Ha Ha!!!!!Thanks for all the help, I sold a bunch of stuff and now I have room to pick up more stuff in the new worlds.I wish I had endless inventory. I hate to part with anything. This game has me hooked.I guess those Xmas presents will get wrapped tomorrow. Susie
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/16/02 02:47 PM
12/16/02 02:47 PM
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Sig Segorn
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Glad I was able to save you some time on THAT one. It's a bit of a pain backtracking to the entrance portal, and not something you want to do twice in the same game, and the first time needlessly. Not to be a stickler, but you can't be fighting Ruloi in the Haunted Underworld. You either have to be fighting them on the Ruloi Homeworld (that planet you're going to in the cinematic), or fighting some other beings (Shades, if they're blue) in the Underworld. These two portal worlds can be conquered in either order, though it's best to do the Underworld 3rd and Ruloi 4th. No, I know you were kidding, but loading your last save to try again after dying is not considered cheating, it's considered "Thank goodness that Copper is, because of that, effectively immortal." And boy, did I ever do a lot of that before I got good at this game. Yeah, I wouldn't mind a limitless inventory myself, but you have to admit that Copper can carry a lot of stuff with him. And don't ask me how he can fit it all in his knapsack, or make all those jumps toting all that stuff, wearing armor, and carrying a shield. I WILL say that, sometimes, I appreciate the LACK of realism in games such as this. And I'm confident that you'll get those presents wrapped before Christmas. Plenty o' time, plenty o' time.
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/19/02 10:15 PM
12/19/02 10:15 PM
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I am in Shattered Desert. Help!!!! Any advice would be apreciated. I keep getting radiation poisoning. And the one item I didn't hoard enough of was Vel's Fruit. Is there any thing here on this planet that works for poisoning(Lesser heal doesn't work) Sould I leave this world and try to find some Vel's fruit elsewhere, or am I too late.Sorry about all the questions. Thanks, Susie
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/20/02 04:30 PM
12/20/02 04:30 PM
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Sig Segorn
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Hi, Susie. I'm afraid you're in a bit of a predicament. That's another category I didn't touch on in my replies about good inventory items---namely, the best things to have equipped in your 8 "body spots," as I call them. One of these is Stone Bracers, which I always buy as soon as I can (from either the Talamari or the Clerics' guild shop), and which I keep on for the whole game, because they protect you from any kind of poisoning, even radiation poisoning. There's nothing in the Shattered Desert that cures or prevents poisoning, and, because you must've restored the 4th shard, things have really gone to pot in Gladstone. The Poison Shield spell you could've purchased from the spell shop on the lower level of the Clerics' guild prevents, and even cures, any form of poisoning. All may not be lost, though. You only have to worry about poisoning when you're walking through (and, later, backtracking through) the Shattered Desert, not when you're down inside the NOD base in this portal world, getting the 5th shard from an entity who calls himself Cabal. You COULD go back to your home world and try to collect some more Vel's fruits, from bandits or elsewhere. Also, use any Hound's Hearts you've gotten. They produce a wide range of items when eaten, and you could get a pair of Stone Bracers from one of them. I think there's a cache of Vel's fruits in the lower part of the Draracle's "spell safe." This is the wall cabinet with the stained-glass visage of the Draracle on it that is in that anteroom, just before you cross over that simple, wooden bridge that leads into the Draracle's chambers. But you'll need 100,000 crowns to access it. If you do this, don't go see Jakel yet, and watch your back for skeletons. I'm happy to answer any questions about this game---just sorry I didn't know I should've told you this stuff before now. Let us know what develops, OK?
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/23/02 02:35 PM
12/23/02 02:35 PM
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Well I made it through the shattered desert, my least favorite part.I hated trying to escape in time to get back to the portal, I kept getting lost, although I still made it in time. It was nervewracking. I am trying to fight Jekal after climbing out of the water. I keep dying, no matter what I do. Any ideas? The hounds seem to keep killing me. My fighter skills are 15, but other levels are 14.Thanks for all the help. Susie
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/23/02 04:34 PM
12/23/02 04:34 PM
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Sig Segorn
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Hi, Susie. You did real good making it through the Shattered Desert and the NOD base (both ways). That escape from the base IS nerve-racking---it's difficult even with the strategy guide and it's the hardest part of the game. I'll give you all the tips I can about the final confrontation with Jakel, though I don't know what you have Copper wearing or wielding, or what spells you have. First of all, you're climbing out of the water with the rope that's right behind you when you're teleported underwater, right? Don't use that ladder you see ahead of you. You need to defeat the Rift Hounds and phantom Jakels on several levels. The best way is to cast some protective spells on yourself (Damage Shield, Warding Shield, and Regeneration, if you have these), take an elevator to the next level, slay the Rift Hounds as quickly as possible with either Thohan's Great Sword or Great Sword Darkstorm, close the portals here with the Sigil by clicking on them to prevent more Rift Hounds from coming through (they'll turn from green to white), slay the phantom Jakel that appears the same way (if you have a chance, do some healing and protective spell recasting before this), then, before going to the next level, check out the Hound's Hearts for something useful, heal yourself and Lig fully, and put your shield spells back up (wouldn't hurt to cast Empower Familiar first, too, if you have that one). After clearing these levels and closing these portals, you'll find you need to lower a drawbridge to get to Jakel himself. Do this by activating the mechanism in a room off of a lower level. Go back up, cross the bridge, and enter the final room, where you'll be attacked by 6 big Skeletal Guardians. Killing them triggers the appearance of the real Jakel. Kill him like you did his phantoms. When he dies, he drops the Seal you need. Picking it up teleports you to the Shining Path. Place it on it with a click to see the great ending.
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/23/02 05:06 PM
12/23/02 05:06 PM
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Sig Segorn
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Forgot to mention . . . if you don't have Warding Shield spell, or if you're out of "Ancient Magic spellcasting allowances," use Greater or Lesser Magic Shield, if you have one of these, to give yourself some protection from the spells Jakel and his phantoms will be casting on you. I actually prefer using Greater Magic Shield in this part, instead of Warding Shield, because the animation for it, being smaller and lower, doesn't block your view as much.
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/23/02 10:24 PM
12/23/02 10:24 PM
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Thanks, I'll give it a try tomorrow. I think I have most of those spells. I didn't even think about sending Lig out first, Great idea!!Thanks for all the time and effort spent helping. It makes the game so much more enjoyable. Take Care. Susie
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/24/02 01:10 AM
12/24/02 01:10 AM
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Sig Segorn
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Sorry if I wasn't clear on this, Susie. I didn't mean that you could "send Lig out first" to attack the Rift Hounds. You won't be able to do this. I meant that, if you have Empower Golem (or one of Lig's other buff spells, such as Enlarge or Shroud), you might want to cast this on him, as well, before you take an elevator to the next level, as it would help him to fight WITH you when you get into the next battle. I don't bother with this, and I've never had a Familiar die on me in this part of the game (YOUR protective spells are the important ones here), but, if you do it, cast his spell first, so that it runs out before yours do. And be sure to watch the credits at the end of the game. There's a little more to it, but I won't give it away, except to say it's the best ending of any game I've ever played, and you'll love it. Let us know when you've beaten it, so I can congratulate you, OK? You'll deserve it.
Re: Lands of Lore 3
12/27/02 11:32 AM
12/27/02 11:32 AM
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Hooray, I've finished!!!! Although I will miss playing. Thankyou so much for all the help. I really appreciate it. The end part I'd run out shoot a few times than run back down the elevator thing to heal enough to try again. I'm not going to tell you how many times I died. I'm better at running and hiding than actually fighting. I'm glad for the tip about after the credits,great endings.. I really enjoyed this game, however for some reason I liked LOL2 better.Thanks again for all the great help. Take Care. Susie