I played Myst, Buried in Time, Bad Mojo, and Timelapse many years ago, then my hard drive sent south--Finally we have a new computer (XP). So I'm starting to play games again, I feel very behind the curve. Tell me a little bit about handling patches. When you get one do you just leave it on your desk top where it down loaded? When your done with a game, do you save them in a patches folder?? Should you just get them on principle when you start a new game or should you wait for a problem to show up?? Can they be cause problems if you don't need them??

Thanks very much.
I bought the MYST 10th anniversery set and tried to start Riven--it would not play for me, then I read about setting the Win98 compatibility which I did and it ran, but the first movie of the guy sitting at the desk seems really muddy and blocky and after I got out of the jail cell the scenery doesn't seem crisp. Riven I thought had great graphics so I think something is still not right. Any ideas--I know I should say stuff about my computer but this e-mail is too long anyway. I'll go look stuff up and e-mail again if someone answers.
Here are a few facts about my computer
Intel Pentium 4 Processor at 3.2GHz
256MB DDR ATI Radeon 9800XT Grapics card
1024MB DDR SDRAM at 400MHz
250BB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM)
Is some of this useless info for gamers??---Is there something else I should look up and add???
Is that a decent graphics card?