Drop one letter from the previous answer and rearrange the remainders to form your next answer.
-1. What is the title of the person who conducts public sales where people bid on items?
-2. Now drop one letter to find the name of an orange flavoured liqueur.
-3. Discard another letter to find a word which describes a response to a stimulus or influencing factor.
-4. Lose a letter to find a synonym for positive or absolutely sure.
5. Drop one more to find a vital ingredient for bees to make honey.
6. Take away another letter so that you are left with another name for mother-of-pearl.
-7. Discard one more and spell out a colloquialism for a drug enforcement officer.
-8. Trim down to the three letters that are used as an acronym for Australia's seagoing defence force.
-9. Now choose the two letters which provide the chemical symbol for sodium.
-10. Which letter begins the names of the capital cities of the following places?
Kenya, The Bahamas and Cyprus.