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Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 #1334250
11/22/24 07:32 PM
11/22/24 07:32 PM
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Time for a shiny new thread!

Come one, come all, share your daily thoughts, conversational chit-chat, maybe a joke or two and all the little things that really don't need its own thread.

There are plenty of seats available, so don't be shy and come chat!

To see where we left off, click Here.

Happy chatting!

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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334252
11/22/24 07:45 PM
11/22/24 07:45 PM
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Thanks, BrownEyedTigre 👍

Can’t visit as often as I would like but always enjoy the shiny new threads 🤗🤗🤗


Mad 😬

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334261
11/22/24 11:04 PM
11/22/24 11:04 PM
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Thanx, Ana. The UPS guy just dropped by. Makes my day. 😆 Nothing important, but saved me a trip to town.

"Come Watson, the Game is afoot!"
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334265
11/23/24 01:58 AM
11/23/24 01:58 AM
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Good morning everyone

Emergency rations with instant coffee and knäckebröd available in the break room.

Over here -4 Celsius and still pretty dark. The coffee is dark too. Some poor guys in other parts of the country were apparently stuck in their cars for hours due to local heavy snowfall. It wasn't mentioned if the stuck drivers had emergency rations but those could have come in handy.

Happy Saturday and be safe GameBoomers


Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334267
11/23/24 03:28 AM
11/23/24 03:28 AM
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Good Morning Ana, Copper, Mad, Beasong, connie, soot, hagatha, Draclvr Fogfighter and everyone! Wide Awake Double Dark Brew and a latte for Copper are ready and waiting! wave

Hope you all stay safe and warm with all that stormy weather in Canada. We had over 1+ inches of soaking rain yesterday and a few showers are expected this morning. It is in the 30s right now...I'm not use to the cold...we have had such a mild fall this frost on the ground yet and I have not seen my breath yet when out walking...thats how warm its been!

Hope you all have a warm and safe weekend! wave

Gerry catrub

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334272
11/23/24 06:25 AM
11/23/24 06:25 AM
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Greetings one and all, I hope you stay safe!

We have storm Bert chucking down large quantities of rain and blowing quite a gale in some places, so flooding an fallen trees are disrupting most services, but we are in a relatively sheltered spot and can probably stay put until things improve, hoping not to lose power as a result of any tree damage to lines elsewhere... I know that in other parts of the British Isles people are suffering far more. blackkitty

Life is what happens while you're making other plans.

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334276
11/23/24 08:35 AM
11/23/24 08:35 AM
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Good morning, Danish, Donuts and Bagels in the Break Room. Stay safe all who are experiencing bad weather. Shopping is on today's agenda. Karaoke at the Eagles tonight. Enjoy the day and hug someone. hug hearts

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334278
11/23/24 08:51 AM
11/23/24 08:51 AM
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Good morning everyone. Hope you don't lose power Lex. WADDB, knäckebröd, bagels and gaming on the docket this morning.

Stay safe for all who are experiencing bad weather. angel



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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334289
11/23/24 12:17 PM
11/23/24 12:17 PM
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Good Saturday morning! I had a message from a former member here, Rosaboobie, last night. She lives in northern Scotland and is getting hammered by snow, cold and rain. She sent me a picture of her little Jack Russell terrier who was almost buried in the snow!

Meeting the fam again at an oak fired pizza place this afternoon. Then it will be back to "normal" starting tomorrow! Then it will start all over with Thanksgiving and my two adult grandkids here for a week!

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334298
11/23/24 02:07 PM
11/23/24 02:07 PM
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Good morning everyone,

Last night's storm didn't cause any power outages and it wasn't nearly as bad as expected, at least not here. I wonder if all of the vulnerable trees have already fallen? Anyway. it was a relief.

Have a great we!ekend

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334313
11/23/24 03:51 PM
11/23/24 03:51 PM
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Good to hear about Rosaboobie, Drac. I remember her well. Tell her I said hello. smile

I am still on the "hope I don't lose power" list; the possibility is now Monday/Tuesday with buckets of rain. We had a lot of wind last night and some rain; fortunately we survived the wind. I will be glad when it's Wednesday, whatever the outcome, so that we can start to dry out.

Take care, everyone!

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: Marian] #1334320
11/23/24 06:50 PM
11/23/24 06:50 PM
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Yes. Horrible weather here in the UK at present, also 👎👎👎

Hoping everyone everywhere stays safe 🤞🤞🤞

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334329
11/23/24 08:36 PM
11/23/24 08:36 PM
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Enjoy the weekend everyone. happydance

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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334332
11/24/24 03:14 AM
11/24/24 03:14 AM
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Good Morning Lex, connie, soot, Draclvr, hagatha, Fogfighter, Marian, Mad, SpaceQ, and everyone! I've put on an extra pot of Wide Awake Double Dark Brew along with fresh brewed tea with so many visiting the Break Room! wave

So much bad weather all over the world right now! Climate is changing everywhere. I hope everyone stays safe and doesn't lose power. There were some outages here, but I was one of the lucky ones and didn't lose power yesterday. it was very windy and raining yesterday so no walking...hope to walk today if the weather cooperates.

Enjoy your day and be safe! wave

Gerry catrub

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334334
11/24/24 08:30 AM
11/24/24 08:30 AM
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Good morning, Danish, Donuts and Bagels in the Break Room. We will start some of our Christmas decorating today. Enjoy the day and hug someone. hug hearts

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334345
11/24/24 12:58 PM
11/24/24 12:58 PM
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Good Morning Connie, Gerry, SQF, Mad, Marian, Draclvr, hagatha, Fogfighter, Hagatha, Draclvr, Lex, Beasong and everyone! Enjoying a cool Sunday morning with a cup WADDB, bagels and knäckebröd. Off to vacuum house.

Stay safe y'all with the bad weather wave


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Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334358
11/24/24 01:58 PM
11/24/24 01:58 PM
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Good Sunday morning! Nice sunny warmish day here - going to be over 70 degrees F. Then rapidly plummeting to lows in the 20's at night later this week. Definitely cold for Thanksgiving here in the US on Thursday. We'll be doing two as usual this year. Our granddaughter and her husband were able to get leave from the Army for a few days, so we get to see them this year. Then we will do our own quiet Thanksgiving dinner for just the two of us on Saturday. I always look forward to cooking that meal - probably my favorite of the year!

Same here, soot! Running my robot vacuum in the living room to get all the cat and dog hair under the furniture and hand vacuuming the rest. You would think they would quite shedding once it gets cold!

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: Draclvr] #1334365
11/24/24 03:13 PM
11/24/24 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Draclvr
You would think they would quite shedding once it gets cold!
they don't Draclvr rotfl

Originally Posted by Copper
We did manage to get out and about this pass year and went on three cruises plus some local ( in Canada) holidays

Great to see you Copper...

Wow, sounds like a wonderful year of travel to me...hope your power returns to normal operations!

Last edited by soot; 11/24/24 03:22 PM.


To learn, read...To know, write...To master, teach...To live, play games & listen to whale music Stay Smart & Stay Safe
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334413
11/25/24 02:37 AM
11/25/24 02:37 AM
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Good morning everyone.

I'm glad there was still some knäckebröd left for yesterday.
New emergency rations available in the break room.
I'll leave plenty of extra boxes in the cupboard for future emergencies.

Over here not only the coffee but also the week is black.
Temperature 11 Celsius.
Ms Cloud is visiting and later mr Rain is expected to arrive.
A good day to start wrapping chistmas gifts and writing letters.

Happy new week GameBoomers.

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334415
11/25/24 02:48 AM
11/25/24 02:48 AM
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Good Morning Fogfighter, connie, soot, Draclvr, hagatha, and everyone! Wide Awake Double Dark Brew is ready! wave

Thanks for the extra emergency rations Fogfighter! It does sound like a day for you to wrap Christmas gifts and write Christmas letters! smile

Hope everyone has a good start to the week! wave

Gerry catrub

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334421
11/25/24 05:16 AM
11/25/24 05:16 AM
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Good morning all: hopefully your week is starting well!

Here are a couple of amusing pictures we saw this morning

Life is what happens while you're making other plans.

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334428
11/25/24 08:44 AM
11/25/24 08:44 AM
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Good morning Lex, Gerry, Fogfighter and all who follow smile Wow, can't believe that time of the year is fast approaching...seeing more and more Christmas decorations here too. Off to the vet here shortly for our monthly checkup and shot (primarily). LOL Lex those pictures are very amusing! Enjoying the wide awake double dark brew and knäckebröd.

Have a great Monday all wave


To learn, read...To know, write...To master, teach...To live, play games & listen to whale music Stay Smart & Stay Safe
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334429
11/25/24 08:49 AM
11/25/24 08:49 AM
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Good morning, Danish, Donuts and Bagels in the Break Room. I love the pics Lex. More Christmas decorating today. Meeting at the Eagles tonight. Enjoy the day and hug someone. hug hearts

Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334446
11/25/24 11:52 AM
11/25/24 11:52 AM
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Good Monday morning! Hope your week is off to a good start. Only thing on my agenda is a trip in town to get more expensive meds and cat food! Then off to the grocery store.

I'm going to be glad that we have several days of below freezing temps just to stop the cursed Asian Lady Beetles. I have piles of them everywhere, especially under the windows in this 100+ year old farmhouse. I vacuum them up every day, but they STINK! They aren't as bad this year as some others.

Love those pictures, Lex!

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
Re: Welcome to GameBoomers Break Room #16 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #1334447
11/25/24 11:53 AM
11/25/24 11:53 AM
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Good morning everyone.

It's a Pilates morning and then I need to do some more work in the garage, maybe put some more boxes down in the crawl space.

Have a great Monday!

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
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