I will give you a sentence or phrase with clues in it. The answer will be a person's name.
Ex: A woman who brings a petition to court. A: Sue
-1. This guy I know sure is brutally honest and straightforward. He also loves hot dogs. 5 letters
-2. This man lived in a wooded area thick with trees and plants. 6
-3. This man enjoyed searching for and stalking animals, occasionally for food. 6
-4. This man sure was wealthy! He also loved to eat sumptuous meals. 4
-5. This man could be described as just average. 4
-6. This girl often got so excited on the night before a big holiday or event, she couldn't fall asleep. 3
-7. This girl just loved to wear jewelry made from a yellowish-orange fossil resin. 5
-8. This woman loved to sing and was especially fond of Christmas songs. 5
9. This gentleman was in charge of one of the university's departments. 4 D---
-10. This male found himself at the edge of a precipice. 5