I'm using the following walkthrough on GameBoomers.
Kheops Studio's GameBoomers Walkthrough. I didn't use the walkthrough until the section "Restore Jep to full health".
Jep has drunk the two remedies and eaten the orange, pine nuts, and grapes. The next step in the walkthrough is to use the knife on the brown coconut to get stripped coconut and coconut fibers, use knife on stripped coconut to get coconut strips, feed the coconut strips to Jep, and restore Jep to full health. The problem is I have no brown coconut in my inventory, and I've scoured everywhere on the island, but there are no more coconuts. Also, I've found the maple tree, tried to use the knife on the gash in the maple tree, and tried to use pot to get maple syrup. But neither of these worked.
I've completed all the previous steps in the walkthrough on my own.
I'm thinking that maybe I've used up all the available coconuts on the island in earlier steps and now the game is stuck in a dead end because I don't have what's needed in my inventory and/or I've completed tasks out of order.
Any suggestion on what I should do next?