Intrigue At Oakhaven is a point and click adventure game that was created in 2004 with Adventure Game Studio software. I've decided to bring it back with a remastered version. I've been working on adding animations and voice and changing graphics for many different reasons but mostly so that it is more relatable to the game and story. The main graphics of the rooms will stay the same except for minor fixes. It would not be feasible for me to recreate all the main rooms in the house and outside. holds a charm of its own and has a nostalgic feel that I think most will enjoy. I worked very hard at finding artists that did not use AI, both graphic designers and voice actors. I could have very easily and more cost effectively chosen that route, but my heart is with hand painted graphics and scenes created the old way with Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, Bryce and good old natural voice recording.
The story was mine from the start, after traveling around Louisiana and New Orleans, from viewing the culture and history. I asked Inferno, a long time gamer who is no longer with us, to look at my story for her opinion. So she took my story and added her twist and between us both came up with script we were so excited about. I miss Inferno a lot and so this is also a tribute to her.
I've been at this for about 8 months now so I wanted to share some updates.
This is a look at two of tarot cards that have been redesigned (by Steve Ince): are two samples of the new portraits from the portrait puzzle: and are two video's to see new animation. first video is when you enter the swamp and you will meet a crane. The second video is of the swamp at night with fireflies. Both of these reflect some of the new animations. game will be available on Steam when it is complete.