Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
05/26/03 07:44 PM
05/26/03 07:44 PM
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I have not even started the game. In the tutorial training mission, I am failing miserably in the section where I have to sneak by some guards. Should I be real patient, or should I scramble for the exit as soon as one walks past me? So far, this is not fun at all. I am sorely disappointed because I simply loved System Shock 2.
Last edited by nickie; 06/02/07 01:21 AM. Reason: condensed
Re: Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
05/27/03 01:08 PM
05/27/03 01:08 PM
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Don't be disappointed, in the actual game it doesn't really matters if the guards see you or not. Just don't let the guards hit an alarm.
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Re: Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
05/27/03 02:07 PM
05/27/03 02:07 PM
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I used the invisible cheat. heehee I started this game with my brother not long ago. It's way easier when you're invisible. When you go in the bathrooms during the game, be sure to turn on the faucets and flush all the toilets. They actually work in this game, though most of them look pretty cruddy. We're not very far into the game yet.
Re: Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
05/27/03 06:44 PM
05/27/03 06:44 PM
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I got frustrated enough with the training mission at the end that I skipped it the first time around. It's not really necessary. You'll get the hang of sneaking around soon enough, if that's how you want to play the game.
I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
05/28/03 06:14 PM
05/28/03 06:14 PM
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Thanks for your generous replies. Now as a follow-up question, should I play the new game on the easy setting? Will I miss out on anything if I don't?
Re: Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
05/28/03 09:33 PM
05/28/03 09:33 PM
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This was a great game and if you have played a lot of action games, go above easy. I did medium and it wasn't that hard and you don't miss anything.
Renee A Worrell
Re: Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
06/01/03 09:45 PM
06/01/03 09:45 PM
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Sorry gang.
I started a new game on easy, and played it for about two nights. My gameplay consists of crouching and sneaking around on Liberty island, avoiding the security guards, occasionally hitting them with the cattle prod from behind, smashing all crates including those in hard to reach places in which I have to jump to find goodies. I didn't try the crossbow with tranquiliser darts yet because I figure I'll save it for more difficult situations.
But the problem is: I just cannot get into it. I haven't played any of the Thief games, but if this is an example of a stealth/sneak game, then it is not my cup of tea. This is really disturbing because DE has gotten rave reviews and System Shock 2 was one of my top games ever. I think I'll give it one more session tonight, and if there is still no buzz, I will have to sadly expunge it from my hard disk.
Re: Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
06/01/03 11:51 PM
06/01/03 11:51 PM
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First off, try that crossbow with the darts when you can't sneak up on someone quietly. You may run out before the end of this mission, but there are lots of those darts in this game.
Also, what kind of a game do you want? Just plan your P. Denton to be the kind of character you like to play. A lot of people choose to do the sneak route, but you don't have to, at least not all the time. There is some pretty hefty hardware in Deus Ex and a lot of it is not stealth-oriented. Although stepping out of the shadows is not recommended in the first couple of missions, once you get your hands on different ewquipment, you can be a bit more bold.
If you are going the guns blazing route, though, just bear a couple of things in mind - although you CAN find the codes to most of the doors (and maybe all of them), you should give yourself some lockpicking, computer and electronics skills anyway. You will need them. I always max them out for those high level cameras and gun towers.
This is a great game. Just hang in for a while.
I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
06/02/03 05:44 PM
06/02/03 05:44 PM
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Thanks for your encouragement, hagatha.
Well, after playing last night, I am proud to say that I have finally got it. It took some time, but I am now totally immersed in the game. I think it all clicked for me when I took out the security bot near the entrance to the statue. After surveying its movement from the shadows, I scurried over and placed an emp by a crate near its path. That did the trick.
Re: Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
06/02/03 05:55 PM
06/02/03 05:55 PM
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That's GREAT news, Davel. The "learning curve" of any new game can get frustrating. Been there, done that, been tempted to give up on more than one game. But DE is definitely a game that rewards those that stick with it. Have a blast!! Jack
Re: Deus Ex - intimidated by training mission
06/03/03 06:45 PM
06/03/03 06:45 PM
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If you liked taking out that 'bot, you'll love it later in the game when you work out ways to make them take EACH OTHER out. For some reason that always winds my favourite move in Thief is to get the Fire Elementals to attack the ratmen or a burrick.....or zombie vs. burrick
I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.