I will give you a phrase which contains clues to two words. The second word is formed by adding, or inserting, one letter (only) to the first word. Ex: Feline with the actors in a play' would be 'cat cast'.
-1. A playful leap which could find someone living under canvas. 5,6 letters
-2. A hollow space in a cliff might give you an intense desire. 4,5
-3. Walk like a duck before you wrap up a baby. 6,7
-4. A walking stick becomes a tall wading bird, or a lifting machine. 4,5
-5. A bone in your chest could create a baby's bed. 3,4
6. This small ass probably wouldn't fit in an underground tunnel. 5,6
-7. South African currency might leave a mark on the skin. 4,5
-8. Give a command then go to a boundary. 5,6
-9. Put words or pictures on paper, often by machine, before running away very fast. 5,6
-10. Make a gesture of greeting with your hand before you voluntarily give up a claim. 4,5